Talk:Weak Spotter

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Revision as of 21:48, 8 January 2021 by (talk)

I'm trying to mod this, but Pistol_WeakSpotter under XRL.World.Parts.Skill is just a dummy entry without any relevant code.

Many of the weapon skill effects, such as this one, are hard-coded into either XRL.World.Parts.MissileWeapon or XRL.World.Parts.Combat. The game performs skill checks in the flow of combat code to adjust critical hit chance and similar details.
Egocarib (talk) 14:02, 8 January 2021 (UTC)

I found the relevant code under the file you mentioned. It's this.

     int num1 = 0;
     if (this.ParentObject.HasPart("ModMasterwork"))
       ModMasterwork part = this.ParentObject.GetPart("ModMasterwork") as ModMasterwork;
       num1 += part.Bonus;
     if (this.Skill == "Pistol" && Owner.HasSkill("Pistol_WeakSpotter"))
       num1 = num1 == 0 ? 1 : (1 + num1) * 2;
     if (NaturalHitResult + num1 >= 20)
       State1 = true;

It seems to say, after you get weakspotter, if no masterwork mod, add 1 to crit chance, if do have masterwork mod, crit chance is (1+1)*2, which is 4? if i'm reading this right, this wiki is wrong, wiki says it should be +2, instead of +3

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