Electromagnetic Pulse

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Electromagnetic Pulse
Electromagnetic pulse mutation.png




ID?Use this ID to wish for the mutation
(example: mutation:ElectromagneticPulse)


Reality DistortingReality distorting mutations
cannot be used under
the effects of normality.


Electromagnetic Pulse

You generate an electromagnetic pulse that disables nearby artifacts and machines.

Area: (level based) centered around yourself
Duration: (level based) - (level based) rounds
Cooldown: 200 rounds

Electromagnetic Pulse is a physical mutation that grants the "Emit Pulse" ability, which disables any EMP sensitive objects caught within its radius (such as artifacts and robots), as well as any EMP sensitive items being carried or wielded by any creatures caught within the radius. This ability, when used by a player, does not affect any items they are carrying.


The following formulas are used to determine duration based on mutation level.

Duration (Minimum)
4 + Level × 2)
Duration (Maximum)
(13 + Level × 2)

Radius is not determined by a formula. Instead, it is determined based on certain mutation level thresholds:

If Level < 5
2 (5x5)
If 5 ≤ Level < 9
5 (11x11)
If Level ≥ 9
9 (19x19)

Advancement Table

Mutation Level Duration Area (Radius)
1 6-15 rounds 5x5 (2)
2 8-17 rounds 5x5 (2)
3 10-19 rounds 5x5 (2)
4 12-21 rounds 5x5 (2)
5 14-23 rounds 11x11 (5)
6 16-25 rounds 11x11 (5)
7 18-27 rounds 11x11 (5)
8 20-29 rounds 11x11 (5)
9 22-31 rounds 19x19 (9)
10 24-33 rounds 19x19 (9)
Mutation Level Duration Area (Radius)
11 26-35 rounds 19x19 (9)
12 28-37 rounds 19x19 (9)
13 30-39 rounds 19x19 (9)
14 32-41 rounds 19x19 (9)
15 34-43 rounds 19x19 (9)
16 36-45 rounds 19x19 (9)
17 38-47 rounds 19x19 (9)
18 40-49 rounds 19x19 (9)
19 42-51 rounds 19x19 (9)
20 44-53 rounds 19x19 (9)
Mutation Level Duration Area (Radius)
21 46-55 rounds 19x19 (9)
22 48-57 rounds 19x19 (9)
23 50-59 rounds 19x19 (9)
24 52-61 rounds 19x19 (9)
25 54-63 rounds 19x19 (9)
26 56-65 rounds 19x19 (9)
27 58-67 rounds 19x19 (9)
28 60-69 rounds 19x19 (9)
29 62-71 rounds 19x19 (9)
30 64-73 rounds 19x19 (9)

Ability Cooldown

Electromagnetic Pulse's cooldown (CD) in rounds depends on the user's willpower (WI) attribute:


Advantages & Disadvatages

This section is opinion-based. Your mileage may vary.


  • Can disable robots for a good amount of time at higher levels, allowing its users an easy escape or free hits
  • Has a fairly large radius at higher levels, allowing its users to affect large numbers of enemies at a time
  • Has a fairly low cost at character generation


  • Has no effect against organic enemies not using artifacts, making it less useful in the early game
  • An EMP grenade can achieve a similar effect

Creatures with Electromagnetic Pulse

No creatures have this mutation by default.