Sunder Mind

Revision as of 09:44, 2 October 2020 by Jakusio (talk | contribs)
Sunder Mind




ID?Use this ID to wish for the mutation
(example: mutation:MentalBlast)


Reality DistortingReality distorting mutations
cannot be used under
the effects of normality.


Sunder Mind

You sunder the mind of an enemy, leaving them reeling in pain.

For up to 10 rounds, you engage in psychic combat with an opponent, dealing damage each round.
Taking any action other than passing the turn will break the connection.
Each round you make a mental attack vs mental armor (MA).
Damage increment: (level based)
After the tenth round, you deal bonus damage equal to the total amount of damage you've done so far.
Range: sight
Cooldown: 80 rounds