Modding:Creating a Workshop Mod

This page is about modding. See the modding overview for an abstract on modding.
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Reason: "Is the bug mentioned in step 6 still relevant?"

  1. Create your mod as normal as a subdirectory of the save directory \Mods folder (see file locations for exact paths for your operating system)
  2. Ensure you have enabled "Enable additional overlay user interface elements" in your Options.
  3. Open the Modding Utilities from the Caves of Qud overlay main menu (home screen)
  4. Select the steam workshop uploader
  5. Select your mod from the list
  6. Click the "Create Workshop Id for Mod..." button. Your mod will now be associated with a workshop entry via a workshop.json file in the mod directory. You can now browse your item on steam workshop, though it will be empty. (6/25 there's a bug after create, click your mod again in the list and you should get the details after the create, will be fixed 7/1)
  7. Optionally fill out the title, description and other fields. These can be edited in steam later, if you'd like.
  8. Click the Upload Content... button. The contents of your mod folder will be uploaded.
  9. Now users can Subscribe to your mod in Steam and restart Caves of Qud and get your mod content!


Inside workshop.json, if the Visibility variable is manually set to "2", the mod will always remain public. This prevents the game from making all updated mods private by default, forcing you to change visibility on the workshop page itself every time an update is pushed.