Kyakukyan hunter

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Kyakukyan hunter
Kyakukyan hunter.png


ID?Use this ID to Wish for Kyakukyan hunter

Kyakukyan Hunter


villagers of Kyakukya (Loved100 Reputation)



Corpse Dropped

human corpse (90%)

Experience?The XP granted when killed. Click
"toggle detailed stats" above for
a level-based breakdown.

25 XP

XP Tier




Extra info:
  • Weighs 200 lbs

Limbs* (Humanoid): * Excludes limbs granted via mutations
Kyakukyan hunter

A lithe, brown-skinned human wearing only a loincloth. Over one bare shoulder a bow is slung; over the other they carry the pelt of some forest animal. At the sound of each breaking twig or aberrant bird call, their body tenses and their hand reaches for the grip of their bow; they poise themself to defend their village from those cloven-hoofed savages that would pillage it.

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This article looks like it has no description. You can write a bit about Kyakukyan hunter by editing it. Remove this template once a description is added.