Spoiler Warning: This article contains information normally only found in the course of advancing the main quest line.
Spoiler Warning: This article contains information normally only found in the course of advancing the main quest line.
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If this is no longer the current patch, you can help by updating it.
This information is reliable as of patch
Climber, welcome. Thou hast done well to survive so long in this peculiar place.
My name is Gyamyo. I am pleased to meet thee, =name=. Hast thou spoken to the other watchers? How fare they?
Well, I hope.
I have volunteered to monitor an ancient machine-creature called Kah. Perhaps thou hast seen it, skipping hither and yon on strange limbs.
Often I wonder if Kah knoweth aught else but fear.
I do, and I thank thee for asking after it.
My credo is "Reconciliation without understanding is a salt poultice."
Oh dear.
This is the credo by which I live my life, and thou asketh "what does that mean?"
I cannot summarize such a thing for thee. It is too great, too multifaceted.
May the future bear out thy promises.
Thou hast an object of great interest.
An thou wouldst allow, I'd fain commune with it.
Hm. I wonder at thy decision.
*Gyamyo moves little during communion, but shivers and twitches from time to time. After a minute or so, ey returns the device to you.*
I am shaken. No doubt my journey wast shallow compared to Lebah's dive. But now, by my troth I say: Kah hath ever been a being of motion. Swift, kinetic, and elegant. No doubt 'twould be so if freed by yon device.
[1] We'll see. Live and drink.
Fraying Favorites
If the player has chosen Kah in Fraying Favorites:
I hope thou art confident in thy choice, delver. I am happy with it, to be sure.
Kah is free. It heals my heart to see it at rest. Thou hast my thanks.
[1] You're welcome, Gyamyo. Live and drink.
If the player has chosen another Child:
Didst thou truly free one of the children? I see thou didst. Congratulations.
Wouldst fain see Kah free, one day. I shall have to live a while and find a way.
[1] Live and drink, Doyoba.