Modding:Mod Configuration

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This page is about modding. See the modding overview for an abstract on modding.
This page is about modding. See the modding overview for an abstract on modding.

There are a number of configuration files that can be associated with a mod. They are all placed in the root folder of the mod and are all optional.

By convention, all JSON keys will be referred to using the casing used in the game's code. However, the configuration file keys are case-insensitive.


Mod Manager mock

The manifest.json file is primarily used for display in the game's Mod Manager, but can also control how the mod is loaded.


Field Description Properties
ID Primary identifier of the mod, this is used as the mod's key in the mod manager and to resolve it as a dependency of another mod.
Try to restrict the ID to alphanumeric characters, as it is also used as a symbol for preprocessor directives when compiling.
LoadOrder Whole number indicating the mod's load priority in ascending order: smaller values load before larger ones.
E.g. a mod with a loadorder of -1 loads before one with 1.
Obsolete in favor of Dependencies with build 210.
Title Title of the mod, displayed in the mod manager.
Description Short description of the mod, displayed in the mod manager.
Tags Comma-delimited list of tags, only for display in the mod manager and has no effect on tags used in the workshop.
Version Mod's version, displayed in the mod manager.
Author Creator(s) of the mod.
PreviewImage Relative path to an image used as an icon for the mod in the manager, recommended size 512x512.
The largest Caves of Qud displays on default scale is 128x128, but if also used as the steam workshop preview image, that can display at up to 435x435 on the "Most Popular Items" front page.
Dependencies ID-Version pair collection of mods that are required to load before this one.
New in build 210.
Dependency Shorthand to declare a single mod dependency of any version, mutually exclusive with Dependencies field.
New in build 210.
LoadBefore A single or array of mod IDs that this mod should attempt to load earlier than.
New in build 210.
LoadAfter A single or array of mod IDs that this mod should attempt to load later than.
New in build 210.
Directories Array of directory objects that can be loaded conditionally depending on game version or other mods in the load order.
Refer to directory structure for directory properties.
New in build 210.
  • Falls back to loading the root directory if undefined.

Directory Structure

This section contains modding information that is only applicable to the in-development beta branch of Caves of Qud on Steam.

Each entry in the Directories array will be evaluated and loaded if optional conditions such as version and dependency match.
These can be used to include separate content/scripts for different game versions, or optional addons to other mods.
If no directories are explicitly defined the mod's root directory will be loaded.

Field Description Properties
Paths Array of paths to load, relative to the mod's root directory. Any leading or trailing separators are optional.
Each path is deduplicated and only loaded once, even if a parent or sub directory is defined at any point.
Be mindful of the fact that paths are case-sensitive on some operating systems.
  • Prohibited from escaping the mod directory.
  • Recursive.
Path Shorthand to declare a single path, mutually exclusive with Paths field.
Version A version range that is required to match the game's XRLGame.MarketingVersion.
This is the bright number in the bottom right of the main menu.
Build A version range that is required to match the game's XRLGame.CoreVersion.
This is the dark number prefixed with 'build' in the bottom right of the main menu.
Dependencies ID-Version pair collection of mods that are required for this directory to be loaded.
These are treated as optional dependencies and do influence the load order, but won't prevent the mod from loading overall.
Dependency Shorthand to declare a single mod dependency of any version, mutually exclusive with Dependencies field.
Option An options Requires string that must be true.

Version Ranges

This section contains modding information that is only applicable to the in-development beta branch of Caves of Qud on Steam.

To match a game or mod's version you'll define a range of acceptable values using a simple and familiar syntax.
Any number left undefined will behave as if substituted with *.

  • *: Matches any version number and will thus always proceed.
  • 1.0.*: Matches a version greater or equal to 1.0.0, but less than 1.1.0.
  • 2.0.208 - 3.0.0: Matches a version greater or equal to 2.0.208, and less or equal to 3.0.0 (i.e. an inclusive closed interval).
  • - *: Matches a version greater or equal to
  • >3.5: Matches a version greater than 3.5.0.
  • >=2 <5: Matches a version greater or equal to 2.0.0, but less than 5.0.0.
  • ^0.5.2 || 7.2.1: Matches a version greater or equal to 0.5.2, but less than 0.6.0. Or a version equal to 7.2.1.

Example manifest.json

An example manifest.json, taken from the snapjaw mages tutorial and modified to demonstrate more of the file's options.

    "ID": "Pyovya_SnapjawMage",
    "LoadOrder": 1,
    "Title": "{{R|Snapjaw}} {{C|Mages}}!",
    "Description": "Adds the new {{Y|snapjaw}} {{R|fire}} {{Y|mage}} and {{Y|snapjaw}} {{C|ice}} {{Y|mage}} creatures to Caves of Qud.",
    "Version": "0.1.0",
    "Author": "{{M|Pyovya}}",
    "Tags": "Creature",
    "PreviewImage": "preview.png",
    "LoadBefore": "SightlessFray",
    "LoadAfter": [ "Tamago_PlatypusCommune", "ChromeGarlands" ],
    "Dependencies": {
        "Pyovya_SaltOrphan": "1.0.0 - *"
    "Directories": [
            "Path": "/Old/",
            "Build": "<"
            "Paths": [ "/NewCS/", "/NewXML/" ],
            "Build": ">="
            "Path": "/GooeyAddon/",
            "Version": ">=1.0.0",
            "Dependencies": {
                "Momo_CyberneticGenders": "^2.*",
                "IckySounds": ">=999.7.1.X"
            "Path": "/SaltAddon/",
            "Dependency": "Yarif_RiotCooking"


The workshop.json file configures a mod's upload to the Caves of Qud Steam Workshop. It is usually manipulated through the game's Workshop Uploader.


Field Description Properties
WorkshopId The mod's unique ID on the workshop.
Title Title of the mod, displayed on the workshop.
Description Description of the mod, displayed on the workshop.
Tags Comma-delimited list of tags, displayed on the workshop.
Visibility Stringed integer, detailing the mod's visibility on the workshop.
  • "0": The mod is private (visible only to the mod's creator).
  • "1": The mod is visible to friends only.
  • "2": The mod is public.
ImagePath Relative path to an image used as an icon for the mod in the workshop, recommended size 512x512.

Example workshop.json

An example workshop.json for the snapjaw mages tutorial mod.

  "WorkshopId": 708258860,
  "Title": "Snapjaw Mages",
  "Description": "[h1]Snapjaw Mages[/h1]\n\nThis mod adds the new [b]Snapjaw Mage[/b] creature to Caves of Qud.",
  "Tags": "Creatures",
  "Visibility": "2",
  "ImagePath": "Preview.png"


The modconfig.json file configures a mod's properties for all textures located within the mod's folder.


Field Description Properties
ShaderMode An integer representing the mod's textures' shader mode.
  • 0: The default texture shader.
  • 1: The true color texture shader. Note: This currently only works for textures rendered in the world. Most UI elements do not support this mode.
TextureWidth The width of the mod's textures, in pixels.
TextureHeight The height of the mod's textures, in pixels.

Example modconfig.json

An example modconfig.json.

  "shaderMode": 0,
  "textureWidth": 16,
  "textureHeight": 24


The config.json file was obsoleted in version and was subsumed by the manifest.json file.