Caves of Qud Wiki:Qud Blueprint Explorer

Revision as of 19:38, 27 July 2019 by Teamtoto (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Qud Blueprint Explorer (QBE) is a [ python] application that is able to read a player's ObjectBlueprints.xml a...")
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Qud Blueprint Explorer (QBE) is a python application that is able to read a player's ObjectBlueprints.xml and return either an Template:Item or Template:Character, with the option of uploading automatically through a bot. Tiles are also automatically colorized to fit the Style Guide. It is currently under active development.

It can be found here: (link)


Taken from

Check first in the "Releases" tab on GitHub for a recent Windows executable. If you prefer to run the newest Python source, follow these instructions:

  • Clone the git repository
  • Download and extract it into the project directory. This provides tile images.
  • Install Python 3.7 from and select the installer option to add it to your PATH.
  • In your terminal, cd to your copy of the repository and run these commands:
pip install pipenv
pipenv sync
pipenv run app

If you intend to work on the source yourself, replace pipenv sync with pipenv sync --dev to install additional development dependencies.


  • defines a QudObject that the XML gets parsed into. Has attributes and inheritance trees and everything. Also defines qindex, which is a dict to get QudObjects from names quickly.
  • is a script that parses all the XML from the xmlpath into QudObjects, so you can then use qindex to grab parts of it, etc.
  • is just a script to test some of the inheritance and specification properties of the QudObjects.
  •, is code for the explorer GUI. Run from the command line to launch the GUI.
  • qud_explorer_window.ui, and are user interface files auto-generated from the graphical Qt Designer app and the Qt UIC compiler, respectively.
  • and config.yml are config files, blah blah blah.
  • Pipfile and Pipfile.lock are control files for the pipenv dependency manager. To start working on the project, first install pipenv to your system interpreter using pip install pipenv, then cd over to this project folder and run pipenv sync --dev. This will create a virtual environment and install all dependencies including development packages (like pytest). If the dependencies change, this command will also update them automatically.

Bug Reporting and Troubleshooting

If there are any issues with QBE, be sure to ping syntaxaire or Dij on the official Caves of Qud discord or leave a comment on our Talk pages.