Modding:Waveform Collapse Map Generator

The Waveform Collapse Map Generator is one of the built-in modding utilities, used to test generating maps using Wave Function Collapse.

See the following video by Caves of Qud developer Brian Bucklew for information on what WFC is:


The four buttons on the right side are used to generate maps.

  • Generate generates a map using the configuration in the bottom text-box.
  • Generate Fast generates a map using a faster, but less accurate, algorithm. (probably)
  • Reseed to Static uses a constant seed for the next map generated.
  • TTest generates a map from every template the game knows about.

Note that generating a map usually takes a couple seconds, during which time the game hangs.

Controlling the Generator

pass:{template name},n=3,w=78,h=23

  • Template Name: put the file name of a template in here (see below). Note that this must be all lowercase; the game case-folds template titles.
  • N: the neighborhood size to scan from the image. In-game this is usually 3.
  • W and H: the width and height.


The base game's templates are stored as pngs in %game directory%\CoQ_Data\StreamingAssets\Base\wavetemplates directory.

For More Information

This UI is defined in `WaveformTestView.cs`, in the root directory of the game code. (Sorry.)