Version history/2020

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Released December 25, 2020.

  • Burrowing Claws, nanopneumatic jackhammers, and pickaxes now enable an activated ability Dig. This is a form of autoact that allows you to automatically move in a straight line from your current location to somewhere else on the map, attacking walls as necessary. All events that normally interrupt autoact will interrupt autodig, as will being displaced from your planned path and failing too many times in a row to damage what you are attacking. Hazards that would be avoided by autoexplore are NOT avoided by autodig.
  • When naming an item based on its qualities and choosing to name it after a creature (most relevantly, the player naming after themself), item naming now preserves the capitalization pattern of the creature's name rather than converting it to standard title case.
  • Manual equip now reports properly on some process failures which previously failed silently, and on items unequipped in the equip process.
  • Heat resistance and cold resistance now affect the absorption of ambient temperature when absorption does not appear to be desirable (for instance, if you are on fire, it would not be desirable for your cold resistance to interfere with ambient temperature cooling you down).
  • Poisoning and asphyxiation now have specific death messages.
  • Pathfinding now avoids revealed yonderbrush.
  • The gemstone transmutation power of some relics now only works on creatures that are hostile to the relic's wielder.
  • Sparking baetyls no longer ask for items with the Sharp mod.
  • Joppa's zone is no longer treated as having a proper name, and has the display name "an abandoned village", when Joppa is abandoned.
  • The sultan gospel learned from the shrine in Joppa is no longer annotated as having been learned from the villagers of Joppa when the villagers of Joppa are not a visible faction.
  • Warden 1-FF no longer generates as hated by the Farmers' Guild.
  • The Jacked mod's description now reflects its interaction with mutants with Electrical Generation.
  • Liquids being poured out onto the ground now retain the phase characteristics of their pourers briefly, and some internal mechanics of neutron flux explosion have been adjusted, such that neutron flux explosions will generally have the phase characteristics of the individual causing them.
  • Move speed now has a floor at 1, disabling exploits involving slowing move speed down to 0 to achieve a mathematically undefined rate of motion.
  • If you are dominating a temporary or existence-supported creature at the time when it ceases to exist, this now breaks the domination rather than ending your game.
  • Being in the target area of a fulcrete catapult, or seeing that your companion is, now interrupts autoact.
  • Twinning lamprey generated twins now take on the party leader and target of the current lamprey.
  • The names of village building materials made from creature parts now preserve the case pattern of the names of the creatures they are made from.
  • Attempting to charge while overburdened now fails early and shows a relevant error message, rather than attempting to charge and failing in a fashion that costs action points and puts Charge on cooldown.
  • Disguises are no longer generated for breathbeards and elder breathbeards.
  • Sheba Hagadias no longer generates as a breathbeard or elder breathbeard.
  • Fixed a bug causing the deathlands and the Spindle's parasang to have the wrong difficulty tiering.
  • Fixed a bug causing explosions to terminate early on an exception.
  • Fixed a bug causing single leather bracers to still be treated as plural.
  • Fixed a bug that made maghammers and leather whips ignore their wielders' relevant attribute bonuses when calculating the difficulty of saves to escape from being latched onto by them.
  • Fixed a bug that caused player companions to lose their faction memberships and other attitudinal tracking when left behind in a zone which was then returned to, with this then carrying on down the leadership chain where applicable.
  • Fixed a bug that disabled the action cost benefits of plastifer chem vests and medassist modules.
  • Fixed a bug causing wraith-knights to be friendly to more phylactery users than they should have been.
  • Fixed a bug that caused flamethrowers and swarm racks equipped on the back slot provided by an equipment rack implant fail to fire.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause exceptions interacting with chests using the trade screen.
  • Fixed a bug in tomb inscriptions describing sultans' forging of relics.
  • Fixed a typo in Agyra's dialogue.
  • [modding] GetEnergyCostEvent now has its Type field set properly.
  • [modding] added support for 'populaton' zone tags in worlds.xml


Released December 25, 2020.

  • Fixed an issue with some dynamically typed NPCs appearing as generic "breathbeards"
  • Fixed an issue with overal message log toggling via legacy keybinds


Released December 18, 2020.

  • Sparking baetyls now sometimes request items modded in some way; for example, "SIX JEWEL-ENCRUSTED ITEMS" or "THREE ITEMS FITTED WITH SUSPENSORS".
  • Vaporizing pools of water and acid now produce steam and acid gas, respectively, once more.
  • Lase has unlimited range again, and this is now reflected in the UI and by AI behavior.
  • You can no longer trade with creatures who are out of phase with you.
  • Resting and waiting no longer honor the "ignore enemies easier than" option.
  • Resting and multi-turn waiting now check for hostiles before starting, rather than using a turn then checking for hostiles.
  • Autoexplore now only attempts to open doors you are in phase with.
  • Interruption messages are now only displayed for autoget (messages about "gathering") if you have autogotten at least one item.
  • Being shot at with missile weapons now interrupts autoact under more circumstances.
  • Haggabah is now invisible when lit by penetrating radar and visible to psychic observation.
  • Temporal Fugue clones can no longer use Temporal Fugue.
  • There is now a pair of protectors of the Stilt inside it.
  • Improved the visibility of explosions, particularly near walls.
  • Campfires and ovens now heat themselves up.
  • Campfires are now extinguished if they freeze.
  • North-facing and south-facing industrial fans no longer need to be identified separately.
  • Yla Haj no longer generates as hated by the Fellowship of Wardens or the Farmers' Guild.
  • Anomaly extinguishers no longer have a message about compute power in their description.
  • The description of Staunch Wounds no longer mentions the decommissioned defect Hemophilia.
  • When a creature you have performed the water ritual with is cloned, the clone's description no longer incorrectly reports that you have performed the water ritual with it.
  • Wood floor and bridges made of brinestalk no longer render as if they were on top of non-flooring objects.
  • Walltraps no longer trigger on the world map, should they find themselves there in some way, such as by being animated using a nano-neuro animator or Spray-a-Brain, then being dominated by the player.
  • Reputation change messages now correctly report reputation levels influenced by Socially Repugnant and faction attitudes toward mutations.
  • Activating flight while swimming no longer temporarily leaves you in a state of both flying and swimming.
  • Procedural grammar composition now uses the article "an" with the word "heir" rather than "a".
  • Encounter tables for generating random items of armor no longer sometimes redirect to tables for generating non-armor-specific artifacts, meaning among other things that sparking baetyls promising A SPLENDID VESTMENT will no longer occasionally give people a cybernetics credit wedge.
  • Buying skills no longer bypasses the requirements for their basic powers (the 0 SP ones included with the skill).
  • While auto-exploring you will no longer notice hostiles outside your actual vision range, i.e. when myopic.
  • Fungal infections no longer print unequip messages when cured and instead specify what body part they were cured from.
  • Removed legacy torch sconces hidden in the walls of the Stilt ground floor.
  • Creatures and companions should now have a higher preference for using vibro weapons.
  • Puffing Klanq on items and creatures now works on items and creatures that are in the same square as you.
  • Summoning curios will now normally summon a creature of a faction that existed during the Sultanate of Qud.
  • Two-handed weapons no longer fail to be equipped to the thrown weapon slot, and multi-slot armor equipped to the thrown weapon slot or in a hand as a melee weapon no longer additionally occupies body parts related to its armor functionality unless the thrown weapon or hand slot is normally part of the armor's slot usage pattern.
  • Fixed a bug causing Swimming and Wading statuses to sometimes hang around longer than appropriate, especially with high move speed and/or quickness.
  • Fixed a bug causing displacer bracelets to be more common than intended.
  • Fixed a bug that made some forms of being stuck show you, when preventing actions, a failure message of "You are!" or "You are !" rather than "You are stuck!"
  • Fixed a bug causing NPCs to use Slam on themselves in some circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that generated an inconsequential exception when unmatched piston presses Slammed things.
  • Fixed a typo and exception in the Spread Klanq mural text.
  • Fixed exception when waiting a number of turns.
  • Fixed the hollow tree playing music of the last visited zone.
  • Fixed some bugs causing errors when soup sludges attempted to spit liquid.
  • Fixed a bug causing chromelings affected by the chrome beacon to sometimes have two Overclocked effects active.
  • Fixed a bug that made disassembling an energy cell slotted in an item fail to immediately update carried weight.
  • [modding] Physics.ExplosionDamage() now passes its WhatExploded parameter to GameObject.TakeDamage() as its Source parameter, making it available in the TakeDamage event.
  • [modding] The Source parameter from the TakeDamage event is now available in the AttackerDealtDamage, BeforeTookDamage, TookDamage, and TookEnvironmentalDamage events.
  • [modding] XRL.UI.ConversationUI.HaveConversation() now has a default of null on its Speaker parameter, and an effort has been made to make sure it and its downstream dependencies can handle a conversation without a Speaker.

202.15 - 'beta' branch

Released December 18, 2020.

  • Added prerelease keybind for toggling the message log visibility
  • Fixed an issue causing the keybinding screen to be unescapeable if prerelase input was turned on but modern ui was disabled
  • Fixed an issue causing a few non-alternate adventure keybinds to fire even when the alternate key was pressed


Released December 11, 2020.

  • Turbows now allow Strength bonuses to apply to arrow penetration.
  • Autoexplore and autowalk now open doors as a separate action before moving into the doorway.
  • Attack-nearest can no longer target adjacent enemies that you cannot see.
  • Auto-attack will now be interrupted if you cannot see your target.
  • Auto-attack and attack-nearest can no longer be used while confused.
  • Auto-attack and attack-nearest now produce movement/attacking in random directions if used while furious.
  • Smart use on an active force projector now deactivates it rather than prompting for a new deployment pattern.
  • Holographic plants no longer produce sap when attacked.
  • Rifle and pistol relics can now be part of sultans' histories.
  • You can no longer sacrifice biotech-based artifacts at the Sacred Well.
  • Lasing with Light Manipulation no longer has infinite range.
  • Mental Mirror will now properly reflect and terminate Sunder Mind on a failed penetration.
  • Sunder Mind damage now ignores phase.
  • Improved the composition of biome zone names in forgotten ruins.
  • Improved the road layout in Bey Lah.
  • Tattooing now uses the names rather than the descriptions of body parts.
  • Tinkers now properly repair certain rusted, broken, or damaged items, such as scrap.
  • Assigned tier values to various tonics, crystals of Eve, and arsplice seeds, fixing several related issues including sparking baetyls asking for them will no longer tend so much provide rewards dramatically out of keeping with their difficulty of obtainment.
  • Fixed a but where it was possible for curing glotrot to not work if you drank the Flaming Ick on the very last turn before you would have transitioned from having a sore throat to having full-on glotrot.
  • Fixed a typo in Herododicus's dialogue.
  • Fixed a typo in Frivolous Lives, Vol. I.
  • Fixed a pronoun in tomb inscriptions.
  • Fixed a bug making puffing Klanq on objects sporadically fail.
  • Fixed a bug that made resupplying clonelings with cloning draught only work if you did not have any cloning draught.
  • Fixed a bug causing color bleeding in some hero names.
  • Fixed a bug where the bonus MA of Mental Mirror was not being applied.
  • Fixed a bug causing Psionic Migraines not to unequip items on your head.
  • Fixed an exception when resisting Sunder Mind damage.
  • Fixed an exception when a creature was attempting to reload while wielding a geomagnetic disc.
  • Added "zonebuilders" wish to display the builders of the current zone & their parameters.
  • [modding] PopulationTables.xml now supports merging. <population> elements with Load="Merge" attributes now support basic merge semantics, and <group> elements now have Name attributes that can be used to either replace or, with Load="Merge", merge with the group of the same name in the base XML file.
  • [modding] The TinkerItem part no longer supports the field CanRepair; repairability is now simply a matter of the object being in a state that can be repaired.

202.14 - 'beta' branch

Released December 11, 2020.

  • Added a new number-picker popup that supports directional inputs
  • Added prerelase input manager key bindings for journal screen management


Released December 4, 2020.

  • There is a new autoget option, autoget special items, which currently causes you to autoget relics, extradimensional items, and quest items. It defaults to on.
  • Autoexplore now collects items from tables.
  • Stunning Force's target picker now better matches its area of effect.
  • Stairs now have a high render priority in the alt display.
  • Seekers of the Sightless Way are now rare instead of uncommon encounters.
  • Added an 'abandon' prompt when quitting the game using the quit keybind.
  • Penetrating Radar now reveals its entire radius again, not just the top left.
  • Giving books to Sheba Hagadias no longer makes two XP messages appear in the message log.
  • Fixed a bug that made the nocturnal apex's Prowl effect only provide its agility and move speed benefits if you were cloned during the duration of the effect.
  • Fixed bugs causing some liquid transfers to not affect containers properly or otherwise fail to cause intended effects.
  • Fixed a bug causing the entire second story of villages to immediately plummet to the ground below as soon as the player entered them.
  • Fixed Sheba Hagadias spawning as an uplifted hero creature.
  • Fixed unicomputers from the Crematory being placed in villages.
  • Fixed some grammar in the missing body parts description.
  • Fixed sparking baetyls repeating themselves.


Released December 4, 2020.

  • Added a visual indicator for the currently selected take-a-step direction when using prerelease input manager
  • Added a text indicator for the currently selected ability (will be merged into the ability bar in the future)
  • Added zoom in and zoom out bindngs to the prerelease input manager
  • Cancel now properly exits the pick direction screen when prerelease input manager is enabled


Released November 27, 2020.

  • Tonic injectors now have an interaction command available for applying them to others.
  • The fitted with filters mod now protects from critical failures on gas saves, the same as gas masks and vinewood sap masks.
  • You can no longer force-feed creatures luminous hoarshrooms by attacking them while wielding one.
  • Droid scramblers are now more reliable.
  • Several NPCs have returned to Kyakukya.
  • Various stat drain effects now cause the defender to get angry at the attacker.
  • Infiltrate can no longer be used on the world map.
  • The description of mechanical wings now refers to "corroded bronze", not "rusted bronze".
  • Improved a variety of object placement mechanisms to better account for placement hints and object types.
  • Timecubes are now colored so that they look like cubes rather than discs.
  • Added a new skill wish: "skill:name/id", e.g. "skill:Hobble", "skill:strapping shoulders", "skill:Dual_Wield_Fussilade".
  • Aquatic monsters will no longer prefer to spawn on a closed liquid volume like a waterskin.
  • Maps are now more similar when generated in the same world seed (though still not identical in all cases)
  • Fixed some minor map errors in Bey Lah, Barathrum's Study and Tomb.
  • Fixed Stinger tail remaining even were you to lose the mutation.
  • Fixed a bug causing roads and rivers to not properly remove terrain.
  • Fixed some bugs causing relic chests not to be placed.
  • Fixed some issues causing excessive memory use.
  • Fixed "you are stopped by ..." message spam.
  • Fixed some minor typos.
  • [modding] The 'options' node name in options.xml is no longer case sensitive
  • [modding] Updated the default Mods.csproj created from the mod toolkit.
  • [modding] New AddToPopulation function in PopulationManager to merge in new entries adjacent to a sibling.


Released November 20, 2020.

  • Added tiles for arrows, lead slugs, shotgun shells, missiles, and Schrodinger pages.
  • Bats now have wings.
  • Feral lah pods now respect phase.
  • Forced drinking can no longer make you vomit indefinitely and lose an infinite number of turns.
  • Autoexplore no longer requires you to leave a square with a painted or engraved item in it before looking at it.
  • Sound will now propagate through non-occuluding walls such as forcefields or fences.
  • The turn count of Long Blade's En Garde! is now cardinal as opposed to ordinal.
  • The wishes godown and goto no longer toggle calm.
  • Removed orphaned markup from crysteel arrows' description.
  • The Trolls faction is now described as being interested in the locations of "storied items" rather than "artifacts".
  • Learning a secret via non-water-ritual dialogue with a creature of a visible faction now records that faction as the secret's source.
  • Learning a secret via water ritual with a creature of a non-visible faction no longer records that faction as the secret's source.
  • Fixed a bug causing hostiles to be inappropriately ignored during autoexplore.
  • Fixed a bug that caused it to sometimes be possible to sell a secret back to someone you bought it from in the water ritual.
  • Fixed a bug that caused throwing with an accuracy bonus to consistently throw items one square further than targeted.
  • Fixed a bug causing excess stairs to generate in Grit Gate.
  • Fixed a bug causing some historic sites to have no passable area.
  • Fixed a bug causing the starting village not to be revealed on the world map due to an unfortunately placed house.
  • Fixed a bug where village mayors would sometimes not teach you their signature skill.
  • Fixed a bug causing some sultan murals to be improperly initialized.
  • Fixed a bug causing historic event corruption in murals and shrines.
  • Fixed a bug causing [redacted] to yell "DONE!" too early.
  • Fixed a bug causing feral lah pod explosions to display when off-screen.
  • Fixed a bug causing teleport effects to display when off-screen.
  • Fixed a bug causing some biome-altered tiles to not be properly colored.
  • [modding] A registration-based event ObjectExtracted is now called on objects that are harvested or butchered from other objects, with parameters of Object (the object extracted), Source (the object from which it was extracted), Actor (the object performing the harvestry or butchery), and Action ("Harvest" or "Butcher").
  • [modding] The QudHistoryFactory class is now public.
  • [modding] Improved the logging for invalid blueprints in map files and invalid terrains on the world map.

202.7 - 'beta' branch

Released November 20, 2020.

  • Improved the modern UI tooltips
  • Fixed a bug causing UI lockups with the modern UI enabled
  • Fixed a bug causing excessive log spam


Released November 13, 2020.

  • Segmented mirthworms, knollworms, plated knollworms, worms of the earth, and leeches now leave corpses more often.
  • Butchering knollworm corpses now produces knollworm skulls less often.
  • Tweaks the stats, trade value, tile colors, and descriptions of the new arrow ranks.
  • Wristcomps are now wrist calcs and have a new description.
  • Permadeath-related options now appear at top of the debug options list.
  • Entering Grit Gate via alternative routes such as recoilers/tunneling will now track for A Canticle for Barathrum/A Signal in the Noise.
  • Recoilers now give better feedback for various failure conditions when they are non-functional.
  • Elevator platforms are now more resistant to elemental damage and do not catch fire or vaporize readily.
  • Being stuck because of being grabbed by a mimic now goes away when the mimic does.
  • The word "chitin", should pluralization be applied to it even though it is a mass noun rather than a singular noun, no longer pluralizes as "chitins".
  • The previously announced new mod, fitted with filters, now actually appears in the game.
  • All build codes are now uppercase.
  • Added an annotation to the prerelease content option to clarify that it requires a restart.
  • Added a journal entry for the discovery of the flattened remains.
  • You can now compliment Sparafucile on his masterwork carbine while wielding it.
  • Increased the maximum player name length.
  • Removed the display of trader trade drams remaining.
  • Feral lah pods now respect the "calm" wish.
  • Your throwing aim can no longer be overcorrected by your Agility bonus.
  • Vomiting now has an action cost.
  • Items that are on fire, covered in lava, or being dissolved by acid can no longer be traded.
  • Fixed some bugs that resulted in inexplicably being held responsible for companions' deaths.
  • Fixed a bug causing turrets to attack autoexploring players without a chirp warning.
  • Fixed a bug causing multiple sessile creatures (ex. lurking beth) to stack in a single square.
  • Fixed a bug causing multiple pieces of furniture to stack in a single square.
  • Fixed a bug causing relic chests to spawn on top of other furniture and statues.
  • Fixed a bug causing too many crematory levels to be generated when urn dusters are active.
  • Fixed a bug causing some saves in [redacted] to fail to load
  • Fixed a bug causing conservators to attack one another.
  • Fixed a bug causing random cookbooks to be targets of Klanq's quest.
  • Fixed a crash when using Stopsvalinn on your own cell.
  • Fixed a bug causing some teleport vfx to play in non-active zones.
  • Fixed a bug causing some saves in [redacted] to fail to load.
  • Fixed a bug causing crashes in the Tomb of the Eaters.
  • Fixed a bug causing pets to disappear when wishing "rebuild".
  • Fixed a bug with cloneling clone names.
  • Fixed a bug causing an error when attacking creatures with brackets in their name.

202.6 - 'beta' branch

Released November 13, 2020.

  • Added the minimap to the modern ui
  • Added the nearby items list to the modern ui
  • Added tooltips to the modern ui
  • Cooking with acid-based effects now grant the proper gas generation mutation.


Released November 7, 2020.

  • New items: wristcomp, turbow, a variety of arrows.
  • New implant: palladium electrodeposits.
  • New helmet and mask mod: fitted with filters.
  • NPCs no longer choose to use most tonic injectors as thrown weapons.
  • Many liquid vessels now leak if broken.
  • Waterbeds now break if someone with Quills sleeps in them.
  • Some biotechnological items and components are now identified or displayed via bioscanning rather than techscanning.
  • Stun gas stunning now appears in the message log.
  • Floating text for critical hits will now only be displayed if the hit results in damage or a special effect.
  • Lunging while in aggressive or dueling stances will now correctly trigger a Stinger strike.
  • Socially Repugnant no longer affects trade prices.
  • Compound bows now correctly enable Strength bonuses to penetration.
  • Kickback now respects phase and flight, and does not affect inanimate objects, sessile creatures, or creatures a kick would not affect such as holograms.
  • Baetyls no longer ask for portions of steel boots.
  • Point-defense drones now always return to your inventory when they become inoperative.
  • Sheba Hagadias is now able to provide you with directions if you are lost.
  • Charging no longer gives the player a warning when charging through liquid hazards.
  • Dismember can no longer be used when stuck or frozen.
  • Wrecking Charge can no longer be activated on the world map.
  • The Regeneration mutation can now regrow your tongue if you have drunk the Flaming Ick, but will not regenerate your tongue otherwise.
  • Using an ubernostrum tonic or other regenerative intervention while infected with an early stage of glotrot will no longer tell you your tongue regrew if you have not yet lost your tongue.
  • The [redacted] no longer spawns in every map surrounding [redacted].
  • The lair of Oboroquru no longer has odd dot-like tiles under some terrain features.
  • Trying to trade items with a creature that has no inventory now gives a message rather than failing silently.
  • Spinnerets no longer starts a cooldown when toggling the ability off.
  • Fixed an issue causing NPCs to improperly evaluate shields during auto-equip.
  • Fixed an issue causing textures to load from disabled mods.
  • Fixed an issue causing textures to not properly hotload when changing mod configuration.
  • Fixed a crash in the secret ascii editor.
  • Fixed an issue that made flaming and freezing ray fail to affect the most distant square of their range.
  • Fixed biodynamic power plant displaying debug internals information regardless of whether debug internals was on.
  • Fixed some bugs in Stunning Force, in particular an action cost being assessed when it pushed you against a solid object.
  • Fixed some issues with creatures being unable to act for several turns after spawning because they were assessed an action cost to equip their initial gear.
  • Fixed a typo in the manual.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause an error trying to continue a game after having deleted a different save file.
  • Fixed an issue where various walkways had a higher rendering priority than appropriate, which made some items get hidden by them and made the squares they were in not be considered "empty" for purposes such as companions joining you in a zone.
  • Fixed an issue that made it possible to give energy weapon relics the Jacked mod by deploying turrets using them.

202.5 - 'beta' branch

Released November 7, 2020.

  • The modern message log window will now remember it's position and other settings
  • The modern message log window will now be properly clamped to the screen area
  • The modern message log window will now properly clear only the old messages when starting a new game with the message log hidden
  • Collapsed categories in the inventory will now persist on save load & won't be forgotten when afflicted with confusion.
  • [modding] On case-sensitive platforms, manifest.json is no longer required to be lower-case.
  • [modding] Worlds.xml now supports self-closing tags.


Released October 30, 2020.

  • The "Prerelease Stage Screen" option was renamed "Enable modern UI elements." and moved to the top of the Overlay options. It's now enabled by default.
  • The options for prerelease stage scale and overlay UI scale were merged.
  • Extradimensional items are no longer excslusively unmoddable.
  • Sitting in chairs now respects phase and flight.
  • Item naming events are now more likely to appear in the [redacted] made about your [redacted].
  • NPCs no longer use quest item tonic injectors.
  • Updated the love tonic success logic.
  • Killing a jilted lover now ends any Stuck effects caused by it.
  • Becoming out of phase with a jilted lover that's grabbing you now releases you.
  • You can now throw tonic injectors at creatures to inject them.
  • Made improvised thrown weapons perform slightly better.
  • The depth limit at which radio-powered energy cells can receive satellite power is once again functional.
  • Smart use on a sleeping NPC now brings you to their interaction menu instead of attempting to initiate a conversation with them.
  • NPCs now terminate Sunder Mind if they become allied toward the creature whose mind they are sundering.
  • When trading with Sheba Hagadias, non-book items no longer have a non-functional Read action available.
  • Thirst thistles can no longer impose an unlimited degree of negative hydration on you.
  • Gyrocopter backpacks now repel nearby gases while engaged, similar to wrist fans.
  • Only one corrected vision effect is now visible on a given creature regardless of how many vision-corrective devices they are wearing.
  • Angry baetyls no longer explode at will. They do still explode after taking enough damage.
  • Stairs now have ascend/descend interaction commands that tell you to use < and > if you haven't remapped them, as a new player UI discovery backstop.
  • Improved some techscanning-viewable item component names in Stopsvalinn and anti-gravity boots.
  • Damage taken by a clone made of your original body while using Domination no longer breaks your Domination.
  • Domination is now interrupted by any negative effect on your original body, no longer excluding "minor" effects.
  • Being Phased now ends immediately upon moving to the world map.
  • Phasing can no longer be activated on the world map.
  • Phasing in within a solid object on the world map no longer has any effect.
  • When a tonic injector is applied to a creature involuntarily, it's no longer described as if the creature applied it voluntarily.
  • When an equipped tonic injector is applied, you no longer get a message about it being unequipped.
  • Cooking effects and shade oil tonic used by mutants no longer randomly phase you while you're on the world map.
  • The "auto-collect liquid" interaction command is now displayed as "stop auto-collecting liquid" when you are currently auto-collecting and using the command to turn it off.
  • Pressing "o" in the trade screen with no items selected to trade now displays "Nothing to trade." rather than "Trade complete!"
  • Trash is now highlighted in the alt display if you have Scavenger or Trash Divining.
  • You no longer have to unequip and reequip equipment that grants flight after you identify it in order to use its flying ability.
  • You can now start and stop flying with flight-granting equipment by using the appropriate activate interaction command.
  • Improved the language used when baetyls demand quantities of items described using mass nouns.
  • Tweaked internal conveyor logic to reduce unneccessary zone construction.
  • Fixed a bug that caused aquatic creatures to sometimes spawn on bridges.
  • Fixed a stat change bug with temporary stat modifiers that resulted in ever increasing HP.
  • Fixed thrown weapon damage appearing twice in the message log.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally crashed the game on some zone loads in the Tomb of the Eaters.
  • Fixed a bug caused some tar pool zones to generate without their zone name.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some lair zone names to include their "surface" designation twice.
  • Fixed a bug that caused liquid-covered and liquid-stained items to lose track of the liquids covering them after a save/load.
  • Fixed some scenarios where your original body could begin acting under AI control while using Domination.
  • Fixed a bug that could make the equipment screen inaccessible under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Amnesia to try and fail to forget unforgettable events.
  • Fixed several issues with clones and mutation-granting equipment.
  • Fixed some scattered prerelease UI scaling issues.
  • Fixed stinger printing unequip messages when its mutation rank changed.
  • Fixed minor bug in Agyra's dialog.
  • Fixed a typo in Vivira's conversation.
  • Fixed a village history typo.
  • Fixed a typo in low wall description.
  • Fixed cannibal cherub's display name.
  • Fixed the color of frog cherub.
  • Fixed a typo in shade oil tonic's effect description for true kin.
  • Fixed a misconfiguration that caused mashed lag and sun-dried banana to be treated as grammatically plural.
  • Fixed some message formatting issues when equipped items are lost to dismemberment.
  • [modding] Fixed an exception in character creation when the player's body blueprint had the Genotype property set.

202.3 - 'beta' branch

Released October 30, 2020.

  • Collapsed categories in the inventory will now persist on save load & won't be forgotten when afflicted with confusion.
  • [modding] On case-sensitive platforms, manifest.json is no longer required to be lower-case.
  • [modding] Worlds.xml now supports self-closing tags.


Released October 16, 2020.

  • Rejoinder is now toggleable.
  • Fixed some cases where stack counts could appear in item repair messages.
  • Made chest inventory generation, and village generation that depends on it, more resilient.
  • Improved the composition of possessive markers onto nouns when those nouns have color formatting attached.
  • Your perception of madpoles becoming frenzied by the scent of blood now depends on those madpoles' visibility.
  • Point-defense lasers can no longer be salvaged from normality bots.
  • Madpole detection of the scent of blood is now more reliable; for example, it will not be triggered by an item that merely has the word "blood" in its name, nor will it fail to detect blood covering a historical relic.
  • The Spread Klanq quest will no longer ever ask you to puff Klanq onto an abstract concept of a projectile.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented chimerae from performing the water ritual with Seeker heroes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused companions' cause of death to be misidentified.
  • Made some improvements to the identification of companions' cause of death when the player is responsible.
  • Teleportation and being moved by an external force no longer loosen your carapace.
  • Sunder Mind now prefers to target hostile creatures when there are multiple possible targets in a square.
  • Creatures without faces now are not described as having nosebleeds in more circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue causing the last serving of canned-have-it-all to not be properly consumed when cooking from a recipe
  • Sprinting now directly modifies your movespeed. For example, with 100 movespeed and the default 2X sprint effect, your movespeed is 200 and will be displayed as such.
  • Combat animations and floating text are now properly cancelled when you move to a different zone.
  • Gas masks and vinewood sap masks now protect you from critical failures on your gas saves.
  • Being confused now makes you immune to confusion.
  • Arconauts now refrain from picking up items that would overburden them.
  • Autoact is now interrupted when your night-vision goggles cease to operate.
  • When your autoact is interrupted, certain actions that were incorrectly described as "gathering" are no longer described that way.
  • There's now a limit to how many troll foals will bud from a troll in a single zone.
  • Pits in the ground no longer spawn in the same tile as stairs.
  • The rainboweave cloak description now mentions its light refraction behavior. This won't apply to cloaks generated before this patch.
  • Aquatic creatures can no longer cross bridges.
  • Rhinoxen now have a face on each of their heads.
  • Urchin belchers are now immune to sleep gas and confusion gas.
  • Addling urchins are now only immune to confusion gas rather than all sources of confusion.
  • Drowing urchins are now immune to sleep gas rather than being unable to sleep.
  • Added detail colors for the following: smoldering mushroom, lover's blossom, portable beehive and taco suprema.
  • Energy cell selection now sorts in descending order by available charge.
  • Energy cell selection no longer assigns hotkeys outside the alphabet.
  • Fixed a bug that caused you to fail to disarm your target when your duelist swipe attack killed them.
  • Fixed a rare bug where the underground entrance to the Tomb of the Eaters wasn't fully connected to the rest of the Tomb.
  • Fixed a bug with the crematory level builder that caused multiple machine arms and pits to generate in a single tile.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the cybernetics terminal to sometimes lock up during implant installation.
  • Fixed a bug that turned some descriptions into System.String[]s.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the first mouse input to be ignored on Linux.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a CPU core to run in an unbounded way when background music was disabled on Linux.


Released October 16, 2020.

  • Added a directional indicator for click-to-step direction in the bottom-left corner of the prerelease stage screen (used for controllers).
  • We made some more enhancements to the prerelease input manager.
    • Added a 'Highlight Important Objects' binding to the Adventure/AltAdventure categories that functions as the "Alt overlay". Defaults to left + right triggers.
    • Added 'Take All' and 'Store Items' bindings to a new Container category. Defaults to right trigger and right shoulder, respectively.
    • Added a 'Set Primary Limb' binding to the Character Sheet category. Defaults to right trigger.


Released October 9, 2020.

  • Clonelings' cloning ability now respects phase and flight.
  • Magnetized items are now disabled by EMP.
  • Magnetized containers can now carry a maximum of 25 lbs before they are too heavy to float.
  • When you miss or fail to penetrate with a weapon, the weapon name now appears in the message log message.
  • Glowcrust now causes you to grow an icy outcrop instead of a fungal outcrop.
  • Fungal infections now prefer to colonize fungal outcrops grown on your body (such as via chimera limb growth).
  • NPCs no longer automatically use Eater's nectar injectors. (This change won't apply to injectors in current saved games.)
  • Removed the rubber tree.
  • Excluded a base sultan wall object from dynamic encounters.
  • Updated the credits.
  • Fixed a bug where talking to NPCs who had glotrot altered your conversation options as if you had glotrot.
  • Fixed some bugs that caused inconsistent faction attitudes when your reputation was exactly at an attitude boundary.
  • Fixed an issue that made uniquely named stat saps lose their names.
  • Fixed some cases where duplicate messages appeared in the message log for XP awarded via quest steps.
  • Fixed a bug that caused odd behavior and occasional game freezes on the Skills and Powers screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused you to _always_ be left-handed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused signature dish names to not have certain text variables replaced with real text.
  • Fixed a bug with the prerelease input manager not accepting enter in text-entry fields.
  • Made some memory use improvements in the renderer.

202.1 - 'beta' branch

Released October 9, 2020.

  • We made some enhancements to the prerelease input manager and fixed some of its bugs.
    • Actions that are performed when the 'Alternate' button is pressed are now bindable here: Options > Control Mapping > Categories > AltAdventure
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the cancel button from being rebound.


Released October 2nd, 2020.

  • Village quests no longer have the chance to ask you to find a location "with a parasang" of another location. Instead, they may ask you to find a location "next to" another location, in which case the two locations will be in adjacent maps.
  • Two-Headed no longer wakes you up from voluntary sleep.
  • You no longer see troll budding messages when you cannot see the troll.
  • Nerve Poppy is no longer called Numb on the character sheet.
  • Creatures without faces no longer get bloody noses.
  • Relic and extradimensional books now provide skill training on read.
  • While performing the water ritual, you're no longer offered to learn a skill's introductory power without being offered to learn the skill itself.
  • We made some changes to clonelings and clones.
    • Clonelings now have a cap on how many creatures they can clone. If you're friendly with a cloneling, you can refresh their cloning capability by supplying a dram of cloning draught.
    • Clonelings can now clone you.
    • If a cloneling is in your party, you can now direct them to clone creatures.
    • Clonelings in your party no longer wander around randomly.
    • Clones created by clonelings are now worth half the base creature's XP rather than no XP.
    • Clonelings now rarely cloning draught on death.
    • Freshly grown clones are now uninjured.
  • We added new support to the prerelease input manager and fixed some bugs.
    • Added a wait command.
    • Accept now interacts with the selected object in the looker.
    • Fixed interact nearby not working.
    • Vendor actions in trade now work properly.
    • Accept now interacts with the selected object in the looker
    • Added Take All and Store Items keybinds for containers
  • Armor AV/DV averaging across body parts now rounds down.
  • Leather bracers have been singularized into a 1 AV single-arm slot "leather bracer".
  • Autoexplore now interacts with interesting objects before taking them. Example: you'll now read engraved items before taking them.
  • The attack nearest enemy command now counts enemies that are currently engulfing you.
  • The item picker dialog for spray bottles now shows any context for the listed items, like the body part they're equipped on, for example.
  • Lit torch tiles now display color variation in their flame part instead of their wood part.
  • Kindled flames and luminous motes now have tiles.
  • Reduced the number of novices of the sightless way that appear in various regions.
  • Panhumors now use their own correct tile instead of using the gelatinous frustrum tile.
  • Changed the appearance of putrescence to be distinguishable from slime.
  • Made some improvements to the behavior of pathfinding around potentially damaging gases.
  • Pathfinding now strenuously avoids aloe pyra and aloe volta.
  • You can no longer get unlimited data disks by repeatedly installing and uninstalling SkillSoft Tinker implants.
  • Made plurally gendered players correctly addressed in the second person in a number of contexts.
  • Made the popup to confirm switching a hotkey to a new ability show the old ability's display name, not its internal command name.
  • Improved ganglionic teleprojector's messaging when used on a square with no robots in it.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Two-Headed's chance to remove negative mental status effects from working.
  • Fixed a bug where evil twins arrived without a popup message.
  • Fixed a bug that caused unpowered items with boot sequences to have their operational status treated as "booting" rather than unpowered.
  • Fixed a bug that disabled the floating text that appears when an item rusts.
  • Fixed some color formatting errors.
  • Fixed a formatting issue in the level descriptions of Sleep Gas Generation and Corrosive Gas Generation.
  • Fixed some typos in Sleep Gas Generation and Spontaneous Combustion.
  • Fixed a rare exception during world generation.


Released September 28, 2020.


We added a new feature for physical mutations: rapid advancement. When you level up to level 5, and every 10 levels afterward, your genome enters an excited state and you can rapidly advance one of your physical mutations.

  • Rapid advancement increases the mutation's rank by 3.
  • These three ranks don't count toward the rank 10 limit.
  • Rapidly advanced mutations are still subject to the mutation rank cap that's based on character level.
  • If you have 4 mutation points after gaining a level, you'll have a chance to buy a new mutation before you choose a mutation to rapidly advance.
  • If you have no physical mutations at this point, nothing happens.

We revamped Chimera.

  • Chimera still restricts the mutations you can acquire to physical-only.
  • Whenever you buy a new mutation or mutate with Unstable Genome, one of the mutation options (chosen randomly but revealed to you) will have a rider effect: you'll grow a new body part.
    • The body part is chosen randomly from among all organic body parts and their variants.
      • head, blossom, cap, nuclear protrusion
      • face, antennae, feelers, sensory bud, sensory bulb, sensory nodule, sensory frill, sensory ganglion
      • arm, bine, branch, fibrous node, frond, leg, lobe, stalk, stem, taproot
      • bifurcation, fine root, leaf, pincer, pinnule, pseudopod, side hypha, tendril, tentacle, twig
      • feet, front legs, legs, rear legs
      • roots, lower hyphae, mulch
      • fin, dorsal fin, tail fin
    • The body part grows out of one of your existing body parts, weighted toward your body but any non-abstract body part is possible.
  • If you have Irritable Genome and Chimera, when you buy a mutation, there's a 1/3rd chance you'll grow the new body part. This is in place of the augmented selection, since you Irritable Genome restricts your mutation choices. You will however get the augmented selections when Unstable Genome triggers.

We overhauled several physical mutations.

  • Adrenal Control
    • We revamped Adrenal Control.
      • Gives you Release Adrenaline, an ability that grants 9+mutationRank Quickness and temporarily increases the ranks of your other physical mutations by (mutationRank/3)+1.
      • Duration: 20.
      • Cooldown: 200.
  • Beak
    • Beak is now a 1-point mutation instead of a defect.
    • No longer occupies face slot.
    • Added a +1 Ego bonus. (sightly beak)
    • Updated description to reflect the correct amount of bonus bird reputation (+200).
  • Burrowing Claws
    • Increased cost from 2 MP to 3.
    • Claws no longer occupy hand slot.
    • Your base fists are now replaced with claws that function as short blades and deal increased damage with mutation level.
      • levels 1-3: 1d2
      • levels 4-6: 1d3
      • levels 7-9: 1d4
      • levels 10-12: 1d6
      • levels 13-15: 1d8
      • levels 16-18: 1d10
      • levels 19+: 1d12
  • Carapace
    • Reduced cost from 4 MP to 3.
    • DV penalty is now a flat -2 across all mutation levels.
    • You no longer have trouble getting up when knocked prone.
    • Reduced the DV penalty for tightening your carapace from -10 to -2.
  • Carnivorous
    • Changed this into a defect that gives 2 MP.
    • Removed the tasty bonuses from eating meat.
  • Corrosive Gas Generation
    • Removed mutual exclusion with Sleep Gas Generation.
    • Increased the number of rounds you release gas for from mutationRank/2 + 1 to mutationRank+2.
    • Increased the cooldown from 35 to 40.
    • Corrosive gas no longer deals damage to items.
    • (cosmetic) Renamed the activated ability name to "Release Corrosive Gas".
  • Double-muscled
    • Reduced cost from 4 MP to 3.
    • Removed the movespeed penalty.
    • Changed the chance to daze on a successful melee attack to 13% + mutationRank*2 for 2-3 rounds.
  • Electrical Generation
    • We revamped Electrical Generation.
      • EG now uses the same electrical charge units as energy cells and power systems.
      • Maximum charge is 2000+mutationRank*2000.
      • Charge accrual rate is mutationRank*100 per round, modulated by Willpower via a similar formula as cooldown modulation.
      • You can discharge at a minimum of 1000 charge. Deals 1d4 damage per 1000 charge, with the possibility of arcing to adjacent targets at reduced damage (maximum 1 target per 1000 charge).
      • Exposure to electromagnetic pulses always caused involuntary discharge; this is now documented and is now subject to a difficulty 18 Willpower save.
      • Energy cells and capacitors now have a "drink charge" option that lets you drain their charge.
      • You recharge 100 charge for each point of electrical damage taken.
      • You can provide charge to equipped devices that have integrated power systems, such as Jacked equipment.
  • Electromagnetic Pulse
    • (cosmetic) Renamed the activated ability to "Emit Pulse".
  • Flaming Hands and Freezing Hands
    • Renamed to Flaming Ray and Freezing Ray. You now have the option to customize these mutations and choose a limb for the ghostly flames/icy vapor to appear on (Hands, Feet, or Face).
    • Now neither mutation occupies the Hands or any other body slot.
    • If you get the limb you chose severed, you lose access to the mutation's powers.
    • The temperature increase/decrease on melee attacks now applies to attacks made with any limb. We also added this behavior to the mutation description (it was previously undocumented).
  • Flaming Ray
    • Reduced cost from 5 MP to 4.
  • Freezing Ray
    • Increased cooldown from 10 to 20.
  • Heightened Quickness
    • Reduced cost from 4 MP to 3.
    • Removed the toughness penalty.
    • Increased quickness buff to mutationRank*2 + 13.
  • Horns
    • You can now choose a cosmetic option for horns (horns, horn, antlers, casque).
    • Increased AV progression to (mutationRank-1)/3 + 1.
    • Generalized damage to 2d[(mutationRank/2)+3].
    • Improved bleeding damage to the following.
      • levels 1-3: 1
      • level 4+: 1d2 + (mutationRank-4)/3
  • Multiple Arms
    • Increased the chance for extra attacks from 6% + mutationRank * 2 to 7% + mutationRank * 3.
  • Multiple Legs
    • Increased cost from 4 MP to 5.
    • Changed move speed bonus from mutationRank * 5 + 3 to mutationRank * 20.
  • Night Vision
    • You can now see [redacted].
  • Phasing
    • You can now phase back in on demand.
  • Photosynthetic Skin
    • Increased the bonus regeneration rate from Basking or cooking with lignin from 20% + mutationRank * 4 to 20% + mutationRank * 10.
    • Increased the bonus quickness from Basking or cooking with starch from 1 + Ceiling(mutationRank/2) to 13 + mutationRank*2.
    • Generalized the servings of starch and lignen you can store to [(mutationRank-1) * 4] + 1.
    • Generalized the bonus duration of Basking's effect to [(mutationRank-1) * 4] + 1.
  • Regeneration
    • Reduced cost from 5 to 4.
    • We revamped this mutation.
      • You regenerate hitpoints at your full rate in combat. (This was true previously but wasn't documented.)
      • Regeneration bonus is now a percentage instead of a flat bonus: +10% + (mutationRank*10)
      • mutationRank*10% chance per round to regrow a missing limb. If this chance exceeds 100%, you cannot be decapitated.
      • 1% + mutationRank/3 chance per round to remove a minor physical debuff at random. At mutationRank = 5, this becomes any physical debuff (including glotrot, ironshank, sore throat, and monochrome).
  • Quills
    • Changed AV progression.
      • Level 1-2: 2
      • Level 3+: mutationRank/3 + 2
    • Quill penetration now caps at 6.
    • Changed the damage reflection for unarmed attacks.
      • Now, when a creature uses an unarmed attack against you, roughly 1% of your quills break and you reflect 3% * numQuills damage back at your attacker.
    • Quill regeneration is now affected by Willpower.
  • Sleep Gas Generation
    • Removed mutual exclusion with Corrosive Gas Generation.
    • Increased the number of rounds you release gas for from mutationRank/2 + 1 to mutationRank+2.
    • Increased the cooldown from 35 to 40.
    • (cosmetic) Renamed the activated ability name to "Release Sleep Gas".
  • Slime Glands
    • You can walk now over slime without slipping.
  • Spinnerets
    • Activating Spin Webs no longer takes an action.
    • Made web save difficulty scale at 2X mutation level instead of 1X.
    • Increased arachnid reputation bonus from +200 to +300.
  • Stinger
    • Reduced Confusing Stinger cost from 4 to 3.
      • We revamped the three Stinger mutations.
        • You now get a tail with the stinger attached.
        • Stinger maxes at 1 penetration.
        • Stinger penetration progression:
          • Level 1: 3
          • Level 2+: (mutationRank-2)/3 + 4 (max 9)
        • Stinger damage progression:
          • Level 1: 1d6
          • Level 4: 1d8
          • Level 7: 1d10
          • Level 10: 1d12
          • Level 13: 2d6
          • Level 16: 2d6+1
          • Level 19+: 2d8
        • Stinger is considered a long blade.
        • You always sting when you charge or lunge.
        • You can use the Sting activated ability (cooldown 25) to sting with autohit and autopen.
        • Venom save: 14 + mutationRank*2
        • Paralyzation duration:
          • Level 1-2: 2-4 rounds
          • Level 3+: 1d3 + (mutationRank)/3 + 1 rounds (max 1d3 + 7)
        • Confusion duration:
          • Level 1-2: 2d3 + 2 rounds
          • Level 3+: 2d3 + (mutationRank*2)/3 + 2 rounds (max 2d3 + 14)
        • Poison duration: 8-12 rounds
        • Poison increment: (mutationRank)d2, stackable
  • Thick Fur
    • Increased heat and cold resist bonus to +5.
    • +100 reputation with all of the following: apes, baboons, bears, and grazing hedonists.
  • Triple-jointed
    • Reduced cost from 4 MP to 3.
    • Removed the strength penalty.
    • Removed the bonus chance to dodge.
    • Added a 7% + mutationRank * 3 chance that Agility-based skill powers don't go on cooldown after use.
  • Two-headed
    • Increased cost from 2 MP to 3.
    • Improved mental action cost reduction from 16% + mutationRank * 4 to 15% + mutationRank * 5.
    • Improved chance to shake off a mental debuff from 5% + mutationRank to 5% + mutationRank * 2.
  • Two-hearted
    • Reduced cost from 4 to 3.
    • Removed Quickness penalty.
    • Removed synchronized heartbeat effect.
    • Added a % bonus to sprint duration: 10% + 20*mutationRank.
  • Wings
    • Increased cost from 3 to 4.
    • Wings no longer take up the Worn on Back slot.
    • (cosmetic) Your Worn on Back slot is renamed to Worn around Wings.
    • +10% + (mutationRank*10) move speed while sprinting.
    • Jump range is increased by (mutationRank/3) + 1.
    • Charge range is increased by (mutationRank/3) + 2.

We overhauled several defects and added several new ones.

  • Amnesia
    • Revamped. It now gives 2 points.
    • Whenever you learn a new secret, there's a small chance you forget a secret.
    • Whenever you return to a map you previously visited, there's a small chance you forget the layout.
  • Analgesia
    • Renamed Nerve Poppy.
  • Blinking Tic
    • Tweaked occurrence chance.
    • Changed so it only triggers during combat.
  • Dystechnia (new)
    • Mental defect. 2 points.
    • You're much worse at examining artifacts.
    • You can't have artifacts identified for you because you don't understand their explanations.
    • When you break an artifact during examination failure, it explodes.
  • Electromagnetic Impulse
    • Tweaked occurrence chance.
    • Changed so it only triggers during combat.
  • Hemophilia: we removed it.
  • Hooks for Feet
    • Removed the -10 move speed penalty.
  • Irritable Genome (new)
    • Physical defect. 4 points.
    • Whenever you spend a mutation point, the next mutation point you gain will be spent randomly.
    • Whenever you buy a new mutation, you get a random one instead of a choice of three.
  • Myopia
    • Increased point value from 2 to 3.
    • Made radius 10.
    • Renamed Myopic.
  • Narcolepsy
    • Reduced point value from 4 to 3.
    • Tweaked occurrence chance.
    • Changed so it only triggers during combat.
  • Psionic Migraines (new)
    • Mental defect. 4 points.
    • You cannot wear hats or helmets.
  • Quantum Jitters (new)
    • Mental defect. 3 points.
    • Whenever you use an activated ability, there's a small chance your focus slips and you dent spacetime in the local region, causing 1-2 spacetime vortices to appear. This chance increases the longer you go without using an activated ability.
  • Socially Repugnant
    • Revamped. It now gives -50 reputation with every faction.
  • Spontaneous Combustion
    • Tweaked occurrence chance.
    • Changed so it only triggers during combat.
  • Tonic Allergy (new)
    • Physical defect. 4 points.
    • The chance your mutant physiology reacts adversely to a tonic is increased to 33%.
    • If you react adversely this way to a salve or ubernostrum tonic, the adverse reaction effect is chosen randomly from among other tonic effects. You will still heal.

  • Removed a bunch of mutual mutation exclusions that are no longer relevant.
  • Removed prerelease defects Pack Rat and Unstable Germination from the game.
  • The augmentation-based coloring of mutation ranks on the character screen is now more accurate.
  • Mutations now show more information about their rank calculation when you select them on the character screen.
  • Refreshed and cleaned up all mutation descriptions.
  • Refreshed and added several new message log messages related to mutations.


  • Added a new item: wrist fan.
  • Added a new item mod: disguise.
  • Added a new item mod: cleated.
  • The resolution of Bey Lah's Kith and Kin quest has been overhauled and enhanced.
  • Added a new Kith and Kin subquest: Love and Fear.
  • You can now select a limb in the equipment menu to make it your primary limb. If you do so, your Right Hand (old primary) inherits the offhand attack percentage that the new primary limb had.
  • We made burning damage scale with temperature.
    • 1-100 above flame point: 1 damage per round
    • 101 - 300 above flame point: 1-2 damage per round
    • 301 - 500 above flame point: 2-3 damage per round
    • 501 - 700 above flame point: 3-4 damage per round
    • 701 - 900 above flame point: 4-5 damage per round
    • 901+ above flame point: 5-6 per turn
  • We nerfed the carbine and the sparbine.
    • Reduced carbine's accuracy.
    • The masterwork carbine quest reward now uses the same ammo as the standard carbine (lower damage).
  • Due to scattering, creatures now only drop a fraction of their ammo when they die.
  • Trade prices are now somewhat affected by your reputation with the trader's primary faction.
  • Dynamic villages can now generate with resident apothecaries.
  • Elder Irudad now has some apothecary wares.
  • Creatures that try to keep their distance from you now may now decide to take other actions, such as defend themselves directly, when they fall below 50% HP.
  • Reduced the potency of Psychometry granted by bananas to +1-2 if you don't already have the mutation.
  • The teleportation effect of eating a yondercane or voider gland is now imprecise, like the mutation.
  • The schematics choices for acquiring Tinker I, Tinker II, and Tinker III are now of the appropriate complexity for that tinker tier.
  • Made seedsprout worm corpse drop at 100%.
  • Confused creatures now have some variety in their actions.
  • Evil twins now reconsider their equipped items when they spawn.
  • Tapping the Mass Mind now refreshes your Light Manipulation charges.
  • Penetrating radar now reveals hidden objects that can be discovered by searching.
  • Corrosive Gas Generation and Sleep Gas Generation now make you immune to acid gas and sleep gas, respectively. They do not make you immune to all forms of acid or involuntary sleep, however.
  • Drowsing urchin are now immune to sleep.
  • Stopsvalinn now has a better chance of spawning with a high-end energy cell, when it spawns with an energy cell.
  • Mechanical cherubim are now classified as robots.
  • Conveyor belts are now immune to heat and acid.
  • Rhinox charge now respects phase and flight.
  • Catching fire now interrupts autoact, as does a visible or audible companion catching fire.

Prerelease UI

We implemented several more pieces of our new RPG-style UI, which we refer to as the "prerelease" UI.

  • Added a new graphical clock to the upper right of the prerelease status bar.
  • Added some utility buttons to the upper right of the prerelease status bar.
  • Added much nicer boxes for popup messages.
  • Added a new conversation UI that includes the tile of whomever you're speaking to.
  • Added a new object interaction UI that includes the tile of whatever you're interacting with.
  • You can enable these features via two different options:
    • To enable the new popups, new conversation UI, and new main screen with status bar: Options > Overlay UI > Prerelease: Use prerelease stage screen.
    • To enable just the popups and conversation UI: Options > Overlay UI > Enable overlay user interface elements.
  • Added a new option for scaling the prerelease UI: Options > Overlay UI > Prerelease Stage Scale.
  • The prerelease message log now has a background transparency toggle.
  • Added a toggle to the prerelease message log that prevents it from automatically switching sides.
  • The prerelease UI now displays your drams of freshwater next to your weight.
  • Tweaked the order that information is hidden on the prerelease status bar.
  • Prerelease UI ability buttons are now clickable.
  • Prerelease UI layouts wider than 1080p now letterbox correctly.
  • More prerelease popup messages can now be dismissed with Esc.

Other UI Changes

  • We now display object icons in several new contexts, including the equipment and inventory screens, the trade screen, and object interaction menus. If tiles are enabled, the icon used is the object's tile. Otherwise, it's the object's ASCII glyph.
  • Unidentified artifacts now use different tiles to obscure what they are.
  • Most natural equipment and mutation-based physical features now appear in a "Physical features" postfix at the end of a creature's description rather than in the "Equipped" postfix.
  • You can now use Page Up, Page Down, +, and - to navigate the classic options & key mapping menus.
  • You can now use Page Up and Page Down to navigate the tinker menu.
  • Added a resolution picker to the options menu now that the Unity preloader has been removed.
  • There is now a classic UI option to indent body parts on the equipment screen, making their hierarchy more visible.
  • The Hands equipment slot is now Worn on Hands.
  • Yes/No and Yes/No/Cancel dialogs now allow you to click on the [Yes] [No] options in the classic UI.
  • Player and NPC named items now indicate their original names in their descriptions.
  • Mouse movement now paths through non-hostiles if necessary to reach your destination.
  • The look dialog is now only dismissable via Space or Esc.
  • The following abilities are now toggleable: Sprint, Phase, Force Bubble, Fly, and Rifle through Trash (Scavenging and Trash Divining).
  • Fungal infections now appear in their own, prioritized category when using the spray bottle.
  • Sheba's Give Book option now remembers where you were in the list when it re-opens.
  • Messages for spotting hidden objects now include directional information.
  • Updated the default laptop keymappings with new binds for interact, auto-attack, and journal.
  • Non-creature organic items are now described as "damaged" rather than "wounded".
  • The trade UI "don't have enough water containers" message no longer resets the trade window.
  • You can now access the mod manager from the main menu in the classic UI.

Miscellaneous & Bugfixes

  • Villages and chef ovens should no longer let you cook game-breaking meals.
  • Village immigrants' pronouns are now more consistent.
  • Added recipe name entries for canned Have-It-All.
  • Changed clump of bone meal to just bone meal.
  • Updated the horn type for fork-horned gnus, horned chameleon, Warden Ualraig, and hindren.
  • Spiral borers are now able to dig in reloaded zones.
  • Metal folding chairs are now moddable.
  • Fixed the switched cooking effect behavior on starch and lignin.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong XP value to be displayed in the Sheba Hagadias book turn-in dialog for stacks of books.
  • Alchemist tables no longer contain floating glowspheres.
  • Sleep Gas Generation and sleep gas breathing no longer prevent you from voluntarily going to sleep.
  • NPCs immune to sleep gas no longer avoid it while pathfinding.
  • Gas mutations now always pump gas immediately on activation.
  • Carbide and fullerite hand bones now use the same tile for their fist objects as the implant objects.
  • Above-ground structures in villages are now properly lit by daylight.
  • Made the description of certain "no effect" cooking effects clearer, such as when you cook with slime while already having Slime Glands.
  • Fixed the mutation description for Chimera and Esper not appearing on the overlay character creation screens.
  • Fixed a bug that caused burgeoned young ivory and lurking beth to notify the burgeoner of their deaths.
  • Fixed a bug that caused astral tabbies to spawn in the wrong phase.
  • Fixed a bug that caused primordial soup sludge display names to go wild.
  • Fixed a bug that caused books to be unreadable from the prerelease equipment screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused books to continue to render in the background even after you exited out of the read book screen.
  • Fixed cookbooks showing the new recipe popup twice.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some wait commands to improperly remove wait-based effects, like tightened carapace.
  • You no longer receive a popup about discovering your starting village.
  • The Astral monster mutation can no longer be leveled.
  • Nonexistent journal entries can no longer be deleted.
  • Popups from zoomed-out views no longer cause the background to zoom in to gameplay level.
  • Dazed is now properly displayed in effect lists.
  • Fixed the "restore defaults" button on the prerelease control mapping screen improperly clearing all keybinds.
  • Several issues with the return from [redacted] should now be fixed: saves not loading, unintended player clones, and action queue inconsistencies.
  • Important objects are no longer improperly cleared during zone generation. These include stairs, relic containers, quest objects, quest NPCs, and more.
  • Empty alchemist tables now appear correctly as alchemist tables.
  • Chimeras now get a relevant message when [redacted] attempts to alter the structure of their minds.
  • Fixed a bug that caused prerelease UI elements to improperly display on top of cybernetics terminal windows.
  • Fixed new UI elements not displaying properly when the option to remove full-screen effects from the UI was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug with tooltip looker locations when the option to remove full-screen effects from the UI was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug that caused flickering while using the Looker with the prerelease UI was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where hitting Esc from the Save Build prompt would save the build with no name rather than backing out of the menu.
  • Fixed a bug with villager dialog color.
  • Fixed a bug with Metamorphosis.
  • Fixed a typo with the Flaming Hands mutation when it was gained through a cooking effect.
  • Fixed a typo in the Kyakukya recoiler.
  • Fixed a typo in waveform worm's description.
  • Reduced the memory load for several types of zone generation.
  • Fixed deprecated commands sticking around when a default keymap was loaded.

Modding & Debug

  • Added native support for Harmony 2.0.2 patches in mods ( harmony.PatchAll() is called after mod assembly compilation, applying all mod-defined harmony patches.
  • We added a new in-progress prerelease UI for the Mod Manager.
  • Added a new "manifest.json" file to populate the extra fields shown in the Mod Manager. This file now subsumes config.json (you should convert any config.json files into manifest.json files). See
  • Most internal classes are now public.
  • Extended the Genotypes.xml IsMutant attribute to more contexts where the mutant / true kin distinction is relevant.
  • Several new attributes have been added to Bodies.xml elements. bodyparttype and bodyparttypevariant now have:
    • Appendage, a boolean flag for whether the body part type is an actual appendage (in addition to all previously existing requirements, this flag must be true for a body part to be dismemberable)
    • UsuallyOn, which is used with appendages to designate the typical parent body part of this body part (for example, the UsuallyOn value for Face is Head, the UsuallyOn value for Hand is Arm)
    • UsuallyOnVariant, which is used for body part type variants to designate a specific variant they're typically attached to (for example, the UsuallyOnVariant value for Sensor Array is Control Unit)
    • ImpliedBy, which is used by body parts like Hands to designate that some number of another body part (in this case, Hand) implies their existence
    • ImpliedPer, which works with ImpliedBy to specify how many of the implying parts are "satisfied" by the existence of this part
  • Colors, anatomies, options, conversations, and pronouns now reload properly when mod configuration changes.
  • The Armor part now supports modifying MA via the MA field.
  • Members on the WorldBuilder class are now public.
  • The cell Inherits property in Worlds.xml now functions properly when merging into existing worlds.
  • Errors and warnings generated by the mod compiler now include the associated filename and line number.
  • Added [XRL.HasCallAfterGameLoaded] and [XRL.CallAfterGameLoaded] attributes for registering static methods to be called after game loads.
  • Added a new test Debug option, "Show Error Popup", that should be useful for modders.
  • The "playerwho" wish now properly allows turns to tick.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the detail color of subtypes to be merged onto the tile.
  • Upgraded the C# compiler to Roslyn.
  • Added a new wish to remove a mutation: "mutationbgone:mutationid".
  • Added new wish to view data disks: "datadisk" (with a menu of all possible data disks) or "datadisk : Blueprint" or "datadisk : mod : ModName".
  • The clearstatshifts wish no longer returns spent mutation, skill, and attribute points.


Released September 18, 2020.

  • You can no longer be flying and wading at the same time.
  • Lasers are no longer considered heat/fire damage or resisted by heat resistance.
  • Boxes of crayons now have their own tile.
  • The "clean" action on liquid-covered objects now yields hotkey assignment priority to other actions, such as the "direct to attack target" action on companions.
  • Fixed a bug that made armor that occupies more than one body part unable to receive the Jacked mod.
  • Corpses left by temporal fugue clones now disappear at the expiration of Temporal Fugue.
  • Cybernetics from temporal fugue clones can no longer be implanted.
  • Unlit torches no longer set things on fire.
  • Autoexplore no longer attempts to open chests or bookshelves that are on imperceptible alternate vibrational planes of existence.
  • Robots no longer go prone when entering sleep mode.
  • The Billowing Conch of the Aji no longer produces non-functional blinding gas and stinking gas.
  • The player's torch burning out now interrupts autoact.
  • Baetyls now habitually reality-stabilize themselves.
  • Baetyls now get angry at 20% of their HP, not 80%.
  • Fixed a bug that made NPCs with Cleaved effects active repairable.
  • Fixed some color formatting in village quest giver referral messages.
  • Fixed a bug that made reality-stabilized objects coming into contact with a space-time vortex get sucked through the vortex after it was destroyed by the reality stabilization.

201.30 - 'beta' branch

Released September 18, 2020.

  • Reduced the offhand attack chance for horns from 25% to 20%.
  • Reduced the value of the Carnivorous defect from 3 points to 2 points.
  • The Hands equipment slot is now Worn on Hands.
  • Phase is now a toggleable ability.
  • Sunder Mind is now correctly reflected by mental mirror.
  • Reduced the memory load for several types of zone generation.
  • The augmentation-based coloring of mutation ranks on the character screen is now more accurate.
  • Mutations now show more information about their rank calculation when you select them on the character screen.
  • With Chimera, you're now a little less likely to grow body parts that have few or no equippable items.
  • Trade prices are now somewhat affected by your reputation with the trader's primary faction.
  • Removed Pack Rat and Unstable Germination from the game.
  • Tapping the Mass Mind now refreshes your Light Manipulation charges.
  • Added a toggle to the prerelease stage message log that prevents it from automatically switching sides.
  • Above-ground structures in village are now properly lit by daylight.
  • You no longer receive a popup about discovering your starting village.
  • You no longer bypass the random mutation-buy choice from Irritable Genome when buying a mutation due to a rapid mutation prompt.
  • Irritable Genome can no longer level mutations above a base rank of 10.
  • Gas mutaitons now always pump gas immediately on activation.
  • The Force Bubble mutation now displays as a toggle and can be disabled before the duration runs out.
  • Sunder Mind's mental connection now only reveals vision at radius 0 instead of 1.
  • You can now escape from the mutation variant selection menu without making a selection.
  • Popups from zoomed-out views no longer cause the background to zoom in to gameplay level.
  • While confused the overlay UI no longer shows item icons.
  • Dazed is now properly displayed in effect lists.
  • Important objects are no longer improperly cleared during zone generation. These include stairs, relic containers, quest objects, quest NPCs, and more.
  • When a temporary boosts to your Quills rank expires, the extra quills you gained are now properly removed.
  • The Horns mutation no longer says "You unequip the horns" when you advance its rank.
  • Removed the "Land" abilities from Wings and made "Fly" a toggle.
  • The intermediary brain brine status effect is now invisible.
  • Empty alchemist tables now appear correctly as alchemist tables.
  • Added recipe name entries for canned Have-It-All.
  • Yes/No and Yes/No/Cancel dialogs now allow you to click on the [Yes] [No] options in console UI.
  • Updated the horn type for fork-horned gnus, horned chameleon, Warden Ualraig and hindren.
  • Made the description of certain "no effect" cooking effects clearer, such as when you cook with slime while already having Slime Glands.
  • Fixed several issues in stat-boosting mutations where the boosts would be improperly applied.
  • Fixed a bug that caused prerelease UI elements to improperly display on top of cybernetics terminal windows.
  • Fixed new UI elements not displaying properly when the option to remove full-screen effects from the UI was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug with tooltip looker locations when the option to remove full-screen effects from the UI was enabled.
  • Fixed the mutation description for Chimera and Esper not appearing on the overlay character creation screens.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Beak to alter stats incorrectly during character generation.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Sunder Mind effect to stick around after it was supposed to have expired.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Stinger equipment to not grow back properly after regeneration.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Carapace equipment to not grow back properly after regeneration.
  • Fixed a bug that caused flickering using the Looker while the prerelease UI was enabled.
  • [modding] Added [XRL.HasCallAfterGameLoaded] and [XRL.CallAfterGameLoaded] attributes for registering static methods to be called after game loads.
  • Fixed Lunge, Charge and Sting not appropriately applying poison 100% of the time when stinger was set as your primary.
  • Fixed several issues with the selection of mutation variants when you mutate after character creation.
  • Fixed some bugs where mutation ranks would not fully update when you advanced character level.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some natural equipment from not working as your primary weapon when the body part it was equipped on was selected as your preferred default.
  • Fixed a bug with Metamorphosis.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Blinking Tic to trigger outside of combat.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some wait commands to improprely remove wait-based effects, like tightened carapace.
  • [debug] Rapid mutation popups no longer occur when popups are suppressed.


Released September 11, 2020.

  • Spindle negotiation reward relics are no longer easily scummable with Precognition.
  • Millstones can now grind grave moss, compacted bone matter, and voider glands.
  • The language sparking baetyls use to request items now specifically indicates that the items should be placed on the ground before them.
  • You can no longer jump while flying.
  • Improved the death messages for dying via explosion.
  • Faction lists are now alphabetized in more contexts.
  • Obliteration relics now more precisely describe their scope.
  • You are now considered responsible for the deaths of creatures killed by obliteration relics you activate.
  • Critically failing at artifact examination now interrupts autoact.
  • You can no longer name zones from the world map.
  • Triggering a sound effect multiple times in quick succession is now volume-limited.
  • When receiving tinkering bits, the summary of your current bit locker is no longer shown.
  • Made fewer UI-based popups add their text to the message log.
  • In the trade and chest interaction UIs, the item info line at the bottom now appears for items on both sides of the menu instead of just the right side.
  • The item info line in the trade UI now includes the weight of the item.
  • Falling under lithofex gaze now interrupts autoact and motivates NPCs to flee.
  • Artifact examination now has an action cost.
  • Fixed a bug that caused maps generated in the ruins to be filled in with ground tiles.
  • Desert canyons and ruined waterways are now appropriately windy in the north/south direction in addition to east/west.
  • The various stages of diseases are now considered negative status effects.
  • You no longer receive weight limit warnings when performing a take-all from a container you are carrying.
  • Fixed a bug that caused using Intimidate to spend an action for each creature intimidated.
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to get messages when NPCs acquired Ironshank.
  • Fixed a bug that disabled hostility between NPCs without leaders.
  • Fixed a bug causing music from previously visited zones to play when a saved game was loaded.
  • Fixed some issues with the names of lair zones (mostly repetitions of "surface").
  • Fixed some bugs that would break Spindle negotiation rewards.
  • Fixed some grammar issues with list composition in various contexts.
  • Fixed some display issues in the water ritual dialog.
  • Fixed a bug that made it possible to be wading while flying.
  • Fixed a bug that granted the Starry Demise achievement whenever the player exploded regardless of whether it was a neutron explosion.
  • Fixed an extra space in the display names of freeze rays.
  • [modding] The liquid used in the water ritual with a given NPC is now primarily determined by the property or tag WaterRitualLiquid on the NPC. The faction record can still override this, but the GivesRep part no longer has the giftType field.
  • [modding] Hero generation now supports the tag HeroFactionHeirloomChance, which can be used to specify a percentage chance that the hero will spawn with a randomly generated faction heirloom.

201.25 - beta branch

Released September 11, 2020.

  • We revamped Chimera.
    • Chimera still restricts the mutations you can acquire to physical only.
    • Whenever you buy a new mutation or mutate with Unstable Genome, one of the mutation options (chosen randomly) indicates that you if you pick it, you'll also grow a new body part.
      • The body part is chosen randomly from among all organic body parts.
      • The body part grows out of one of your existing body parts, weighted toward your body but any non-abstract body part is possible.
    • If you have Irritable Genome and Chimera, when you buy a mutation, there's a 1/3rd chance you'll grow the new body part. This is in place of the augmented selection, since you don't choose the mutation when buying one with Irritable Genome. You will get the augmented selections when Unstable Genome triggers, however.
  • Icons for objects are now displayed in a bunch of different menus.
  • Most natural equipment and mutation-based physical features now appear in a "Physical features" postfix at the end of a creature's description rather than in the "Equipped" postfix.
  • Wings and Stingers are no longer mutually exclusive.
  • Several issues with the return from [redacted] should now be fixed: saves not loading, unintended player clones, and action queue inconsistencies.
  • The Love and Fear quest can now be completed.
  • Alchemist tables no longer contain floating glowspheres.
  • Due to scattering, creatures now only drop a fraction of their ammo when they die.
  • The teleportation effect of eating a yondercane or voider gland is now imprecise, like the mutation.
  • The "locked in psychic battle" status from Sunder Mind now properly ends once the battle is over.
  • Carbide and fullerite hand bones now use the same tile for their fist objects as the implant objects.
  • When choosing a mutation to rapidly advance, the base mutation ranks of your choices are now be displayed.
  • Corrosive Gas Generation and Sleep Gas Generation now make you immune to acid gas and sleep gas, respectively. They do not make you immune to all forms of acid or involuntary sleep, however.
  • Replaying your most recent character now recalls custom mutation variants.
  • Quantum Jitters no longer trigger on the world map.
  • Kills made via Sunder Mind head explosions and nose bleeds now award experience.
  • Updated the default laptop keymappings with new binds for interact, auto-attack, and journal.
  • Dystechnia and Quantum Jitters no longer share the same character build code.
  • Fixed some bugs with the interactions between body-occupying mutations, rapid mutations, and the mutation level cap that occasionally caused those mutations to not refresh on time.
  • Fixed a bug that caused your name to be displayed as the sunderer when you were targeted with Sunder Mind.
  • Fixed Regeneration not applying its improved healing rate.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the charging visual effect to display your non-disguised tile while you were disguised.
  • Fixed deprecated commands sticking around when a default keymap was loaded.
  • Fixed cookbooks showing the new recipe popup twice.
  • Fixed a bug where some defects would display a rank.
  • [modding] The Armor part now supports modifying MA via the MA field.
  • [modding] Members on the WorldBuilder class are now public.
  • [modding] The cell Inherits property in Worlds.xml now functions properly when merging into existing worlds.


Released September 5th, 2020.

  • Dying from a lithofex gaze now gives a better death message than "You die! (good job)".
  • Phasing in now triggers any appropriate gravitational effects.
  • Deep liquids no longer stop autowalk if the "Confirm before going swimming" option is off, and dangerous liquids no longer stop autowalk if the "Confirm before drinking and movement into certain dangerous liquids." option is off.
  • Pathfinding now considers hostile creatures to be navigation obstacles and avoids the squares next to non-ignored ones depending on their difficulty.
  • Precognition reversion now interrupts autoact.
  • Being lost now carries through Domination, and removes itself from NPCs should it somehow wind up on them.
  • NPCs now intermittently display more interest in moving away from campfires they are standing on top of.
  • Fixed some bugs in the logic of when you can put out fires.
  • Fixed a bug that made grenades thrown by temporal fugue clones disappear before they could explode because they were grenades.
  • Fixed a bug that made some forms of electrical damage not be acknowledged by rubbergum tonic and cooking effects.
  • Fixed a bug that caused bleeding damage to fail to apply when out of phase.
  • Fixed a bug that made the overlay UI autoexplore button flicker.
  • Fixed a display bug in agate figurines.
  • Fixed a typo in the message when trying to automove through a hostile creature.
  • Fixed a bug that made Nocturnal Apex often usable during the day.

201.19 - beta branch

Released September 5th, 2020.

  • We revamped more mutations.
    • Electrical Generation
      • We revamped Electrical Generation.
        • EG now uses the same electrical charge units as energy cells and power systems.
        • Maximum charge is 2000+mutationLevel*2000.
        • Charge accrual rate is mutationLevel*100 per round, modulated by Willpower via a similar formula as cooldown modulation.
        • You can discharge at a minimum of 1000 charge. Deals 1d4 damage per 1000 charge, with the possibility of arcing to adjacent targets at reduced damage (maximum 1 target per 1000 charge).
        • Exposure to electromagnetic pulses always caused involuntary discharge; this is now documented and is now subject to a difficulty 18 Willpower save.
        • Energy cells and capacitors now have a "drink charge" option that lets you drain their charge.
        • You recharge 100 charge for each point of electrical damage taken.
        • You can provide charge to equipped devices that have integrated power systems, such as Jacked equipment.
    • Stinger
      • Reduced Confusing Stinger cost from 4 to 3.
      • We revamped the three Stinger mutations.
        • You now get a tail with the stinger attached.
        • Stinger penetration progression:
          • Level 1: 3
          • Level 2+: (mutationLevel-2)/3 + 4 (max 9)
        • Stinger damage progression:
          • Level 1: 1d6
          • Level 4: 1d8
          • Level 7: 1d10
          • Level 10: 1d12
          • Level 13: 2d6
          • Level 16: 2d6+1
          • Level 19+: 2d8
        • You always sting when you charge or lunge.
        • You can use the Sting activated ability (cooldown 25) to sting with autohit and autopen.
        • Venom save: 14 + mutationLevel*2
        • Paralyzation duration:
          • Level 1-2: 2-4 rounds
          • Level 3+: 1d3 + (mutationLevel)/3 + 1 rounds (max 1d3 + 7)
        • Confusion duration:
          • Level 1-2: 2d3 + 2 rounds
          • Level 3+: 2d3 + (mutationLevel*2)/3 + 2 rounds (max 2d3 + 14)
        • Poison duration: 8-12 rounds
        • Poison increment: (mutationLevel)d2, stackable
    • Sunder Mind
      • We revamped Sunder Mind.
        • For up to 10 rounds, you engage in psychic combat with an opponent, dealing damage each round.
        • Taking any action other than passing the turn will break the connection.
        • Each round, mental attack vs. MA. Damage increment:
          • odd levels: 1d3+(mutationLevel/2)
          • even levels: 1d4+(mutationLevel-1/2)
        • On the tenth round, you deal damage equal to the total amount of damage you've done so far.
        • Range: sight
        • Cooldown: 80 rounds
  • We revamped several defects.
    • Removed Brittle Bones and Hemophilia.
    • Amnesia
      • Revamped. It now gives 2 points.
      • Whenever you learn a new secret, there's a small chance you forget one.
      • Whenever you return to a map you previously visited, there's a small chance you forget the layout.
    • Analgesia
      • Renamed Numb.
    • Blinking Tic
      • Tweaked occurrence chance.
      • Changed so it only triggers during combat.
    • Dystechnia (new)
      • 2 points.
      • You're much worse at examining artifacts.
      • You can't have artifacts identified for you because you don't understand their explanations.
      • When you break an artifact during examination failure, it explodes.
    • Electromagnetic Impulse
      • Tweaked occurrence chance.
      • Changed so it only triggers during combat.
    • Hooks for Feet
      • Removed the -10 move speed penalty.
    • Irritable Genome (new)
      • 4 points.
      • Whenever you spend a mutation point, the next mutation point you gain will be spent randomly.
      • Whenever you buy a new mutation, you get a random one instead of a choice of three.
    • Myopia
      • Increased point value from 2 to 3.
      • Made radius 10.
      • Renamed Myopic.
    • Narcolepsy
      • Reduced point value from 4 to 3.
      • Tweaked occurrence chance.
      • Changed so it only triggers during combat.
    • Psionic Migraines (new)
      • 4 points.
      • You cannot wear hats or helmets.
    • Quantum Jitters (new)
      • 3 points.
      • Whenever you use an activated ability, there's a small chance your focus slips and you dent spacetime in the local region, causing 1-2 spacetime vortices to appear. This chance increases the longer you go without using an activated ability.
    • Socially Repugnant
      • Revamped. It now gives -50 reputation with every faction.
    • Spontaneous Combustion
      • Tweaked occurrence chance.
      • Changed so it only triggers during combat.
    • Tonic Allergy (new)
      • 4 points.
      • The chance your mutant physiology reacts adversely to a tonic is increased to 33%.
      • If you react adversely this way to a salve or ubernostrum tonic, the adverse reaction effect is chosen randomly from among other tonic effects. You will still heal.
  • We fixed some issues with mutation changes from last week.
    • Teleportation - we kept the uncertainty radius but changed the target back from line of sight to any explored location (this was always the intention).
    • Adrenal control no longer increases its own rank.
    • Adrenal control no longer increases the ranks of mental mutations.
    • Attributes gained via adrenal control no longer count toward skill prerequisites.
    • Removed the Stinger / Wings exclusions.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Slime Glands from letting you walk over slime.
  • You can now select a limb in the equipment menu to make it your primary limb. If you do so, your Right Hand (old primary) inherits the offhand attack percentage that the new primary limb had.
  • Disguising items no longer change your tile when equipped in the thrown weapon slot.
  • Rifling through trash with Scavenging and Trash Divining is now toggleable.
  • There is now a classic UI option to indent body parts on the equipment screen, making their hierarchy more visible.
  • Sleep Gas Generation and sleep gas breathing no longer prevent you from voluntarily going to sleep.
  • NPCs immune to sleep gas no longer avoid it while pathfinding.


Released August 28, 2020.

  • Fixed a bug that caused certain worldmap graphics to be improperly hidden.
  • [modding] The mutation lists in character generation are now sorted by display name rather than displaying in order of their loading.
  • [modding] Beak and Carnivorous are now public.

201.18 - 'beta' branch

Released August 28, 2020.


Released August 21, 2020.

  • It's now possible to use a shield unskilled at a 25% block chance.
  • The section in the manual on the combat sequence now includes a description of shield blocking.
  • Attempting to move past the edge of the world now gives a message instead of failing silently.
  • When you fire a missile weapon without a target and your aim snaps to the nearest hostile creature, that creature is no longer set as your target.
  • NPCs are now able to attack inanimate objects they want to destroy.
  • Mutants with temporal fugue are now referred to as temporal fugitives in village histories.
  • Lase now ignores targets it cannot hit when selecting a target.
  • Dehydration notifications are no longer provided for companions who wouldn't generate a death notification.
  • You can no longer swap position with neutral or friendly puffer fungi.
  • Being involuntarily moved into a wall with burrowing claws or a drill equipped no longer forces you to attack the wall.
  • Being involuntarily moved can no longer swap you with a hostile creature.
  • Autoexplore can no longer swap you with an ignored hostile creature.
  • Engulfed creatures now have the lowest priority for purposes of determining which creature is hit when a tile is attacked. The purpose of this change is to make it so that companions can reasonably attack creatures that are engulfing you.
  • Village zones no longer fight with themselves over what music to play.
  • Grenades, mines, and bombs can now be detonated as an inventory action.
  • The classic UI key mapping screen now indicates that you can press delete to clear a command's bindings.
  • The selection hotkeys for donating a book to Sheba Hagadias no longer goes into non-alphabetic characters when you have a lot of books.
  • Projectile animations now become faster the longer the projectile's flight path is.
  • Lase's animation is now faster in general, and becomes faster the longer its path is.
  • Added variant death messages for being killed by electrical, acid, and disintegration damage.
  • Fixed a bug that made delete in the classic UI key mapping screen fail to trigger the bindings being saved.
  • Fixed a bug that caused temporary liquids (for example, acid pools produced by acid walltraps to become permanent through fluid dynamics processes.
  • Myopia's effect on visibility distance now works in more contexts.
  • Fixed a bug that degraded performance when creatures swam.
  • Fixed a bug that caused NPCs with Flaming Hands, Freezing Hands, Freeze Breath, and other breath attacks to stand still when targeting an enemy in the same cell as a wall.
  • Fixed a two-character grammatical redundancy in torches' description.
  • Fixed the message given when you lay a mine or set a bomb.
  • Fixed various instances of situation-specific death messages being overwritten by the generic, "You were killed by so-and-so".
  • Fixed a bug that made agility contribute less to throwing accuracy than it was meant to.
  • Fixed a bug that broke telepathy.
  • [debug] Fixed a bug that caused the "Give 250000 XP" keybind to give the XP without leveling you.
  • [modding] Creatures now respect their NoTrade tag in conversations.
  • [modding] The Mods directory is now created on startup if it doesn't already exist.
  • [modding] The ID attribute of your quests can now be used in QuestsByID. If an ID doesn't exist, Name is used.
  • Proselytes and rebuked robots can now be dismissed from your service as an interaction command.
  • Party members now more consistently behave in a fashion consistent with their leader's attitudes.

201.15 - beta

Released August 21, 2020.

  • When you level up to level 5, and every 10 levels afterward, your genome enters an excited state and you can rapidly advance one of your physical mutations.
  • Rapid advancement increases the mutation's rank by 3.
  • These three ranks don't count toward the rank 10 limit.
  • Rapidly advanced mutations are still subject to the mutation rank cap that's based on character level.
  • If you have 4 mutation points after gaining a level, you'll have a chance to buy a new mutation before you choose a mutation to rapidly advance.
  • If you have no physical mutations at this point, nothing happens.
  • We revamped several physical mutations.
    • Adrenal Control.
      • Reduced cost from 4 MP to 3.
      • We revamped this mutation.
        • You now gain an activated ability, Release Adrenaline, that increases your quickness by mutationLevel*2+38 for mutationLevel+19 rounds.
        • Cooldown: 100.
    • Burrowing Claws
      • Increased cost from 2 MP to 3.
      • Claws no longer occupy hand slot.
      • Your base fists are now replaced with claws that function as short blades and deal increased damage with mutation level.
        • levels 1-3: 1d2
        • levels 4-6: 1d3
        • levels 7-9: 1d4
        • levels 10-12: 1d6
        • levels 13-15: 1d8
        • levels 16-18: 1d10
        • levels 19+: 1d12
    • Carapace
      • Reduced cost from 4 MP to 3.
      • DV penalty is now a flat -2 across all mutation levels.
      • You no longer have trouble getting up when knocked prone.
      • Reduced the DV penalty for tightening your carapace from -10 to -2.
    • Carnivorous
      • Changed this into a defect that gives 1 MP.
      • Removed the tasty bonuses from eating meat.
    • Corrosive Gas Generation
      • Removed mutual exclusion with Sleep Gas Generation.
      • Increased the number of rounds you release gas for from mutationLevel/2 + 1 to mutationLevel+2.
      • Increased the cooldown from 35 to 40.
      • Corrosive gas no longer deals damage to items.
      • (cosmetic) Renamed the activated ability name to "Release Corrosive Gas".
    • Double-muscled
      • Reduced cost from 4 MP to 3.
      • Removed the movespeed penalty.
      • Changed the chance to daze on a successful melee attack to 13% + mutationLevel*2 for 2-3 rounds.
    • Electromagnetic Pulse
      • (cosmetic) Renamed the activated ability to "Emit Pulse".
    • Flaming Hands and Freezing Hands
      • Renamed to Flaming Ray and Freezing Ray. You now have the option to customize these mutations and choose a limb for the ghostly flames/icy vapor to appear on (Hands, Feet, or Face).
      • Now neither mutation occupies the Hands or any other body slot.
      • If you get the limb you chose severed, you lose access to the mutation's powers.
      • The temperature increase/decrease on melee attacks now applies to attacks made with any limb. We also added this behavior to the mutation description (it was previously undocumented).
      • Added a temporary exclusion with Beak.
    • Flaming Ray
      • Reduced cost from 5 MP to 4.
    • Freezing Ray
      • Increased cooldown from 10 to 20.
    • Heightened Quickness
      • Reduced cost from 4 MP to 3.
      • Removed the toughness penalty.
      • Increased quickness buff to mutationLevel*2 + 13.
    • Horns
      • You can now choose a cosmetic option for horns (horns, horn, antlers, casque).
      • Increased the chance for a horns attack from 20% to 25%.
      • Increased AV progression to (mutationLevel-1)/3 + 1.
      • Generalized damage to 2d[(mutationLevel/2)+3].
      • Improved bleeding damage to the following.
        • levels 1-3: 1
        • level 4+: 1d2 + (mutationLevel-4)/3
      • If you aren't wielding anything in your primary hand, you now attack with your horns as if they were your primary attack.
    • Multiple Arms
      • Increased the chance for extra attacks from 6% + mutationLevel * 2 to 7% + mutationLevel * 3.
    • Multiple Legs
      • Increased cost from 4 MP to 5.
      • Changed move speed bonus from mutationLevel * 5 + 3 to mutationLevel * 20.
    • Night Vision
      • You can now see [redacted].
    • Phasing
      • You can now phase back in on demand.
    • Photosynthetic Skin
      • Increased the bonus regeneration rate from Basking or cooking with lignin from 20% + mutationLevel * 4 to 20% + mutationLevel * 10.
      • Increased the bonus quickness from Basking or cooking with starch from 1 + Ceiling(mutationLevel/2) to 13 + mutationLevel*2.
      • Generalized the servings of starch and lignen you can store to [(mutationLevel-1) * 4] + 1.
      • Generalized the bonus duration of Basking's effect to [(mutationLevel-1) * 4] + 1.
    • Sleep Gas Generation
      • Increased cost from 3 MP to 4.
      • Removed mutual exclusion with Corrosive Gas Generation.
      • Increased the number of rounds you release gas for from mutationLevel/2 + 1 to mutationLevel+2.
      • Increased the cooldown from 35 to 40.
      • (cosmetic) Renamed the activated ability name to "Release Sleep Gas".
    • Slime Glands
      • You can walk now over slime without slipping.
    • Spinnerets
      • Activating Spin Webs no longer takes an action.
      • Made web save difficulty scale at 2X mutation level instead of 1X.
      • Increased arachnid reputation bonus from +200 to +300.
    • Thick Fur
      • Increased heat and cold resist bonus to +5
      • +100 reputation with all of the following: apes, baboons, bears, and grazing hedonists
    • Triple-jointed
      • Reduced cost from 4 MP to 3.
      • Removed the strength penalty.
      • Removed the bonus chance to dodge.
      • Added a 7% + mutationLevel * 3 chance that Agility-based skill powers don't go on cooldown after use
    • Two-headed
      • Increased cost from 2 MP to 3.
      • Improved mental action cost reduction from 16% + mutationLevel * 4 to 15% + mutationLevel * 5.
      • Improved chance to shake off a mental debuff from 5% + mutationLevel to 5% + mutationLevel * 2
    • Wings
      • Wings no longer take up the Worn on Back slot.
      • (cosmetic) Your Worn on Back slot is renamed to Worn around Wings.
      • +10% + (mutationLevel*10) move speed while sprinting.
      • Jump range is increased by (mutationLevel/3) + 1.
      • Charge range is increased by (mutationLevel/3) + 2.
  • We nerfed the carbine and the sparbine.
    • Reduced carbine's accuracy.
    • The masterwork carbine quest reward now uses the same ammo as the standard carbine (lower damage).
  • We made burning damage scale with temperature.
    • 1-100 above flame point: 1 damage per round
    • 101 - 300 above flame point: 1-2 damage per round
    • 301 - 500 above flame point: 2-3 damage per round
    • 501 - 700 above flame point: 3-4 damage per round
    • 701 - 900 above flame point: 4-5 damage per round
    • 901+ above flame point: 5-6 per turn
  • Added a new clock to the main screen in the overlay UI.
  • Added a new item: wrist fan.
  • Added a new item mod: disguise.
  • Dynamic villages can now generate with resident apothecaries.
  • Elder Irudad now has some apothecary wares.
  • Added a nice new overlay UI element for popup messages.
  • The overlay UI now displays your drams of freshwater next to your weight.
  • You can now access the mod manager from the main menu in the classic UI.
  • You can now use Page Up, Page Down, +, and - to navigate the classic options & key mapping menus.
  • You can now use Page Up and Page Down to navigate the tinker menu.
  • The trade UI "don't have enough water containers" message no longer resets the trade window.
  • Sprint now has a single active ability, "Sprint", which can be toggled.
  • Stopsvalinn now has a better chance of spawning with a high-end energy cell, when it spawns with an energy cell.
  • Spiral borers are now able to dig in reloaded zones.
  • The Astral monster mutation can no longer be leveled
  • Nonexistent journal entries can no longer be deleted.
  • Fixed the switched cooking effect behavior on starch and lignin.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong XP value to be displayed in the Sheba Hagadias book turn-in dialog for stacks of books.
  • [debug] The clearstatshifts wish no longer returns spent mutation, skill and attribute points.
  • [modding] Most internal classes are now public.
  • [modding] Colors, anatomies, options, conversations, and pronouns now reload properly when mod configuration changes.
  • [modding] Fixed a bug that caused the detail color of subtypes to be merged onto the tile.


Released August 14, 2020.

  • You can once again acquire fungal infections.
  • On the character screen, attributes that are modified above or below their base values now display as green or red, respectively. You can also now select an attribute on this screen to display its base level, which is used for meeting skill requirements.
  • You can now disassemble without the Tinkering skill as long as you have the Disassemble skill power.
  • Confusion now affects artifact examination.
  • The following objects are now tagged as being made of metal: HE missile, becoming nook, cybernetic rack, leering stalker's pneumatic piston, scrap shoveler's scrap saw, crypt sitter's chrome stilt, strip fly's mechanical pincers, Rodanis Y's tungsten carbide hammer-fist and axe-fist, and boosterbot's helping hand.
  • Tinkered items can no longer generate fitted with suspensors or liquid-cooled.
  • Baetyls can no longer be psychically attacked and are now subject to EMP.
  • Industrial fans now respect phase.
  • Steam no longer burns things to ash.
  • Steam now tracks who is responsible for creating it.
  • The Gas Generation mutations now produce gas in the same phase as the mutant producing it.
  • Quest item torches no longer lose their unique display names.
  • Using psychometry on a stack of items now results in better messaging.
  • Reading passcodes using psychometry is now subject to reality stabilization.
  • Loading a medassist module from the implant's interaction menu no longer loads an entire stack of tonics.
  • The Mutating effect is now considered negative.
  • Greater voider teleportation now respects normality but is powerful enough to contest it.
  • Thrown weapon reequipping now reequips a similar item from your inventory if an identical one is not available.
  • Autoexploring while wearing ninefold boots no longer teleports you between zones.
  • Disassemble all is no longer usable with hostile creatures nearby.
  • When you disessemble multiple items or use disessemble after performing another activity that has an action cost, you're now forced out of the interaction menu as you approach an action cost deficit that would place you in danger if hostile creatures arrived.
  • Mechanimist snailmother converts now spawn ickslugs with the same faction attitudes as their mothers.
  • Made item naming more reliably relevant to events that just occurred.
  • Relics and relic-like items are now consistently unmoddable.
  • Messages are no longer generated when creatures out of your line of sight use Shield Wall.
  • Being asleep now generates a message only if the last message you received was about something other than being asleep.
  • Popups are now used for messaging stat saps' permanent attribute drain.
  • Being blocked by an object no longer displays any weapon performance characteristics it may have.
  • Dominating someone you have performed the water ritual with and then looking at yourself no longer displays "You are water-bonded with you" in your description.
  • Fixed the conjugation of the verb "get" in the companion thirst notification message for companions of pseudo-plural gender.
  • Fixed a bug that disabled autoact rate limiting.
  • Fixed some bugs around tracking body parts added by equipment.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some liquid coverings, particularly acid-based ones, to not generate a clean action.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused fire-based abilities to end early when they encountered mixed liquids.


Released August 7th, 2020.

  • Examining artifacts now requires being able to move your extremities.
  • Eating snacks now requires being able to move your extremities.
  • The "HP warning threshold" option now defaults to on at 40%.
  • Various powered items, such as VISAGEs and ninefold boots, now correctly drain the last dram of their slotted liquid-fueled energy cells rather than leaving behind one unusable dram. If you find more items that do this, please report them on the public bug tracker:
  • NPCs attempting to use broken and rusted tonics no longer cause messages popups for the player. NPCs also attempt to use broken and rusted tonics less often.
  • Creatures are more willing to enter gas clouds, especially if they are immune to the gas.
  • Stunning Force can no longer be used on the world map.
  • Slumberlings are no longer Wakeful when they emerge from their natural hibernation.
  • Item naming opportunities triggered by leveling up now occur after the level up message.
  • Nullbeards are now permanently astrally tethered rather than immune to astral tethering or burdening.
  • Puffer fungi once again take damage from damaging gases at the rate inanimate objects do.
  • Frozen energy cells slotted into equipment no longer stay frozen forever.
  • Implanting a cybernetic implant now makes it permanently understood. If it was only understood due to a techscanning ability, losing that ability no longer converts it to an implanted "weird artifact".
  • Strip flies now respect phase and flight.
  • Psionic weapons can no longer be disassembled.
  • Items are now automatically weightless when equipped in a Floating Nearby slot.
  • Autogetting from adjacent squares is now controlled by an option: "Autopickup from adjacent squares". It defaults to off and only covers non-autoexplore movement.
  • You're now interrupted in the middle of autogetting multiple items when a hostile creature nears you (rather than being slammed by multiple enemy actions afterward).
  • Whether you immediately pick up items butchered from corpses is now determined by your autoget settings, not by whether you were autoexploring.
  • Pathfinding now avoids mines laid and bombs set by non-hostile creatures, to varying degrees by munition type.
  • Added a new option, "Prerelease Stage Scale", in the Overlay UI section.
  • Fixed a bug that broke mod tinkering when certain items had high-powered magnets applied to them.
  • Fixed a bug caused the Wakeful effect to not work sometimes.
  • Fixed a bug that disabled measures to prevent inappropriate objects from spawning on top of each other.
  • Fixed a bug that made Flexiweaved sometimes give positive DV.
  • Fixed some bugs that caused equipping certain items to fail to trigger their state changes, such as quest completion and DV updates for defensive stance.
  • Fixed a bug that caused save modifiers provided by cybernetic implants to not work.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the liquid-cooled item mod to be unapplyable in some cases where it should have been applyable.
  • Fixed a bug that destroyed cybernetics when another implant was implanted directly in its slot.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the value of cybernetics credit wedges to not show up in the short version of their display names.
  • Fixed a color pattern typo in Ereshkigal's interface.
  • Fixed a typo in a journal accomplishment.
  • Fixed a stray color markup tag in save modifier rules text.
  • Fixed some grammar bugs in the descriptions of hostile clones.
  • [modding] Specifications for DefaultBehavior attributes in Bodies.xml part elements are now correctly respected.
  • [modding] Fixed a bug that made less information available in some movement-related events than should have been.

201.8 - beta

Released August 7th, 2020.

  • Mechanical cherubim are now classified as robots.
  • Villages and chef ovens should no longer let you cook game-breaking meals.
  • The schematics choices for acquiring Tinker I, Tinker II, and Tinker III are now of the appropriate complexity for that tinker tier.
  • Village immigrants' pronouns are now more consistent.
  • Added a new option, "Prerelease Stage Scale", in the Overlay UI section.
  • Fixed a typo in waveform worm's description.
  • Fixed a bug with villager dialog color.
  • [modding] We added a new in-progress overlay UI for the Mod Manager.
  • [modding] Added a new "manifest.json" file to populate the extra fields shown in the Mod Manager. This file now subsumes config.json (you should convert any config.json files into manifest.json files). See


Released July 31, 2020.

  • Trolls now know how to swim.
  • Clicking a tile with a hostile creature now attacks the creature instead of attempting to speak with it.
  • Gave rainboweave cloaks lower DV but a chance to refract light-based attacks.
  • Added a new status effect, Wakeful, that gets applied for 3-5 rounds after you wake up from involuntary sleep. While wakeful, you can't fall asleep.
  • Item naming now allows apostrophes.
  • Baetyls no longer request the Billowing Conch of the Aji.
  • Long blade stances now respect your restrictions on companion ability use.
  • En garde! now takes Lunge and Swipe off cooldown when it activates.
  • You no longer have the option to decline being moved by a factory arm into a deep shaft.
  • Penetrating radar now reveals hidden objects that can be discovered by searching.
  • Messages for spotting hidden objects now include directional information.
  • Missing skill prereqs now cause entries on the Skills screen to be grayed out, like they are for unmet attribute requirements.
  • Pathfinding now goes to much less effort to avoid many types of liquids and some types of gases.
  • Skills that require a weapon of a given type to be wielded in the primary hand now accept weapons wielded in the first hand if your primary limb is not a hand, such as for animals whose primary limb is often their face or foot.
  • Fixed a bug that caused hyper-elastic ankle tendons' behavior to be excluded from their description.
  • Fixed a bug with stacking that resulted in permanent MA / DV loss.
  • Fixed a bug that caused suspensors to not work properly on equipped items.
  • Fixed a bug that caused ceremonial vibrokhopeshes to repeatedly reboot while you travelled on the world map.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes made it impossible to interact with companions.
  • Fixed some bugs that caused various types of cloned creatures to not be hostile when they should have been.
  • Fixed some bugs that disabled the escape teleportation used by some relics, extradimensional items, and chaotic cherubim.
  • Fixed a bug that caused books to be unreadable from the prerelease equipment screen.
  • Fixed a misattribution in Lase messaging.
  • Fixed a typo in sultan history.
  • Fixed a bug that made Saad Amus very lazy.
  • [modding] Liquids' ObjectEnteredCell method now receives the relevant ObjectEnteredCellEvent as its second argument. The version that receives the GameObject moving as its second argument is still called for compatibility.
  • [modding] WishCommands should now properly be loaded/unloaded with mod changes.

201.6 - beta

Released July 31, 2020.

  • Creatures that try to keep their distance from you now may now decide to take other actions, such as defend themselves directly, when they fall below 50% HP.
  • Evil twins now reconsider their equipped items when they spawn.
  • Stage layouts wider than 1080p now letterbox correctly.
  • The look dialog is now only dismissble via Space or Esc.
  • Mouse movement now paths through non-hostiles if necessary to reach your destination.
  • Rhinox charge now respects phase and flight.
  • Fixed a bug that caused books to be unreadable from the prerelease equipment screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused books to continue to render in the background even after you exited out of the read book screen.
  • Fixed a bug where hitting Esc from the Save Build prompt would save the build with no name rather than backing out of the menu.
  • Fixed the "restore defaults" button on the prerelease control mapping screen improperly clearing all keybinds.
  • [modding] Added native support for Harmony 2.0.2 patches in mods (
  • [modding] Upgraded the C# compiler to Roslyn.
  • [modding] Errors and warnings generated by the mod compiler now include the associated filename and line number.
  • [modding] The "playerwho" wish now properly allows turns to tick.


Released July 25, 2020.

200.71 - Tomb of the Eaters

Released July 18, 2020.

  • There's now a gigantic tomb complex built around the Spindle at Omonporch. It's 12 stories tall, contains several historically striated sections, and includes ~100 maps.
  • There are now several archaeological features around the Tomb exterior, including the outer caryatid wall, the Arcade to the Twin Gates, and the Court of Sultans.
  • Added many, many, many new creatures, NPCs, objects, and mechanics scattered across the Tomb and its surrounding environs.
  • Added a new quest in the main questline: Tomb of the Eaters.
  • Added two side quests: The Buried Watchers and Fraying Favorites.
  • Added a new village: Ezra.
  • Added a new settlement: the mopango hideout.
  • Added three new factions: mopango, the villagers of Ezra, and the Daughters of Exile.
  • Added four new music tracks to the Tomb.
  • [mentioned above] Added many, many new NPCs, creatures, items, objects, and mechanics specifically tied to the Tomb of the Eaters. We aren't listing those here.
  • [mentioned above] Added three new quests: Tomb of the Eaters, the Buried Watchers, and Fraying Favorites.
  • [mentioned above] Added a new village: Ezra.
  • [mentioned above] Added three new factions: mopango, the villagers of Ezra, and the Daughters of Exile.
  • Added 16 new cybernetic implants:
    • equipment rack
    • bionic liver
    • pneumatic pistons
    • reactive cranial plating
    • high-fidelity matter recompositer
    • anomaly fumigator
    • phase harmonic modulater
    • penetrating radar
    • navigation system
    • reactive trauma plate
    • micromanipulator array
    • onboard recoiler
    • biodynamic power plant
    • fire suppression system
    • medassist module
    • anchor spikes
  • Added the following new items.
    • advanced toolkit
    • point-defense drone
    • syphon baton
    • molly netting
    • time dilation grenades
    • ninefold boots
    • displacer bracelet
    • spring-turret grenades
    • glitter grenades
    • several new recoilers
  • Added the following new item mods.
    • liquid-cooled
    • padded
    • gigantic
    • displacer
    • phase-harmonic
    • fitted with electromagnetic shielding
    • fitted with co-processer
    • refractive
    • morphogenetic
    • nulling
    • airfoil
  • Added a new liquid: brain brine.
  • Added a new gas: miasmatic ash.
  • Added two new cooking ingredients: crushed grave moss and compacted bone meal.
  • Added two new signature dishes.
  • We changed how movespeed is calculated. Instead of approaching near-infinite movespeed as you near 200, your movespeed above or below 100 is treated as a percentage increase or decrease. Examples: 160 movespeed is 60% faster than 100. 50% movespeed is 100% slower than 100.
  • The Multiple Legs mutation now costs 4 points.
  • Motorized treads now gives more movespeed.
  • Occasionally, upon gaining a level, completing a quest, performing the water ritual, or defeating a legendary foe, you may now become inspired to name one of your items.
  • We made some changes to liquid and liquid pool behavior.
    • You now swim through pools of size 2000+ drams. Swimming is now a status effect that penalizes movespeed and prevents creatures from taking move-related actions that require footing. You're asked to confirm movement when you first move into a swim-depth pool. The swimming confirmation message is toggleable via the option in the Prompts menu.
    • Added a new status effect: wading. You now wade through pools of size 200-2000 drams. Wading gives -20 movespeed and interferes with some forms of movement, including sprinting.
    • We renormalized the volumes of all the puddles, pools, and rivers in the game. Swim-depth pools (over 2000 drams) are now much more rare.
    • Pools smaller than the wading threshold (200 drams) now use a different tile set.
    • Entering a swim-depth pool from land now displays a warning message and requires you to confirm movement.
    • Swim-depth pools now interrupt autowalk unless you are already swimming, flying, or out of phase with the pool.
    • Small puddles now evaporate over time.
    • Aquatic creatures now receive a -25 penalty to movespeed instead of the full -50. (The Swimming skill's +25 bonus offsets this penalty.)
    • Objects now become coated in liquid more easily, and they also lose their liquid coatings more easily.
    • Liquid-coated objects have a chance to stain.
    • You can now use water to clean your stained equipment via inventory actions on either your water containers or your stained equipment.
    • Some liquids now weigh more than others.
    • Creatures moving through pools of liquid now track the liquid around. Bigger pools are more likely to be tracked around.
    • Footwear now protects you from being affected by small pools of liquid.
    • Pathfinding now puts more weight toward pathing around large pools of liquids, even less deadly ones.
    • Bilge sphincters now provide a movespeed bonus in liquid pools of 200+ drams instead of 1000+.
  • The random-buy mutation choices should now be more stable for a given seed.
  • If you're out of 2+ point mutations to buy, you're now presented with 1-point mutations.
  • Spacetime vortices and rifts now deposit all objects that enter through them into a consistent destination zone (randomly determined per anomaly), rather than destroying non-player objects. Companions sucked into a vortex are unable to rejoin you until you find them.
  • We tweaked the temperature-related behavior of liquids.
    • You may find differences in how pouring liquids on you affects temperature.
    • Standing in a pool of lava is no longer safe once you've dealt with the initial temperature shock.
    • Your equipment and inventory now experience more temperature effects than before, particularly if you expose yourself to large amounts of lava.
  • We made some changes to sparking baetyl rewards.
    • Item rewards are now much better.
    • Item rewards now scale with both the baetyl's zone difficulty and the tier of the demanded item.
    • Reduced the maximum number of demanded items to six.
  • Baetyls asking for Templar phylacteries no longer ask for the phylacteries of specific people.
  • Baetyls no longer care about differently-colored display names in the items they request.
  • Baetyls no longer care about taking small amounts of damage, but they become... significantly irritated... by larger amounts.
  • Phinae Hoshaiah can no longer generate as hated by baetyls.
  • Trees are now stronger and tougher.
  • More NPC tinkers can now repair, recharge, and identify artifacts.
  • Fungal infections are now immune to heat, cold, electricity, and acid.
  • Any NPC with whom you can perform the water ritual can now give you directions.
  • Puffer fungi can now be hit by normal ranged weapons.
  • Lava and acid now spawn less often in containers that are unsafe to house them.
  • Companions now attempt to generally follow you even if they can't pathfind all the way to you (for example, because you have Force Bubble active).
  • Mirrorshades now give a very small chance to reflect light-based attacks.
  • Multiple applications of Hobble now renew the duration of the effect rather than stacking the movespeed penalty.
  • Carbide hand bones no longer modify hands added by Helping Hands, and they only affect the set of hands where the implant was implanted (in the event a True Kin has somehow acquired multiple sets of hands).
  • You can no longer open and close doors while frozen solid.
  • Magazine-loaded ranged weapons now account for the weight and value of the ammo loaded in them.
  • Fungal infections and motorized treads are now immune to damage.
  • Lunge now respects phase and flight.
  • Juke now interacts better with effects that restrict your mobility.
  • Wraith-knights can no longer be duplicated or cloned.
  • Robotic and otherwise inorganic creatures are no longer made thirsty by thirst thistle attacks.
  • Temporal fugue clones and various other forms of cloning no longer count toward the death and destruction toll of A Call to Arms.
  • Wraith-knights now despawn if their phylacteries are destroyed for any reason.
  • Temporary items are now worthless, can no longer be cooked with, can no longer be used as tinkering components, and can no longer have their bits harvested.
  • Temporal fugue clones now leave behind any items they had acquired after being conjured.
  • Eater's nectar injectors belonging to temporal fugue clones now affect only temporal fugue clones.
  • Having thirst inflicted on you by an attack no longer triggers tongue bleeding from glotrot.
  • The Amphibious trait no longer reduces thirst that's inflicted by attacks, and amphibious characters get the same log messages as do non-amphibious characters when an attack inflicts thirst.
  • We changed the way acid damage is calculated. Exposure to either dilute acid or small acid pools now deals less damage.
  • Metal items now take quarter damage from acid.
  • Salty water now generates half as much steam when vaporized. Brackish water generates 90% as much.
  • Lacquered items now note in their descriptions that they repel liquids (this is behavior they always had).
  • Steam now only damages organic objects.
  • You can now retrieve items from owned containers that you put in them without triggering hostility.
  • Stairs, pits, and similar objects that represent open space can no longer be sucked into space-time vortices.
  • You can now collect liquids into slotted liquid-fueled energy cells.
  • Small spheres of negative weight now add to your weight when they're broken or otherwise inoperative.
  • Psionic weapons with slotted cells now leave the cells behind when they evanesce.
  • Psionic weapons can no longer be modded with tinkering.
  • Miner bots no longer generate mines based on modded grenades.
  • NPCs are now less interested in using random items from their inventories as improvised weapons.
  • Girshlings you encounter outside of Red Rock no longer advance 'What's Eating the Watervine?'.
  • Force fields you can pass through no longer interrupt automove regardless of their source.
  • Destroying or teleporting a web now frees anything stuck in it.
  • When an object is phased multiple times, damage from being forced into phase by reality stabilization now occurs only when the last effect is terminated.
  • Items that affect the chance of salvaging multiple bits, like advanced toolkits, are no longer used on items that can only ever disassemble into one bit.
  • Dromad trader psychic thralls or domesticated slaves no longer generate map notes.
  • Geomagnetic discs can no longer spawn with elemental damage mods.
  • Made some improvements to geomagnetic disc pathing.
  • Mafeo now has a pickaxe for sale.
  • Excluded some more creatures from spawning as Mechanimist converts, including pulsed field magnets.
  • Powered exoskeletons can now have a variety of item mods.
  • When you're under the effect of the gamma moth Mutating effect, random mutations you might acquire are now reseeded at some point during its duration.
  • Sheba Hagadias no longer succumbs to natural behavior like going on a pilgrimage or urn dusting.
  • Things without brains can no longer be dazed or stunned.
  • Holograms can no longer be harvested or butchered.
  • Small stones and large stones are no longer flammable.
  • Goatfolk can now give directions in conversations.
  • Objects without bodies can no longer be knocked prone.
  • Exiting the world map now avoids placing you in cells where you would have to swim.
  • Pathfinding now strongly avoids tiles next to non-allied puffer fungi.
  • Moving within two squares of puffer fungi now interrupts automove regardless of your "ignore enemies" settings.[
  • Eaters' nectar now re-randomizes your potential mutation buys.
  • Meditation no longer instantly cures bleeding. Instead, it now triples the rate of recovery from more negative status effects, including bleeding.
  • Giant beetle and beetlebum corpses can now be butchered for raw beetle meat, which can be preserved as beetle jerky.
  • Waterskins, canteens, and similar liquid containers are now repellent to certain types of liquids.
  • Quests no longer ask you to find forgotten ruins or use forgotten ruins as landmarks.
  • Boxes of crayons now let you choose which color to draw with and draw in tiles you're adjacent to. Also, drawing now has an action cost.
  • Bloated pearlfrogs no longer ignore phase when pulling creatures with their tongues.
  • Being frozen now interrupts sprinting and other movement or body-positioning effects.
  • The harvest action now has a higher default priority than the chat action when both are present.
  • Snail eggs and luminous motes are no longer used as quest items.
  • Albino ape pelts can no longer be eaten. As a result, you now control their autopickup status via the autopickup trade goods toggle instead of the autopickup food toggle.
  • You'll no longer encounter creatures standing in the same tile as a closed door.
  • The walk command no longer generates an error if used in on the edge of a zone.
  • Doors can no longer be closed on creatures or movement-blocking objects that occupy the same tile.
  • Village catchbasins are now owned by the village faction.
  • Attacking into a frozen zone now thaws it. This is most relevant when attacking up or down stairs.
  • Removing energy cells from owned items now angers their owners.
  • You can now pour into equipped liquid containers.
  • Fix-It spray foam and other applicators, when unidentified, no longer reveal themselves when you back out of an interaction.
  • Shank now respects phase and flight.
  • Sheba Hagadias will no longer lay mines if a miner or deploy turrets if a turret tinker.
  • Linear cannons can be tinkered now.
  • You can now path through locked doors when you're carrying the appropriate key card.
  • NPCs are now less avoidant of slime pools.
  • Changed the way heirlooms gifted during the Spindle negotiation are generated and made their types respect the text in Heirlooms of Qud.
  • Space-time vortices and rifts are no longer be pushed by forces like explosions.
  • The AV bestowed by the Quills mutation now returns to the max value when your quills regenerate.
  • Visiting the waterlogged tunnel no longer counts as visiting Red Rock.
  • Removed the small per turn time delay while asleep.
  • A given attack can now only have a block attempt performed with one shield. The limit on the number of attacks per turn that can be blocked is now per-shield; if you have multiple shields equipped, you will attempt to block a given attack using the best shield that you can presently use.
  • You can no longer shield block while frozen, paralyzed, burrowed, or otherwise unable to freely move your limbs.
  • Becoming famished now interrupts autoact.
  • Creatures that are fleeing no longer count as visible hostiles.
  • Creatures that try to keep their distance from the player now only count as visible hostiles at close range.
  • Grenades are no longer destroyed before hitting the ground when thrown into a tile with acid gas.
  • Flashbang grenades now affect a circular area instead of a square.
  • Glowmoths can now use their gaze attack at point blank range.
  • Only creatures who are able to engage in combat and can move their limbs now count for the purposes of preventing charge and causing missile weapons to fire wildly.
  • Creatures now go prone if they can when they fall asleep for any reason, not just when they voluntarily go to sleep on a bed.
  • Made most organic items leave behind ashes when they burn up.
  • Ashes no longer catch fire.
  • Village outskirts now properly have above and belowground features.
  • The Bleeding effect is now described differently for creatures that do not have blood.
  • Objects that are cloned while phased now properly assume their normal phase.
  • Relics and extradimensional missile weapons now occasionally generate as armor-negating.
  • Graftek-granted stat changes now count as permanent in all the usual ways.
  • Factory arms now respect phase and flight.
  • Item mods now include a native tier and will appear less frequently on items below that tier.
  • Overdosing on a blaze tonic no longer cools you down, and overdosing on hoarshrooms no longer warms you up.
  • Companions now heal while moving on the worldmap.
  • Chainguns are now heavy weapons.
  • Relics now have extra hit points.
  • The Barathrumites are now more forgiving of friendly fire during A Call to Arms.
  • Item-collecting arconauts and graverobbers no longer collect items when player-led or dominated.
  • Cultist without bodies are less likely to become cult leaders.
  • Your turrets now allow you to deactivate and reactivate them regardless of your security clearance.
  • Hitting or firing at something with your missile weapon no longer makes it your target if it isn't hostile to you or if you already have a target.
  • Fix-It spray foam can now be applied to nearby objects.
  • Fix-It spray form now restores hit points to inanimate and inorganic objects.
  • Charging Strike now adds 1 to the maximum AV penalty that can be inflicted by Cleave.
  • Campfires, corpses, boulders, and furniture now block doors from closing.
  • Conveyor belts can no longer move force fields.
  • Equipment that uses multiple slots now prefers to use slots that are near each other.
  • Reduced the extreme stickiness of asphalt, wax, honey, and sap.
  • Spinnerets no longer produce webs on the world map.
  • Only debuff effects now break domination.
  • Sleep gas no longer applies renewed Asleep effects to you while you are already asleep.
  • Confusion gas, sleep gas, and poison gas waste less time causing things they can't affect to make saves against them.
  • Shake It Off and Poison Tolerance now describe their effects more accurately.
  • Shake It Off's effect on poison damage is now properly implemented.
  • The Grit Gate communications panel is now more durable.
  • The following are now considered negative effects: choking on ash, phase spider venom, time-dilated, warming up, famished, and holographic bleeding.
  • Going to sleep no longer makes you cease being prone.
  • NPCs no longer normally want to equip Hand-E-Nukes.
  • Telepathy now allows Berate to be used at any range if telepathic contact can be made.
  • NPCs now display the same degree of hostility to things that live on walls that they would otherwise.
  • We added a whole suite of vibrant combat animations. These can be disabled in the General options menu.
  • We added a whole new UI infrastructure to support future UI changes, and exposed a new, in-progress overlay UI for the main game screen. You can enable it from the options menu (Overlay UI > Prerelease: Use prerelease stage screen).
  • Changed the glyph and tile colors of non-mayor quest givers in villages from dark green to bright yellow. Accordingly, we also changed Mehmet's color to bright yellow.
  • We made some changes to auto-equip.
    • Auto-equip now gives you feedback on items that were unequipped as a result of your action.
    • Eliminated most repetitive auto-equip messaging.
    • Auto-equip now tries to unequip multiple items in order to equip an item that uses multiple equipment slots.
    • Confirmation is now requested before automatically unequipping an item that will be destroyed by being unequipped.
  • Added a new interaction menu command for companions, direct ability use, that allows you to forbid or permit your companions' use of their individual activated abilities.
  • Added a new command to autoattack your current target in melee: Ctrl-A by default. When autoattacking, you pathfind toward your target if necessary and attempt to melee attack them. All the conditions that interrupt automove also interrupt autoattack, with one exception: if your target is the only hostile in sight, their presence does not interrupt you.
  • Added a new command to attack the nearest hostile target in melee (Shift-A by default). If there are any hostiles adjacent to you, this command attacks the one that appears easiest to kill. Otherwise, it pathfinds one step toward the easiest-appearing visible hostile.
  • Added a new "Ignored Keys" keybind. Keys bound to this entry are completely ignored. (This is useful for reserving a push-to-talk or screenshot key, for example.)
  • The following actions performed while autoexploring now also operate on adjacent tiles: autoget, harvesting, butchering, trash rifling, opening a chest, and interacting with a bookshelf.
  • Electromagnetic sensors and the following mutations now interrupt autoexplore and automove when you identify a hostile creature: Heightened Hearing, Heightened Smell, and Sense Psychic.
  • More autoexplore activities now respect the autoexplore options for ignoring easy and distant enemies.
  • Autowalking on the worldmap now avoids the Rainbow Wood.
  • Autoexplore now passes through tiles that contain animated walls if those walls are in your party.
  • Autocollect can now be disabled on empty waterskins.
  • We changed the option "Maximum autoexplore squares/sec" to "Maximum automove squares/sec" and made it apply to all forms of automove.
  • The display format of some zone names has changed.
  • Projectiles coming from a distance and passing near the player now produce a message in the message log.
  • Objects embedded in walls can no longer be taken or interacted with via the interact nearby command (unless you are also in the same tile as the wall or can pass through the wall).
  • The overlay inventory screen now better handles having two heads or two faces.
  • Trader repair and recharge actions now more effectively handle plurality and stacking.
  • Smart use no longer pets Sheba Hagadias by default if Sheba is pettable.
  • Take-all no longer counts untakeable items when checking whether you're going over your weight limit.
  • Cybernetics credit wedges are now stackable.
  • Disassemble now requests confirmation before disassembling quest items and items you have equipped.
  • Disassemble now provides a "disassemble all" inventory action that disassembles a stack of items at once.
  • Disassemble now has an action cost.
  • A message now periodically appears in the message log when your companions are dehydrated. If they are visible when they become dehydrated, you get a popup.
  • The take-all command now skips the weight limit warning if you're already over your weight limit.
  • Lay Mine and Set Bomb now allow you to press escape from the explosive selection menu to abort the command.
  • When you're selecting an item to equip from the equipment menu, items listed within a given category are now sorted in descending order by a rough utility evaluation. This sort method was there previously, but code was since introduced that disrupted it.
  • Added new loading status indicator art.
  • Colored text now displays more reliably across multiple lines in the text UI sidebar.
  • Added a black outline to the overlay XP and HP readout numbers.
  • Made the container preference for liquid collection more consistent. The order is: containers designated for autocollection of the liquid, then devices that use the liquid, then containers that already contain pure liquid of that type, then empty containers.
  • Collecting a liquid now reports on which containers the liquid was collected into.
  • The collect liquid action now only collects into containers that are safe for the liquid.
  • The [redacted] in Joppa now shows up in the alt display.
  • We made some tweaks to the looting menu in the classic UI.
    • The weights of takeable items are now displayed alongside the items themselves.
    • The menu now has an adaptive width to avoid cutting off item names.
    • Page up and page down now work more reliably.
  • Encountering the following objects now interrupts autowalk: deep shafts, identified mines, aloes, spacetime rifts, and spacetime vortices.
  • Artifacts with proper names are no longer treated as having proper names while unidentified.
  • On the classic trade screen, we switched 'interact with the selected item' from the Tab key to the Space key. Tab now selects and deselects all items on the active column of the trade screen, as an analog to its take-all function in looting menus.
  • You can now use the Walk keybind from the Look menu to autowalk to the tile you're looking at.
  • Automove and rest are now interrupted by decarbonizer beams that are detectable to you by sight, sound, or smell.
  • When you're about to stop flying and you're at risk of taking fall damage (ie, at least one stratum above ground), you're now given an appropriate warning message.
  • Faction leaders now have their prowess more accurately judged and displayed in their look descriptions.
  • Autowalk, autoexplore, and rest are now interrupted when your companions engage in combat, take damage, or die, as long as they're visible or audible.
  • Changed the message when you try to remove an unremovable cybernetic implant.
  • The look and target picker "Locked" status toggle is now remembered across games and reloads.
  • In the classic UI, the cooking menu now returns to the selected option instead of the top of the list when you choose a recipe to cook then decide go Back.
  • "Press space" dialogs now close only when you press Escape, Enter, or Space.
  • The overburdened status effect is now updated more reliably when your carrying capacity changes.
  • The weight display in the trade UI is now more accurate.
  • You no longer receive messages about merchants restocking if you're not in the same zone as they are.
  • In the classic UI option screen, slider and selection options that don't fit well in one line now occupy two lines.
  • The weights of takeable items are now always shown in their short descriptions.
  • Autoexplore now seeks out and examines objects that contained unrevealed secrets in their descriptions.
  • Waiting for a specified number of turns now shows a countdown next to the loading status indicator.
  • In the trade screen, you can now use the keyboard (not numpad) number keys to specify a number of whatever is currently selected to trade.
  • PgUp and PgDn can now be used on the Reputation and Skills screens.
  • The Skills screen now reserves a consistent amount of screen space for skill descriptions rather than adjusting the space depending on the description length. Some descriptions have been edited to accommodate this.
  • When selecting a container to pour a liquid into, containers that already contain that liquid now appear at the top of the list.
  • Smart use on environmental liquid pools and liquid containers now opens the interaction menu rather than going directly into the pour-into-container action.
  • You now get a message when you try to swap places with a non-hostile creature but can't for some reason.
  • Losing sight of your target now interrupts automove.
  • Elevator and door switches can now be flipped via the interaction menu.
  • You can now properly access help from the main menu with '?'.
  • Numpad '/' now shows and hides the prerelease stage message log.
  • Reputation change messages now include your new reputation and inform you if the faction's overall attitude toward you has changed.
  • The reputation changes incurred by violating the water ritual are now displayed in a single message.
  • You can now add notes to items in your inventory and equipment. The notes appear in the item's short description.
  • The fill action on liquid containers can now be used on any container that is not full, not just empty containers.
  • You now prefer to autouse liquids that aren't stored in functional containers like liquid-cooled firearms.
  • Missile weapons that use spray fire ammo (shotguns, pumps, point-defense drones, and flamethrowers) now indicate in their short description that they aren't subject to firing wildly when multiple enemies are adjacent.
  • Bows now display their loaded arrows' penetration and damage value.
  • Made weapon class display, strength cap, and accuracy information the color of rules text.
  • When you run out of water while traveling, you now receive a message and a chance to stop rather than only getting notified when you become life-threateningly dehydrated.
  • The environmental item picker now refreshes when a taken action changes the list of items displayed, such as when an item is broken off a stack.
  • The visual effects for being frozen, slowed due to temperature, or on fire now have higher visual priority.
  • The Tinkering screen bit locker now displays the glyph for each bit type of bit next to its name.
  • The Spindle negotiation menu now uses alphabetic hotkeys rather than numeric in order to prevent numpad-based selection accidents.
  • Added damage and penetration displays to thrown weapons.
  • Ashes are now categorized as corpses.
  • Pulse field magnets ripping equipment off your body is now messaged via a popup.
  • The menu for entering a local map from the worldmap was reworked for clarity.
  • Hitting escape when you're asked for a character name during character creation now returns you to the character summary screen.
  • Automove now ignores the hostility of dreadroots, young ivory, and lurking beth.
  • The movement penalty from equipping heavy weapons now visibly alters your move speed and the weapon's description, rather than being an invisible modifier to action costs.
  • Some liquids pools now require you to confirm movement into them.
  • Some liquids now require you to confirm that you wish to drink them.
  • There is now an option that lets you turn off confirmation for both moving into and drinking dangerous liquids.
  • Activation and deactivation messages now mention if an item in your possession is what's giving you clearance to perform that action.
  • Lase now gives a failure message when you try to use it and it's exhausted.
  • The priority of the Read action on books now depends on whether you have already read them.
  • Status summary displays appended to the rules text of some items now appear in more places, too. Examples include "EMP", "unpowered", and "warming up".
  • Inventory actions are now (mostly) consistently alphabetized.
  • Made Lase message properly on failure to penetrate armor.
  • Heightened Hearing, Heightened Smell, Sense Psychic, and Electromagnetic Sensor now all use the same logic for interrupting automove.
  • NPCs can no longer change their equipment loadout when incapacitated.
  • Psionic weapons now show their status in their display name when given a proper name.
  • We added a whole suite of new combat sounds. These can be disabled in the General options menu.
  • As mentioned above, we added four new music tracks for the Tomb of the Eaters.
  • Added sound effects for the following:
    • various creature deaths
    • Broken effect getting applied
    • Shattered Armor effect getting applied
    • using Clairvoyance
    • using Disintegration
    • using Sunder Mind
    • using Flaming Hands
    • using Freezing Hands
    • using Freeze Breath
    • decarbonizers targeting and firing
    • beep/ding/bloop artifact startup sequences
    • resonance, stasis, and time dilation grenades exploding
    • objects freezing
    • the firing of phase cannons, rondures of light, laser rifles, linear cannons, eigenrifles, chain lasers, freeze rays, nullray pistors, hypertractors, and normality gas pumps
    • light being refracted
    • teleportation
  • Added caves music to the trembling dunes underground.
  • Added a water wheel and millstone to Joppa.
  • Added descriptions for the following objects: fulcrete, conveyor drive unit, conveyor belt, bones, metal door, plastic tree, hammock, and brick.
  • Added new tiles for the following objects: stairs, basic toolkit, rubble, and Tam's sign.
  • Gave an ASCII makeover to the following objects: gravestones, unripe banana trees, floor cushion, medium boulder, bookshelf, sign, power line, brick, woven basket, hammock, flux gauge, Asphodel, Asphodelytes, walkways, various vessels, yawning gap, and weathered wood.
  • Graffitied text now appears in the color of the graffiti on the object glyph.
  • Stairs are no longer moved by conveyor belts.
  • Tattooing a companion no longer tattoos you instead of them.
  • Renamed human child to woodsprog.
  • Tables no longer change their tile when you remove and return the same object.
  • Quartzfur hats now message themselves as being made of quartz rather than glass.
  • Solar and radio-powered cells now receive their charge more reliably on the world map and should cause less lag.
  • Temporal fugue clones no longer lose their items before they expire.
  • Sturdy spectacles and mirrorshades no longer incorrectly report that they have broken in melee.
  • Ice frogs no longer sit in immobile confusion until approached.
  • Animating an object with Spray-a-Brain no longer causes every object of that type to be recategorized as a Creature.
  • Items generated as quest items no longer cause every item of that type to be recategorized as a Quest Item.
  • Answering no to using an unpowered advanced toolkit while autoexploring now interrupts the autoexplore, preventing message loops.
  • The water ritual now consumes a dram of liquid only when you initiate it instead of consuming one for every action you take during it.
  • Psychic hunters are no longer incorrectly interdicted on maps without reality stabilization.
  • Cybernetic implants that occupy an equipment slot are no longer shown twice in the implantee's description.
  • Improved the grammar in "you pass by" messages.
  • Spiders no longer attack allied creatures that are stuck.
  • Player-controlled spiders no longer autoattack stuck creatures.
  • Save files now remember which mods are enabled and prompt you to re-enable those mods before loading.
  • Made some improvements to creature pathfinding.
  • The water ritual can no longer be used to obtain unlimited cybernetics credit wedges.
  • Improved Domination's ability to handle problematic cases in its teardown process.
  • [patreon] Sheba Hagadias can no longer spawn as Either/Or. To install this change, you'll need to re-redeem Either/Or's pet code.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the onset of fungal infections to sometimes be 8-10 turns instead of 2-3 days.
  • Fixed a bug that caused symbiotic fireflies to destroy themselves, and turn into "Objects", when equipped.
  • Fixed an improper item ownership warning when you tried to examine or disassemble items in the inventories of certain creatures you were dominating.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Flurry to not work on inanimate objects, which in turn caused NPCs with flurry to stand there inert instead of attacking inanimate objects they were angry at.
  • Fixed some bugs with color rendering and formatting in books.
  • Fixed a bug with liquid-fueled power consumption, such as in gyrocopter backpacks.
  • Fixed some performance issues with normality gas and norm cores.
  • Fixed some issues with Page Up and Page Down failing to scroll correctly on the classic inventory screen with very large inventories.
  • Fixed some item duping exploits with evil twins and prism clones.
  • Fixed an issue with legendary breathers' and miners' names not showing up properly.
  • Fixed a bug that made Berate 10x as likely to take effect if you had an Ego modifier of exactly zero.
  • Fixed some bugs with explosions, other types of forced movement, and the generation of maps with ruined buildings.
  • Fixed a bug that made DV and MA penalties from confusion become permanent if the game was saved and loaded.
  • Fixed some issues with companions re-joining the player after traveling on the worldmap.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an item type's repair cost to permanently depend on whether the first item of that type you repaired was rusted.
  • Fixed some bugs that caused modifiers to secondary statistics like AV, DV, and movespeed to be double-applied when they came from mutations and cybernetic implants selected during character creation.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the penalties from the Engulfed status effect from being removed when the effect wore off.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'most recently played character' to net initialize properly.
  • Fixed an issue with portable walls.
  • Fixed an issue with nano-neuro animators.
  • Fixed a typo in village monument descriptions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Rebuke Robot to fail way more often than it should.
  • Fixed a bug that caused take-all to not work in the classic UI looting menu when the cursor was on a category rather than an item.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'Tweet this character build' button to not work.
  • Fixed a bug with acid gas that caused the game to hang.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Golgotha chutes to generate disconnected.
  • Fixed a a bug that caused mouse movement to not work properly on the world map.
  • Fixed a bug that caused missile weapons to hit non-blocking inanimate objects in their paths.
  • Fixed a bug that caused merchants to spawn with double the inventory they're meant to.
  • Fixed a bug that immobilized aquatic creatures.
  • Fixed a bug that caused worn items effects to not go away when you removed the item.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Barathrum's study to generate with a down staircase.
  • Fixed a bug that caused resource exhaustion and error spam in the output log in some long-running games.
  • Fixed some bugs that caused the decarbonizer beam selection to sometimes error out or create an infinite loop.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some activated abilities to remain on the ability menu after those abilities were lost.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the loss of some equipment benefits when using Temporal Fugue.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed holographic plants to be harvested.
  • Fixed a bug that indicated incorrect directions toward a detected hostile when automove was interrupted and that hostile was in an another zone.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the genome destabilization message from the Mutating effect to be displayed for you even when you weren't the one mutating.
  • Fixed a bug that caused weeped liquid and primordial ooze to fail to mix in the Rainbow Wood.
  • Fixed a bug that made the hidden PhasedWhileStuck effect visible.
  • Fixed a bug that caused certain pronouns to morph into "They" after games had been saved and reloaded.
  • Fixed a typo in items that affect move speed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some village tinkers to not be members of their village's faction.
  • Fixed a bug that caused companions to take steps in the wrong order when trying to follow their leader.
  • Fixed a bug that caused one-shotting a creature to fail to trigger hostility in the creature's nearby allies.
  • Fixed a bug that caused camel bladders to fail to negate the weight of the liquid in them when worn.
  • Fixed some bugs in water ritual option coloring.
  • Fixed a bug that made snapjaw forts, starapple farms, and pig farms not generate properly in village outskirts.
  • Fixed a bad interaction when the snapjaw who wields Stopsvalinn generates as a villager.
  • Fixed several issues that caused gas-generating creatures to not be immune to their own gas.
  • Fixed some rare situations where the player didn't get a turn immediately following a game load.
  • Fixed a bug that caused illuminated books to not have their display names altered.
  • Fixed a bug in the way graffiti displayed on tombstones.
  • Fixed a bug that caused reloading a linear cannon to always reload the energy cell instead of its slugs.
  • Fixed a rare exception in the Multihorns mutation that prevented saved games from loading.
  • Fixed a typo in soul curd's description.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some non-blood-having creatures to bleed blood.
  • Fixed a bug that caused simply targeting a creature to make it hostile.
  • Fixed some bugs that caused several sensory effects to fail to detect walk-walking creatures.
  • Fixed linear cannon penetration display.
  • Fixed some issues that caused you to retain your marked target after using a special shot.
  • Fixed a bug where pouring into a container you are emptying took the current contents of the container into account even though they were being emptied.
  • Fixed a bug that caused missile weapons to display a damage message even when the damage was prevented.
  • Fixed a bug with phase web animation.
  • Prevented some rare corner cases where objects were destroyed multiple times.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'show effects' menu to improperly linger beneath other windows when opened and closed.
  • Fixed a bug that made reloading multiple magazine-loaded firearms behave strangely.
  • Fixed a bug that set Face as goatfolk's primary attack limb.
  • Fixed some cases where you would attempt to enter an occupied tile when entering a local map from the world map.
  • Fixed music not playing properly after loading a game.
  • Fixed an error when generating linear cannon relics.
  • Fixed some (but not all) issues with world seeds.
  • Fixed the background color of the trash sprite.
  • Fixed a bug that made hoarshrooms fail to provide cold resistance.
  • Fixed a bug that broke a mechanism for inventory action hotkey resolution. This fixes a number of issues with duplicate inventory action hotkeys.
  • Fixed a bug that made temporal fugue clones leave ammo behind.
  • Fixed a bug that disabled Proselytize's cooldown and sometimes caused the effect to occur multiple times when using it via a Skillsoft implant.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented breathers from breathing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some double-slot equipment to use only one slot.
  • Fixed some minor issues in goatfolk hero generation.
  • Fixed a bug that made Fasting Way and Mind Over Body cause different thirst rate modifiers than what appears in their descriptions.
  • Fixed some issues in the messages generated by drinking mixed liquids.
  • Fixed some bugs with phasing.
  • Fixed some intermittent thread-safety bugs with text processing.
  • Fixed a bug that made horns try to use a nonexistent "Horns" skill.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the End Domination ability to appear multiple times in Dominated creatures' ability lists.
  • Fixed some issues with the classic UI inventory screen and made it more closely resemble the item picker.
  • Fixed many problems that caused NPCs to spawn inside walls, on top of other solid objects, and on top of each other.
  • Fixed a bug that caused dashing with the Flume-Flier of the Sky-Bear to not pass a turn if you ran into a wall.
  • Fixed a bug that caused trading-based recharging of stacked energy cells to cost you water for the entire stack but only recharge one cell.
  • Fixed a bug that made Shank fail to prefer to use the weapon in the primary hand.
  • Fixed a bug that made gases dissipate more slowly and use more system resources than they should have.
  • Fixed a bug that made items and creatures hover over pits.
  • Fixed a bug that caused you to fall through the Bethesda Susa elevator platform instead of onto it.
  • Fixed a bug that made the autosave cycle take longer than normal when creatures fell into pits.
  • Fixed some issues with Grit Gate's main entrance force barrier disappearing.
  • We made several improvements to the map editor.
    • The map editor now loads with an empty map rather than looking like you're editing the main menu.
    • Added x-y coordinates for the mouse position and selected cell.
    • Holding Ctrl while hovering over an item in the blueprints list now displays a portion of the blueprint XML.
    • Added a checkbox on the blueprint filter to only show blueprints in use on the map.
    • Made the sidebar opaque.
    • Alt-clicking on a tile now properly set the brush even when you have no brush selected.
    • Added Transform > Flip Vertical to the map editor.
    • Added File > Reload Blueprints to the map editor. This lets you reload ObjectBlueprints.xml without quitting and reopening the editor.
    • You can now select regions in the map editor by holding shift and dragging the select box over tiles. Ctrl-a selects the entire map.
    • Redesigned the "selected cells" region of the map editor. You can now delete, bulk replace, and set ownership on objects in the selected region.
    • The map editor now supports Ctrl-C to copy a selected region, which turns your brush into a rectangle the size of that region. Ctrl-click pastes the copied region, and right-click deletes the region bounded by the selected rectangle.
    • The map editor now properly renders most walls, water tiles, and fences.
    • The map editor now has tile previews in the blueprint selector.
    • You can now undo the "fill" action in the map editor.
  • Die rolls can now be specified as follows: "1d6[foo]", "2d4[bar]", etc, where 'foo' and 'bar' are arbitrary names of randomizer channels. The die roll will source its pseudorandomness from the channel specified; this produces a consistent series of results for a given channel name and world seed.
  • Conversation choices now support fields IfHavePart and IfNotHavePart that make the choice conditional on whether the specified part is present on the player.
  • The tag or string property ForceAnimatable now overrides an object animation's current walls-and-tables-only check.
  • Bodies.xml now supports a BodyType attribute on anatomy elements that allows override of the body part type to use for the central body (normally "Body").
  • Added an AfterGameLoaded event.
  • Added default behavior for when a modded quest doesn't specify a hagiograph.
  • Enabled anonymous access to workshop content.
  • The starting location selector is no longer shown if a genotype or subtype has a defined starting location.
  • Added a new Modding option: 'Select enabled mods on new game'.
  • Space no longer accepts the 'Would you like to die?' prompt.
  • We added a markup layer to our text coloring system. Example: {{red|this text will be red}}. This lets us treat color specification as a stack, so that text's color can be reset to the previously specified color at the end of a block. (Previously, we would try to emulate this behavior by resetting color to default grey [&y], but grey wasn't always the last specified color.) The markup layer also supports shaders that apply color patterns to text blocks. Color names and shaders are defined in a new moddable file, Colors.xml.
  • We changed the implementation for how MinEvents are dispatched. Modders who are handling a MinEvent in one of their IParts (e.g. bool HandleEvent( EnteringCellEvent ev ) need to update each HandleEvent declaration to include 'public override' (e.g. public override bool HandleEvent( EnteringCellEvent ev )) in order for that event to be dispatched properly to the part.
  • In character generation, whether a genotype is considered a mutant is now controlled explicitly by the new attribute IsMutant="true" in the genotype entry rather than by whether its name contains the substring "True". Mods affecting genotypes may need to add this attribute.
  • The ability of NPCs to repair, recharge, and identify artifacts in the trade screen is no longer controlled by the CanRepair, CanRecharge, and CanIdentify properties. Instead, it's determined by the relevant tinkering skills. (Repair enables the repair action, Tinker I enables recharge, and Gadget Inspector enables identify, with Tinker II, Tinker III, Intelligence modifier, and any relevant equipment contributing to identification performance.)
  • Added support for the ZoneFactory property on a world node, which contains the name of a class deriving from IZoneFactory in the XRL.World.ZoneFactories namespace.
  • Added support for the ZoneFactoryRegex property on a world node, which optionally contains a regex that describes all worlds for which this world's zone factory should handle fabrication. Used when one world node handles several worlds.
  • Added WorldFactory::addAdditionalWorld, which allows the addition of new worlds at runtime.
  • Implemented Myopia as an AdjustVisibilityRadiusEvent, allowing equipment and parts to adjust the visibility radius.
  • Restructured the loading of ObjectBlueprints.xml, solving many inheritance problems, most notably with Load="Merge" from mods.
  • Deprecated the GameManager.Instance.ViewData interface.
  • UI Views are now defined with the [XRL.UI.UIView] attribute on a class.
  • Increased the warning level output for the mod compiler, allowing modders to see previously hidden compiler warnings.
  • Updated the Modding Utilities link to the modding wiki:
  • The Blueprint Browser now shows all properties on blueprints, in XML.
  • You can now select and copy in the Blueprint Browser.
  • Exposed a method to add a Wish handler. See
  • Added a "beguile" wish that forces the target into your party.
  • Med names may now be extended by applying the [MedNamesExtension] attribute and implementing the IMedNamesExtension { int Priority(); void OnInitializeMedNames( List<string> medNames ); } interface.
  • Added a wish, "clearstatshifts", to remove temporary stat shifts, even including shifts from items you have equipped or active status effects. To regain those stat shifts, you'll have to re-equip those items or re-up the effects.
  • Added a new wish, "reveal settlements", that reveals all dynamically generated settlements on the world map.
  • Added a new wish, "factionencounter:<faction>", that generates a special faction encounter in your current zone. For example, wishing for "factionencounter:Templar" generates a Templar faction encounter. You can override the tier and level values for the zone, both of which affect the creatures generated for the faction encounter, like so: "factionencounter:<faction>:<tier>" and "factionencounter:<faction>:<tier>:<level>".
  • Added a new API, StatShifter, to Parts and Effects that helps track stat shifts. See
  • Added a new debug option: "Show debug text for stat shifts".
  • Added a new wish, "showstatshifts", that displays a list of items and effects shifting your stats.
  • Added a new wish: "bits" adds 20 of each type of bit to your bit locker. "bits:100" adds 100 of each bit.
  • The ConversationScript part now supports a Color field that's used to specify a color or shader to be applied to the creature's conversation text.
  • Self-closing <mutation /> tags in the XML no longer skip the next mutation when they're loaded.
  • The new blueprints loader no longer crashes when given an <intproperty> with no Value (it assumes 0 instead).
  • Made wish string matching more accurate.
  • The "Do you really want to die?" promp no longer accepts space or enter as input.
  • An object can now set the ReplacementObject member of an ObjectCreatedEvent to return a replacement object instead of itself during object creation.
  • Effects may now whitelist themselves for most deep copy operations by overriding allowCopyOnNoEffectDeepCopy and returning true.
  • Normalized the parameter name for number of penetrations to "Penetrations" across several combat messages.
  • Negative/debuff effects for purposes of Shank and Domination are now designated by an [IsNegativeEffect] attribute on the effect class or an override of the method IsDebuff() for dynamic determination.
  • Fixed a bug that caused GlobalConfig.json to be unmoddable.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the JoppaWorldBuilderExtension and WorldBuilderExtension attributes to be ignored.
  • Fixed a bug that caused modded versions of Options.xml to fail to be initialized.

200.66 - 'beta' branch

Released July 10, 2020 ('beta' branch).

  • Added two new cooking ingredients: crushed grave moss and compacted bone meal.
  • The mopango now have a signature dish.
  • You can now water ritual with Agyra.
  • Added cybernetic credit wedges to Omonporch and the Tomb.
  • Altered the behavior on the following item mods: colossal and padded.
  • Changed the names of the following item mods:
    • 'colossal' to 'gigantic'
    • 'hardened' to 'with electromagnetic shielding'
    • 'co-processor' to 'with co-processor'
    • 'normalizing' to 'nulling'
  • Changed the ANSI coloring and descriptions for several mods.
  • Added a distinctive tile to squares that are safe from the Bell of Rest.
  • Added particle text for when you acquire the tomb-tethered effect.
  • You may now find mopango pilgrms in the Stiltgrounds.
  • Gave Tam, Sixshrew, and Ezra a new sign tile.
  • The messaging for what industrial fans are blowing around is now less verbose.
  • Removed sultan sarcophagi and reliquaries from dynamic encounters.
  • Fixed a hagiographic typo.
  • Fixed several bugs around the [redacted] from [redacted].
  • Added a new interaction menu command for companions, direct ability use, that allows you to forbid or permit your companions' use of their individual activated abilities.
  • Made high tier item mods more likely to appear on lower tier items.
  • Automove now ignores the hostility of dreadroots, young ivory, and lurking beth.
  • Overdosing on a blaze tonic no longer cools you down, and overdosing on hoarshrooms no longer warms you up.
  • Companions now heal while moving on the worldmap.
  • Chainguns are now heavy weapons.
  • Relics now have extra hit points.
  • The Barathrumites are now more forgiving of friendly fire during A Call to Arms.
  • Item-collecting arconauts and graverobbers no longer collect items when player-led or dominated.
  • The movement penalty from equipping heavy weapons now visibly alters your move speed and the weapon's description, rather than being an invisible modifier to action costs.
  • Pathfinding is now more willing to cross harmless liquids of wading depth (specifically, it'll try to go only one square out of its way to avoid them).
  • Some liquids pools now require you to confirm movement into them.
  • Some liquids now require you to confirm that you wish to drink them.
  • There is now an option that lets you turn off confirmation for both moving into and drinking dangerous liquids.
  • Cultist without bodies are less likely to become cult leaders.
  • Your turrets now allow you to deactivate and reactivate them regardless of your security clearance.
  • Hitting or firing at something with your missile weapon no longer makes it your target if it isn't hostile to you or if you already have a target.
  • Fix-It spray foam can now be applied to nearby objects.
  • Fix-It spray form now restores hit points to inanimate and inorganic objects.
  • Charging Strike now adds 1 to the maximum AV penalty that can be inflicted by Cleave.
  • Campfires, corpses, boulders, and furniture now block doors from closing.
  • Activation and deactivation messages now mention if an item in your possession is what's giving you clearance to perform that action.
  • Lase now gives a failure message when you try to use it and it's exhausted.
  • The priority of the Read action on books now depends on whether you have already read them
  • Conveyor belts can no longer move force fields.
  • Status summary displays appended to the rules text of some items now appear in more places, too. Examples include "EMP", "unpowered", and "warming up".
  • Inventory actions are now (mostly) consistently alphabetized.
  • Displacer bracelets now only produce visual effects on visible creatures.
  • Equipment that uses multiple slots now prefers to use slots that are near each other.
  • Fixed a bug that made hoarshrooms fail to provide cold resistance.
  • Fixed a bug that broke a mechanism for inventory action hotkey resolution. This fixes a number of issues with duplicate inventory action hotkeys.
  • Fixed a bug that made temporal fugue clones leave ammo behind.
  • Fixed a bug that disabled Proselytize's cooldown and sometimes caused the effect to occur multiple times when using it via a Skillsoft implant.
  • Fixed a bug that made the names of some relics bleed pink.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented breathers from breathing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some double-slot equipment to use only one slot.
  • Fixed some minor issues in goatfolk hero generation.
  • Fixed a bug that made Fasting Way and Mind Over Body cause different thirst rate modifiers than what appears in their descriptions.
  • Fixed some issues in the messages generated by drinking mixed liquids.
  • Fixed some bugs with phasing.
  • Fixed some issues with doubled-up input on the stage screen when the prerelease input manager is enabled.
  • Fixed some intermittent thread-safety bugs with text processing.
  • [modding] Normalized the parameter name for number of penetrations to "Penetrations" across several combat messages.

200.65 - 'beta' branch

Released July 3, 2020 ('beta' branch).

  • Polished and bugfixed [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted].
  • Changed the Bell of Rest timer from 200 to 300 rounds.
  • Gave the Life and Death Gates descriptions and much more HP.
  • Tweaked the crypt reliquary loot tables.
  • Reduced crypt ferret DV.
  • Added more hagiographs.
  • Added a new command to attack the nearest hostile target in melee (Shift-A by default). If there are any hostiles adjacent to you, this command attacks the one that appears easiest to kill. Otherwise, it pathfinds one step toward the easiest-appearing visible hostile.
  • Equipped items and items in your inventory no longer take on your temperature directly.
  • Ashes are now categorized as corpses.
  • Factory arms now respect phase and flight.
  • Pulse field magnets ripping equipment off your body is now messaged via a popup.
  • The menu for entering a local map from the worldmap was reworked for clarity.
  • Hitting escape when you're asked for a character name during character creation now returns you to the character summary screen.
  • Added caves music to trembling dunes underground.
  • Fixed a bug that made reloading multiple magazine-loaded firearms behave strangely.
  • Fixed a bug that set Face as goatfolk's primary attack limb.
  • Fixed some cases where you would attempt to enter an occupied tile when entering a local map from the world map.
  • Fixed music not playing properly after loading a game.
  • Fixed an error when generating linear cannon relics.
  • Fixed some (but not all) issues with world seeds.
  • Fixed the background color of the trash sprite.
  • [modding] Die rolls can now be specified as follows: "1d6[foo]", "2d4[bar]", etc, where 'foo' and 'bar' are arbitrary names of randomizer channels. The die roll will source its pseudorandomness from the channel specified; this produces a consistent series of results for a given channel name and world seed.
  • [modding] Conversation choices now support fields IfHavePart and IfNotHavePart that make the choice conditional on whether the specified part is present on the player.
  • [modding] The tag or string property ForceAnimatable now overrides an object animation's current walls-and-tables-only check.
  • [modding] Bodies.xml now supports a BodyType attribute on anatomy elements that allows override of the body part type to use for the central body (normally "Body").
  • [modding] Added an AfterGameLoaded event.
  • [modding] Added default behavior for when a modded quest doesn't specify a hagiograph.

200.57 - 'beta' branch

Released June 26, 2020 ('beta' branch).

  • Finished the bugfixing and polish work in the crypts.
  • Added a new liquid: brain brine.
  • [redacted]
  • Occasionally, upon gaining a level, completing a quest, performing the water ritual, or defeating a legendary foe, you may now become inspired to name one of your items.
  • The swimming confirmation message is now toggleable via the option in the Prompts menu.
  • Reputation change messages now include your new reputation and inform you if the faction's overall attitude toward you has changed.
  • The reputation changes incurred by violating the water ritual are now displayed in a single message.
  • You can now add notes to items in your inventory and equipment. The notes appear in the item's short description.
  • A given attack can now only have a block attempt performed with one shield. The limit on the number of attacks per turn that can be blocked is now per-shield; if you have multiple shields equipped, you will attempt to block a given attack using the best shield that you can presently use.
  • You can no longer shield block while frozen, paralyzed, burrowed, or otherwise unable to freely move your limbs.
  • Baetyls no longer care about differently-colored display names in the items they request.
  • The fill action on liquid containers can now be used on any container that is not full, not just empty containers.
  • You now prefer to autouse liquids that aren't stored in functional containers like liquid-cooled firearms.
  • Becoming famished now interrupts autoact.
  • Creatures that are fleeing no longer count as visible hostiles.
  • Creatures that try to keep their distance from the player now only count as visible hostiles at close range.
  • Grenades are no longer destroyed before hitting the ground when thrown into a tile with acid gas.
  • Flashbang grenades now affect a circular area instead of a square.
  • Glowmoths can now use their gaze attack at point blank range.
  • Baetyls no longer care about taking small amounts of damage, but they become... significantly irritated... by larger amounts.
  • Only creatures who are able to engage in combat and can move their limbs now count for the purposes of preventing charge and causing missile weapons to fire wildly.
  • Missile weapons that use spray fire ammo (shotguns, pumps, point-defense drones, and flamethrowers) now indicate in their short description that they aren't subject to firing wildly when multiple enemies are adjacent.
  • Bows now display their loaded arrows' penetration and damage value.
  • Made weapon class display, strength cap, and accuracy information the color of rules text.
  • Creatures now go prone if they can when they fall asleep for any reason, not just when they voluntarily go to sleep on a bed.
  • Equipped objects now match the temperature of the object they're equipped on.
  • Made most organic items leave behind ashes when they burn up.
  • Ashes no longer catch fire.
  • Village outskirts now properly have above and belowground features.
  • When you run out of water while traveling, you now receive a message and a chance to stop rather than only getting notified when you become life-threateningly dehydrated.
  • The Bleeding effect is now described differently for creatures that do not have blood.
  • The environmental item picker now refreshes when a taken action changes the list of items displayed, such as when an item is broken off a stack.
  • The visual effects for being frozen, slowed due to temperature, or on fire now have higher visual priority.
  • The Tinkering screen bit locker now displays the glyph for each bit type of bit next to its name.
  • The Spindle negotiation menu now uses alphabetic hotkeys rather than numeric in order to prevent numpad-based selection accidents.
  • Objects that are cloned while phased now properly assume their normal phase.
  • Relics and extradimensional missile weapons now occasionally generate as armor-negating.
  • Graftek-granted stat changes now count as permanent in all the usual ways.
  • Added damage and penetration displays to thrown weapons.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some non-blood-having creatures to bleed blood.
  • Fixed a bug that caused simply targeting a creature to make it hostile.
  • Fixed some bugs that caused several sensory effects to fail to detect walk-walking creatures.
  • Fixed linear cannon penetration display.
  • Fixed some issues that caused you to retain your marked target after using a special shot.
  • Fixed a bug where pouring into a container you are emptying took the current contents of the container into account even though they were being emptied.
  • Fixed a bug that caused missile weapons to display a damage message even when the damage was prevented.
  • Fixed a bug that caused autoexplore to fail to seek out the secret-bearing mural in the village of Ezra.
  • Fixed a bug with phase web animation.
  • Prevented some rare corner cases where objects were destroyed multiple times.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'show effects' menu to improperly linger beneath other windows when opened and closed.
  • [modding] Effects may now whitelist themselves for most deep copy operations by overriding allowCopyOnNoEffectDeepCopy and returning true.

200.55 - 'beta' branch

Released June 19, 2020 ('beta' branch).

  • Did some bugfixing, polish, and performance work on the crypt levels of the Tomb of the Eaters. More to come next week.
  • Added some new recoilers.
  • Added a new command to autoattack your current target in melee: Ctrl-A by default. When autoattacking, you pathfind toward your target if necessary and attempt to melee attack them. All the conditions that interrupt automove also interrupt autoattack, with one exception: if your target is the only hostile in sight, their presence does not interrupt you.
  • Added a new "Ignored Keys" keybind. Keys bound to this entry are completely ignored. (This is useful for reserving a push-to-talk or screenshot key, for example.)
  • Renamed human child to woodsprog.
  • Linear cannons can be tinkered now.
  • You can now path through locked doors when you're carrying the appropriate key card.
  • You now get a message when you try to swap places with a non-hostile creature but can't for some reason.
  • Losing sight of your target now interrupts automove.
  • NPCs are now less avoidant of slime pools.
  • Changed the way heirlooms gifted during the Spindle negotiation are generated and made their types respect the text in Heirlooms of Qud.
  • Elevator and door switches can now be flipped via the interaction menu
  • Space-time vortices and rifts are no longer be pushed by forces like explosions.
  • The AV bestowed by the Quills mutation now returns to the max value when your quills regenerate.
  • You can now properly access help from the main menu with '?'.
  • Visiting the waterlogged tunnel no longer counts as visiting Red Rock.
  • If you are stuck and adjacent to a deep pool, you only receive the swimming confirmation message the first time you try to move into the pool.
  • Fixed a bad interaction when the snapjaw who wields Stopsvalinn generates as a villager.
  • Numpad '/' now shows and hides the prerelease stage message log.
  • Tables no longer change their tile when you remove and return the same object.
  • Removed the small per turn time delay while asleep.
  • Fixed several issues that caused gas-generating creatures to not be immune to their own gas.
  • Fixed some rare situations where the player didn't get a turn immediately following a game load.
  • Fixed a bug that caused illuminated books to not have their display names altered.
  • Fixed a bug in the way graffiti displayed on tombstones.
  • Fixed a bug that caused reloading a linear cannon to always reload the energy cell instead of its slugs.
  • Fixed a rare exception in the Multihorns mutation that prevented saved games from loading.
  • Fixed a typo in soul curd's description.
  • [modding] Enabled anonymous access to workshop content.
  • [modding] The starting location selector is no longer shown if a genotype or subtype has a defined starting location.

200.52 - 'beta' branch

Released June 13, 2020 ('beta' branch).

  • We made several gameplay and polish enhancements to the cherubim.
    • Cherubim are now better protected against missile weapons and freezing attacks.
    • Revamped cherubim stats and natural weapons.
    • Learned cherubim now properly discharge clockwork beetles.
    • Added descriptions.
    • Added cherubim to dynamic encounters.
    • Gave cherubim appropriate ASCII glyphs.
  • Gave appropriate names and descriptions to carved stone and gilded marble from the various periods of the sultanate.
  • Added descriptions for mural endcaps and mural medians.
  • We made some changes to sparking baetyl rewards.
    • Item rewards are now much better.
    • Item rewards now scale with both the baetyl's zone difficulty and the tier of the demanded item.
    • Reduced the maximum number of demanded items to six.
  • Baetyls asking for Templar phylacteries no longer ask for the phylacteries of specific people.
  • Trees are now stronger and tougher.
  • Attacking into a frozen zone now thaws it. This is most relevant when attacking up or down stairs.
  • Removing energy cells from owned items now angers their owners.
  • You can now pour into equipped liquid containers.
  • When selecting a container to pour a liquid into, containers that already contain that liquid now appear at the top of the list.
  • Smart use on environmental liquid pools and liquid containers now opens the interaction menu rather than going directly into the pour-into-container action.
  • Cleaning yourself using liquid from an owned vessel now potentially angers its owners.
  • Gave the following objects better ASCII glyphs: sultan shrines, Asphodel, Asphodelytes, walkways, various vessels, and yawning gap.
  • Made some improvements to creature pathfinding.
  • Rebekah's tombstone no longer shows up in dynamic contexts.
  • Fix-It spray foam and other applicators, when unidentified, no longer reveal themselves when you back out of an interaction.
  • The water ritual can no longer be used to obtain unlimited cybernetics credit wedges.
  • Shank now respects phase and flight.
  • Sheba Hagadias will no longer lay mines if a miner or deploy turrets if a turret tinker.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some village tinkers to not be members of their village's faction.
  • Fixed a bug that caused companions to take steps in the wrong order when trying to follow their leader.
  • Fixed a bug that caused one-shotting a creature to fail to trigger hostility in the creature's nearby allies.
  • Fixed a bug that caused camel bladders to fail to negate the weight of the liquid in them when worn.
  • Fixed some bugs in water ritual option coloring.
  • Fixed a bug in tiling of liquid pools as they change size.
  • Fixed a bug that made snapjaw forts, starapple farms, and pig farms not generate properly in village outskirts.

200.50 - 'beta' branch

Released June 6, 2020 (beta branch).

  • Autoexplore now seeks out and examines objects that contained unrevealed secrets in their descriptions.
  • Giant beetle and beetlebum corpses can now be butchered for raw beetle meat, which can be preserved as beetle jerky.
  • Items no longer weigh more when covered in liquid.
  • Waterskins, canteens, and similar liquid containers are now repellent to certain types of liquids.
  • Quests no longer ask you to find forgotten ruins or use forgotten ruins as landmarks.
  • Displacer bracelets now have power switches.
  • Waiting for a specified number of turns now shows a countdown next to the loading status indicator.
  • Boxes of crayons now let you choose which color to draw with and draw in tiles you're adjacent to. Also, drawing now has an action cost.
  • Graffitied text now appears in the color of the graffiti on the object glyph.
  • Bloated pearlfrogs no longer ignore phase when pulling creatures with their tongues.
  • Being frozen now interrupts sprinting and other movement or body-positioning effects.
  • The harvest action now has a higher default priority than the chat action when both are present.
  • Snail eggs and luminous motes are no longer used as quest items.
  • Albino ape pelts can no longer be eaten. As a result, you now control their autopickup status via the autopickup trade goods toggle instead of the autopickup food toggle.
  • In the trade screen, you can now use the keyboard (not numpad) number keys to specify a number of whatever is currently selected to trade.
  • PgUp and PgDn can now be used on the Reputation and Skills screens.
  • The Skills screen now reserves a consistent amount of screen space for skill descriptions rather than adjusting the space depending on the description length. Some descriptions have been edited to accommodate this.
  • You'll no longer encounter creatures standing in the same tile as a closed door.
  • The walk command no longer generates an error if used in on the edge of a zone.
  • Mutations picked at character creation now properly update their stat shifts when leveled.
  • Doors can no longer be closed on creatures or movement-blocking objects that occupy the same tile.
  • Village catchbasins are now owned by the village faction.
  • Made some large performance improvements to the prerelease stage view.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some activated abilities to remain on the ability menu after those abilities were lost.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the loss of some equipment benefits when using Temporal Fugue.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed holographic plants to be harvested.
  • Fixed a bug that indicated incorrect directions toward a detected hostile when automove was interrupted and that hostile was in an another zone.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the genome destabilization message from the Mutating effect to be displayed for you even when you weren't the one mutating.
  • Fixed a bug that broke a previous intervention to make wraith-knights summoned by extradimensional phylactery squires friendly to their squires.
  • Fixed a bug that caused weeped liquid and primordial ooze to fail to mix in the Rainbow Wood.
  • Fixed a bug that made the hidden PhasedWhileStuck effect visible.
  • Fixed a bug that caused certain pronouns to morph into "They" after games had been saved and reloaded.
  • Fixed the subtype text being too large during character creation.
  • Fixed a typo in items that affect move speed.
  • [modding] You can now undo the "fill" action in the map editor.
  • [patreon] Sheba Hagadias can no longer spawn as Either/Or. To install this change, you'll need to re-redeem Either/Or's pet code.

200.43 - 'beta' branch

Released May 29, 2020 (beta branch).

  • Added a water wheel and millstone to Joppa.
  • Bone worm corpses can no longer be included as part of the cure for fungal infections.
  • Pathfinding now strongly avoids tiles next to non-allied puffer fungi.
  • Moving within two squares of puffer fungi now interrupts automove regardless of your "ignore enemies" settings.
  • Eaters' nectar now re-randomizes your potential mutation buys.
  • Meditation no longer instantly cures bleeding. Instead, it now triples the rate of recovery from more negative status effects, including bleeding.
  • To account for the recent liquid pool changes, bilge sphincters now provide a movespeed bonus in liquid pools of 200+ drams instead of 1000+.
  • The weights of takeable items are now always shown in their short descriptions.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused evaporating liquids to leave behind liquid volumes with no component liquids.
  • Fixed a bug that caused resource exhaustion and error spam in the output log in some long-running games.
  • Fixed some bugs that caused the decarbonizer beam selection to sometimes error out or create an infinite loop.
  • Fixed a bug with Temporal Fugue and other cloning mechanisms that caused stat shifts to become permanent.
  • [debug] Added a wish, "clearstatshifts", to remove temporary stat shifts, even including shifts from items you have equipped or active status effects. To regain those stat shifts, you'll have to re-equip those items or re-up the effects.
  • [modding] We changed the implementation for how MinEvents are dispatched. Modders who are handling a MinEvent in one of their IParts (e.g. bool HandleEvent( EnteringCellEvent ev ) need to update each HandleEvent declaration to include 'public override' (e.g. public override bool HandleEvent( EnteringCellEvent ev )) in order for that event to be dispatched properly to the part.

200.41 - 'beta' branch

Released May 23, 2020 (beta branch).

  • The Tomb-dwelling pangoloids knows as the mopango have officially moved in.
    • Added or refined several types of mopango.
    • Added a new quest: The Buried Watchers. Talk to Zothom in Ezra.
    • Added a new quest: Fraying Favorites.
    • Strange entities now (officially) roam the Tomb.
    • Added a new legendary ooze, k-Goninon.
    • Added the repulsive device.
    • Added [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted].
  • We made some UI improvements to the Tomb-teleportation mechanic.
    • Changed the ASCII floor glyph for teleportation-safe tiles.
    • Added a new effect, tomb-tethered, to better message when creatures are safe from the teleportation effect of the Bell of Rest. Creatures are tomb-tethered when they both bear the Mark of Death and are occupying a tile that's teleportation-safe.
    • Fixed a bug that caused you to be Tomb-teleported back to the beginning of the crematory from the supposedly safe Columbarium.
  • Fixed a bug that caused exit teleporters in Lower and Upper Crypts to send you all the way back to the catacombs.
  • Fixed a bug that caused issues at the recoming nook.
  • Added new loading status indicator art.
  • The new stair tiles now look better when the 'Always highlight stairs' option is enabled.
  • Added a new Modding option: 'Select enabled mods on new game'.
  • "Press space" dialogs now close only when you press Escape, Enter, or Space.
  • Goatfolk can now give directions in conversations.
  • The overburdened status effect is now updated more reliably when your carrying capacity changes.
  • The weight display in the trade UI is now more accurate.
  • You no longer receive messages about merchants restocking if you're not in the same zone as they are.
  • Objects without bodies can no longer be knocked prone.
  • Save files now remember which mods are enabled and prompt you to re-enable those mods before loading.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the onset of fungal infections to sometimes be 8-10 turns instead of 2-3 days.
  • Fixed a bug that caused symbiotic fireflies to destroy themselves, and turn into "Objects", when equipped.
  • In the classic UI option screen, slider and selection options that don't fit well in one line now occupy two lines.
  • Exiting the world map now avoids placing you in cells where you would have to swim.
  • [modding] Fixed a bug that caused GlobalConfig.json to be unmoddable.
  • [modding] An objects can now set the ReplacementObject member of an ObjectCreatedEvent to return a replacement object instead of itself during object creation.

200.40 - 'beta' branch

Released May 15, 2020 (beta branch).

  • Added new tiles for Eater statues, Eater holograms, and urn duster.
  • Crypt sitters and conservators no longer cause unintended trouble in dynamic encounters.
  • New item mod: fitted with suspensors.
  • Mafeo now has a pickaxe for sale.
  • Excluded some more creatures from spawning as Mechanimist converts, including pulsed field magnets.
  • Added descriptions for the following objects: rubble, burnished azzurum (formerly aquamarine), banana rancher, hammock, brick, Warden 1-FF, Mayor Haddas, and Yla Haj.
  • Gave an ASCII makeover to the following objects: gravestones, unripe banana trees, Yla Haj, floor cushion, medium boulder, Zothom (also tweaked his tile colors), bookshelf, sign, power line, brick, woven basket, hammock, flux gauge, weathered wood, and sultan tomb murals.
  • Powered exoskeletons can now have a variety of item mods.
  • When you're under the effect of the gamma moth Mutating effect, random mutations you might acquire are now reseeded at some point during its duration.
  • Sheba Hagadias no longer succumbs to natural behavior like going on a pilgrimage or urn dusting.
  • Things without brains can no longer be dazed or stunned.
  • Holograms can no longer be harvested or butchered.
  • Small stones and large stones are no longer flammable.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Golgotha chutes to generate disconnected.
  • Fixed a a bug that caused mouse movement to not work properly on the world map.
  • Fixed a bug that caused missile weapons to hit non-blocking inanimate objects in their paths.
  • Fixed a bug that caused merchants to spawn with double the inventory they're meant to.
  • Fixed a bug that immobilized aquatic creatures.
  • Fixed a bug that caused worn items effects to not go away when you removed the item.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Barathrum's study to generate with a down staircase.
  • [debug] Space no longer accepts the 'Would you like to die?' prompt.

200.35 - 'beta' branch

Released May 8, 2020.

  • Expanded the Grand Vestibule to multiple maps.
  • Changed the Omonporch entry zone to a new map: Court of the Sultans.
  • Made various tweaks and enhancements to the Arcade to the Twin Gates.
  • Made various tweaks and enhancements to the Columbarium.
  • Made the Ezra and Arcade murals more authentic.
  • Added a bell tolling sound effect to the Bell of Rest.
  • Made Sixshrew a real merchant.
  • Gave dialog to Yla Haj and Warden 1-FF.
  • Tweaked Mayor Haddas's dialog.
  • Gave better equipment and wares to Yla Haj.
  • Gave several of the Tomb zones better names.
  • Gave sky maps more sensible names.
  • Added a cistern ruin to the east of the Arcade.
  • Added more graffiti to the robbers' cut.
  • Made some architectural changes to the Tomb outer walls and the Spindle chamber.
  • Added a new tile for rubble.
  • Added some more Eater statue and hologram tiles.
  • Faction leaders now have their prowess more accurately judged and displayed in their look descriptions.
  • Autowalk, autoexplore, and rest are now interrupted when your companions engage in combat, take damage, or die, as long as they're visible or audible.
  • We changed the option "Maximum autoexplore squares/sec" to "Maximum automove squares/sec" and made it apply to all forms of automove.
  • Metal items now retain less liquid, and fur items retain more.
  • Quartzfur hats now message themselves as being made of quartz rather than glass.
  • Autocollect can now be disabled on empty waterskins.
  • Spiders no longer attack allied creatures that are stuck.
  • Player-controlled spiders no longer autoattack stuck creatures.
  • Destroying or teleporting a web now frees anything stuck in it.
  • When an object is phased multiple times, damage from being forced into phase by reality stabilization now occurs only when the last effect is terminated.
  • Changed the message when you try to remove an unremovable cybernetic implant.
  • Items that affect the chance of salvaging multiple bits, like advanced toolkits, are no longer used on items that can only ever disassemble into one bit.
  • The random-buy mutation choices should now be more stable for a given seed.
  • If you're out of 2+ point mutations to buy, you're now presented with 1-point mutations.
  • The look and target picker "Locked" status toggle is now remembered across games and reloads.
  • In the classic UI, the cooking menu now reutrns to the selected option instead of the top of the list when you choose a recipe to cook then decide go Back.
  • Dromad trader psychic thralls or domesticated slaves no longer generate map notes.
  • Geomagnetic discs can no longer spawn with elemental damage mods.
  • Made some improvements to geomagnetic disc pathing.
  • Fixed an improper item ownership warning when you tried to examine or disassemble items in the inventories of certain creatures you were dominating.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Flurry to not work on inanimate objects, which in turn caused NPCs with flurry to stand there inert instead of attacking inanimate objects they were angry at.
  • Fixed some bugs with color rendering and formatting in books.
  • Fixed a bug with liquid-fueled power consumption, such as in gyrocopter backpacks.
  • Fixed some performance issues with normality gas and norm cores.
  • [debug] Made wish string matching more accurate.
  • [debug] The "Do you really want to die?" promp no longer accepts space or enter as input.
  • [modding] The map editor now supports Ctrl-C to copy a selected region, which turns your brush into a rectangle the size of that region. Ctrl-click pastes the copied region, and right-click deletes the region bounded by the selected rectangle.
  • [modding] The map editor now properly renders most walls, water tiles, and fences.
  • [modding] The map editor now has tile previews in the blueprint selector.


Released May 2, 2020.

  • We added polish to the architecture of the Tomb.
    • Added a new exterior caryatid wall and extended it up and down through the Z-dimension as appropriate.
    • Added support pillars beneath the Tomb.
    • Added structural ribs.
    • Swapped the locations of the Life and Death Gates.
    • Redesigned the Grand Vestibule.
    • Added a lot more graffiti to the robbers' cut.
    • Cleaned up the maps around the Liminal Way.
    • Moved the up staircases in the Folk Catacombs.
    • Replaced the Lace Stairways to the crematory with access corridors.
  • The display format of some zone names has changed.
  • Inscribed funerary urns no longer report being empty.
  • You're no longer asked to drink from full urns as a quest step in dynamic quests.
  • Automove and rest are now interrupted by decarbonizer beams that are detectable to you by sight, sound, or smell.
  • When you're about to stop flying and you're at risk of taking fall damage (ie, at least one stratum above ground), you're now given an appropriate warning message.
  • Fixed a bug with acid gas that caused the game to hang.
  • Fixed a bug that caused items to retain more liquid than intended.
  • [modding] Added a new API, StatShifter, to Parts and Effects that helps track stat shifts. See
  • [debug] Added a new debug option: "Show debug text for stat shifts".
  • [debug] Added a new wish, "showstatshifts", that displays a list of items and effects shifting your stats.
  • [modding] You can now select regions in the map editor by holding shift and dragging the select box over tiles. Ctrl-a selects the entire map.
  • [modding] Redesigned the "selected cells" region of the map editor. You can now delete, bulk replace, and set ownership on objects in the selected region.

April 24, 2020 (beta branch)

Original patch notes Tomb-related notes:

  • We added more polish to the crematory.
    • Redesigned the columbarium.
    • Added ASCII art to the look screen for urns.
    • Urn dusters now walk around dusting urns in the columbarium.
    • Fixed some bugs with the interaction of various crematory objects.
    • Added a visual effect for when objects are pushed by industrial fans.
    • Added descriptions for the following objects: conveyor drive unit, conveyor belt, rubber curtains, bones, ashes, industrial fan, miasmatic ash, machine wall, metal door, plastic tree, statue of Eater, full-spectrum bright sconce, elevator shaft, empty urn, marble walkway, sunflower, and scrapable deposit box.
    • Edited the ASCII glyphs for the entire crematory.
    • [Redacted]

General notes:

  • You can now use water to clean your stained equipment via inventory actions on either your water containers or your stained equipment.
  • You can now use the Walk keybind from the Look menu to autowalk to the tile you're looking at.
  • Offhand attacks work again.
  • Changed the glyph and tile colors of non-mayor quest givers in villages from dark green to bright yellow. Accordingly, we also changed Mehmet's color to bright yellow.
  • Girshlings you encounter outside of Red Rock no longer advance 'What's Eating the Watervine?'.
  • The water ritual now consumes a dram of liquid only when you initiate it instead of consuming one for every action you take during it.
  • Force fields you can pass through no longer interrupt automove regardless of their source.
  • Psychic hunters are no longer incorrectly interdicted on maps without reality stabilization.
  • Cybernetic implants that occupy an equipment slot are no longer shown twice in the implantee's description.
  • Temporary items can no longer be used as tinkering components.
  • Improved the grammar in "you pass by" messages.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Rebuke Robot to fail way more often than it should.
  • Fixed a bug that caused take-all to not work in the classic UI looting menu when the cursor was on a category rather than an item.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'Tweet this character build' button to not work.
  • [debug]Added a new wish, "factionencounter:<faction>", that generates a special faction encounter in your current zone. For example, wishing for "factionencounter:Templar" generates a Templar faction encounter. You can override the tier and level values for the zone, both of which affect the creatures generated for the faction encounter, like so: "factionencounter:<faction>:<tier>" and "factionencounter:<faction>:<tier>:<level>".
  • [modding] The ConversationScript part now supports a Color field that's used to specify a color or shader to be applied to the creature's conversation text.
  • [modding] Self-closing <mutation /> tags in the XML no longer skip the next mutation when they're loaded.
  • [modding] The new blueprints loader no longer crashes when given an <intproperty> with no Value (it assumes 0 instead).
  • [modding] Added Transform > Flip Vertical to the map editor.
  • [modding] Added File > Reload Blueprints to the map editor. This lets you reload ObjectBlueprints.xml without quitting and reopening the editor.

200.22 - 'beta' branch

Released April 17th, 2020 (beta branch).

  • Added a new gas: miasmatic ash.
  • Grave moss now burns off into miasmatic ash.
  • We made changes and added some polish to the crematory.
    • Added industrial fans.
    • Funerary urns now have names and inscriptions.
    • Machine presses with only one piston now slam their target away instead of crushing it.
    • The support pillars in the catacombs now come up through the crematory.
    • Tweaked the layout of the conveyor belts and flame vents to be slightly more ordered.
    • Added new wall tiles and changed the colors of some existing tiles.
    • Replaced the existing machine room with a new one.
    • Fixed a bug with the ASCII rendering of machine press.
  • Fixed a bunch of text coloring bugs introduced last patch. There'll likely be some more, though.
  • We made some tweaks to liquid and liquid pool behavior.
    • We renormalized the volumes of all the puddles, pools, and rivers in the game. Swim-depth pools (over 2000 drams) are now much more rare.
    • Added a new status effect: wading. You now wade through pools of size 200-2000 drams. Wading gives -20 movespeed and interferes with some forms of movement, including sprinting.
    • Entering a swim-depth pool from land now displays a warning message and requires you to confirm movement.
    • Swim-depth pools now interrupt autowalk unless you are already swimming, flying, or out of phase with the pool.
    • Some common liquid covering descriptions are now less verbose.
    • Salt now only stains items when encountered in its pure form.
    • Made the container preference for liquid collection more consistent. The order is: containers designated for autocollection of the liquid, then devices that use the liquid, then containers that already contain pure liquid of that type, then empty containers.
    • You can now collect liquids into slotted liquid-fueled energy cells.
    • Collecting a liquid now reports on which containers the liquid was collected into.
  • Small spheres of negative weight now add to your weight when they're broken or otherwise inoperative.
  • Psionic weapons with slotted cells now leave the cells behind when they evanesce.
  • Psionic weapons can no longer be modded with tinkering.
  • The [redacted] in Joppa now shows up in the alt display.
  • Wraith-knights now despawn if their phylacteries are destroyed for any reason.
  • Temporary items are now worthless, can no longer be cooked with, and can no longer have their bits harvested.
  • Temporal fugue clones now leave behind any items they had acquired after being conjured.
  • Eater's nectar injectors belonging to temporal fugue clones now affect only temporal fugue clones.
  • We made some tweaks to the looting menu in the classic UI.
    • The weights of takeable items are now displayed alongside the items themselves.
    • The menu now has an adaptive width to avoid cutting off item names.
    • Page up and page down now work more reliably.
  • Encountering the following objects now interrupts autowalk: deep shafts, identified mines, aloes, spacetime rifts, and spacetime vortices.
  • Artifacts with proper names are no longer treated as having proper names while unidentified.
  • On the classic trade screen, we switched 'interact with the selected item' from the Tab key to the Space key. Tab now selects and deselects all items on the active column of the trade screen, as an analog to its take-all function in looting menus.
  • Ice frogs no longer sit in immobile confusion until approached.
  • Miner bots no longer generate mines based on modded grenades.
  • NPCs are now less interested in using random items from their inventories as improvised weapons.
  • Animating an object with Spray-a-Brain no longer causes every object of that type to be recategorized as a Creature.
  • Items generated as quest items no longer cause every item of that type to be recategorized as a Quest Item.
  • Answering no to using an unpowered advanced toolkit while autoexploring now interrupts the autoexplore, preventing message loops.
  • Fixed some issues with Page Up and Page Down failing to scroll correctly on the classic inventory screen with very large inventories.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'most recently played character' to net initialize properly.
  • [debug] Added a new wish, "reveal settlements", that reveals all dynamically generated settlements on the world map.
  • [modding] Fixed a bug that caused modded versions of Options.xml to fail to be initialized.
  • [modding] Implemented Myopia as an AdjustVisibilityRadiusEvent, allowing equipment and parts to adjust the visibility radius.
  • [modding] Restructured the loading of ObjectBlueprints.xml, solving many inheritance problems, most notably with Load="Merge" from mods.
  • [modding] Deprecated the GameManager.Instance.ViewData interface.
  • [modding] UI Views are now defined with the [XRL.UI.UIView] attribute on a class.
  • [modding] Increased the warning level output for the mod compiler, allowing modders to see previously hidden compiler warnings.
  • [modding] Updated the Modding Utilities link to the modding wiki:
  • [modding] The Blueprint Browser now shows all properties on blueprints, in XML.
  • [modding] You can now select and copy in the Blueprint Browser.
  • [modding] Exposed a method to add a Wish handler. See
  • [modding] We made some enhancements to the map editor.
    • The map editor now loads with an empty map rather than looking like you're editing the main menu.
    • Added x-y coordinates for the mouse position and selected cell.
    • Holding Ctrl while hovering over an item in the blueprints list now displays a portion of the blueprint XML.
    • Added a checkbox on the blueprint filter to only show blueprints in use on the map.
    • Made the sidebar opaque.
    • Alt-clicking on a tile now properly set the brush even when you have no brush selected.


Released April 3rd, 2020.

Tomb-related notes

  • We added some polish to the [redacted] sequence that starts in Resheph's burial chamber.
    • Added some sound and visual effects.
    • Smoothed out some issues with engraving tomb murals.
    • Added ASCII versions of the tomb murals and other objects in the burial chamber.
    • Refreshed Herododicus's dialog.
    • Added descriptions for Herododicus, imperial sarcophagus, imperial reliquary, gilded marble from the sultanate of Resheph, mural median, and mural endcaps.
    • [very redacted]

General notes

  • We made some changes to liquid and liquid pool behavior.
    • Objects now become coated in liquid more easily, and they also lose their liquid coatings more easily.
    • Liquid coating now bestows additional weight onto items.
    • Some liquids now weigh more than others.
    • Creatures moving through big pools of liquid now track the liquid around.
    • Footwear now protects you from being affected by small pools of liquid.
    • Swimming is now a status effect that penalizes movespeed and prevents creatures from taking move-related actions that require footing.
    • Pools smaller than the swimming threshold (1,000 drams) now use a different tile set.
    • Small puddles now evaporate over time.
    • Aquatic creatures now receive a -25 penalty to movespeed instead of the full -50. (The Swimming skill's +25 bonus offsets this penalty.)
    • Pathfinding now puts more weight toward pathing around large pools of liquids, even less deadly ones.
  • More autoexplore activities now respect the autoexplore options for ignoring easy and distant enemies.
  • Electromagnetic sensors and the following mutations now interrupt autoexplore and automove when you identify a hostile creature: Heightened Hearing, Heightened Smell, and Sense Psychic.
  • Autowalking on the worldmap now avoids the Rainbow Wood.
  • Autoexplore now passes through tiles that contain animated walls if those walls are in your party.
  • We changed the way acid damage is calculated. Exposure to either dilute acid or small acid pools now deals less damage.
  • Metal items now take quarter damage from acid.
  • Salty water now generates half as much steam when vaporized. Brackish water generates 90% as much.
  • Lacquered items now note in their descriptions that they repel liquids (this is behavior they always had).
  • Steam now only damages organic objects.
  • You can now retrieve items from owned containers that you put in them without triggering hostility.
  • The take-all command now skips the weight limit warning if you're already over your weight limit.
  • Lay Mine and Set Bomb now allow you to press escape from the explosive selection menu to abort the command.
  • Stairs, pits, and similar objects that represent open space can no longer be sucked into space-time vortices.
  • When you're selecting an item to equip from the equipment menu, items listed within a given category are now sorted in descending order by a rough utility evaluation. This sort method was there previously, but code was since introduced that disrupted it.
  • Colored text now displays more reliably across multiple lines in the text UI sidebar.
  • Added a black outline to the overlay XP and HP readout numbers.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the penalties from the Engulfed status effect from being removed when the effect wore off.
  • [modding] We added a markup layer to our text coloring system. Example: {{red|this text will be red}}. This lets us treat color specification as a stack, so that text's color can be reset to the previously specified color at the end of a block. (Previously, we would try to emulate this behavior by resetting color to default grey [&y], but grey wasn't always the last specified color.) The markup layer also supports shaders that apply color patterns to text blocks. Color names and shaders are defined in a new moddable file, Colors.xml.
  • [modding] Added a "beguile" wish that forces the target into your party.
  • [modding] Med names may now be extended by applying the [MedNamesExtension] attribute and implementing the IMedNamesExtension { int Priority(); void OnInitializeMedNames( List<string> medNames ); } interface.
  • [modding] Fixed a bug that caused the JoppaWorldBuilderExtension and WorldBuilderExtension attributes to be ignored.

200.20: We've posted an update on the beta branch.

Released March 6th, 2020 (beta branch).

  • Added a new cybernetic implant: medassist module.
  • Added a new item: syphon baton.
  • The co-processor mod now provides compute power that select equipment can consume.
  • Added new descriptions for the following creatures, items, and objects: graverobber, exit teleporter, ornately carved marble, rotating machine arm, locking machine arm, strip fly, urn porter, urn, sarcophagus, machine press, reliquary, sultan reliquary, ornate chair, ornate bench, ornate table, plant in ornate pot, grave goods, Eater hologram, crypt sitter, and ghost perch.
  • Added a new tile for the sign to village Ezra.
  • Added flipped tiles for Eater holograms.
  • Added some new tomb propaganda.
  • Fungal infections and motorized treads are now immune to damage.
  • More NPC tinkers can now repair, recharge, and identify artifacts.
  • Piston presses now respect phase.
  • Lunge now respects phase and flight.
  • Juke now interacts better with effects that restrict your mobility.
  • Removed the old tattoo gun.
  • Cybernetics credit wedges are now stackable.
  • Wraith-knights can no longer be duplicated or cloned.
  • Robotic and otherwise inorganic creatures are no longer made thirsty by thirst thistle attacks.
  • Disassemble now requests confirmation before disassembling quest items and items you have equipped.
  • Disassemble now provides a "disassemble all" inventory action that disassembles a stack of items at once.
  • Disassemble now has an action cost.
  • Temporal fugue clones and various other forms of cloning no longer count toward the death and destruction toll of A Call to Arms.
  • Sturdy spectacles and mirrorshades no longer incorrectly report that they have broken in melee.
  • Having thirst inflicted on you by an attack no longer triggers tongue bleeding from glotrot.
  • The Amphibious trait no longer reduces thirst that's inflicted by attacks, and amphibious characters get the same log messages as do non-amphibious characters when an attack inflicts thirst.
  • A message now periodically appears in the message log when your companions are dehydrated. If they are visible when they become dehydrated, you get a popup.
  • Fixed some issues with companions re-joining the player after traveling on the worldmap.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an item type's repair cost to permanently depend on whether the first item of that type you repaired was rusted.
  • Fixed some bugs that caused modifiers to secondary statistics like AV, DV, and movespeed to be double-applied when they came from mutations and cybernetic implants selected during character creation.
  • [modding] The ability of NPCs to repair, recharge, and identify artifacts in the trade screen is no longer controlled by the CanRepair, CanRecharge, and CanIdentify properties. Instead, it's determined by the relevant tinkering skills. (Repair enables the repair action, Tinker I enables recharge, and Gadget Inspector enables identify, with Tinker II, Tinker III, Intelligence modifier, and any relevant equipment contributing to identification performance.)

200.17 - 'beta' branch

Released January 31, 2020 (beta build).

  • We made some structural changes to the layout of the Tomb.
    • We shifted the whole dungeon up several Z levels. The crematory is now one level above the surface.
    • Removed the Lake of the Damned.
  • We included some more signposts toward finding the Mark of Death and entering the Tomb through the Death Gate.
    • Implemented a partial redesign of the Arcades to the Twin Gates that includes a path and sign pointing to Ezra.
    • Immediately upon finding the Mark of Death, you now learn the Mark of Death secret, and the 'Recover the Mark of Death' quest step now completes.
    • Immediately upon inscribing the Mark of Death, the 'Inscribe the Mark" quest step now completes.
  • It should now be clearer that a certain post-Brightsheol body alteration is intentional.
  • Once you return from Brightsheol, you cannot go back via the same method. (<- worded intentionally vaguely to avoid spoilers)
  • Added two new cybernetic implants: fire suppression system and anchor spikes.
  • Added a new item: advanced toolkit.
  • Crypt ferrets are now better at hiding.
  • Made Vivira, the sentient turret, magenta in order to stand out more.
  • Added descriptions for the following objects: fulcrete, ebon fulcrete, wide bottle, crypt door, compacted bone, and grave moss.
  • Added some more tomb propaganda.
  • Renamed recarcassing nook to recoming nook.
  • We made some changes to auto-equip.
    • Auto-equip now gives you feedback on items that were unequipped as a result of your action.
    • Eliminated most repetitive auto-equip messaging.
    • Auto-equip now tries to unequip multiple items in order to equip an item that uses multiple equipment slots.
    • Confirmation is now requested before automatically unequipping an item that will be destroyed by being unequipped.
  • We tweaked the temperature-related behavior of liquids.
    • You may find differences in how pouring liquids on you affects temperature.
    • Standing in a pool of lava is no longer safe once you've dealt with the initial temperature shock.
    • Your equipment and inventory now experience more temperature effects than before, particularly if you expose yourself to large amounts of lava.
  • Fungal infections are now immune to heat, cold, electricity, and acid.
  • Projectiles coming from a distance and passing near the player now produce a message in the message log.
  • More combat sound effects are now properly controlled by the General > Combat Sounds option.
  • Any NPC with whom you can perform the water ritual can now give you directions.
  • The following actions performed while autoexploring now also operate on adjacent tiles: autoget, harvesting, butchering, trash rifling, opening a chest, and interacting with a bookshelf.
  • Puffer fungi can now be hit by normal ranged weapons.
  • Lava and acid now spawn less often in containers that are unsafe to house them.
  • Companions now attempt to generally follow you even if they can't pathfind all the way to you (for example, because you have Force Bubble active).
  • Mirrorshades now give a very small chance to reflect light-based attacks.
  • Objects embedded in walls can no longer be taken or interacted with via the interact nearby command (unless you are also in the same tile as the wall).
  • Items embedded in walls are now partially visible with penetrating radar.
  • The overlay inventory screen now better handles having two heads or two faces.
  • Multiple applications of Hobble now renew the duration of the effect rather than stacking the movespeed penalty.
  • Carbide hand bones no longer modify hands added by Helping Hands, and they only affect the set of hands where the implant was implanted (in the event a True Kin has somehow acquired multiple sets of hands).
  • Trader repair and recharge actions now more effectively handle plurality and stacking.
  • Tattooing a companion no longer tattoos you instead of them.
  • Smart use no longer pets Sheba Hagadias by default if Sheba is pettable.
  • You can no longer open and close doors while frozen solid.
  • Magazine-loaded ranged weapons now account for the weight and value of the ammo loaded in them.
  • Solar and radio-powered cells now receive their charge more reliably on the world map and should cause less lag.
  • Take-all no longer counts untakeable items when checking whether you're going over your weight limit.
  • Added a new tile for the basic toolkit.
  • Fixed some item duping exploits with evil twins and prism clones.
  • Temporal fugue clones no longer lose their items before they expire.
  • Fixed an issue with legendary breathers' and miners' names not showing up properly.
  • Fixed a bug that made Berate 10x as likely to take effect if you had an Ego modifier of exactly zero.
  • Fixed some bugs with explosions, other types of forced movement, and the generation of maps with ruined buildings.
  • Fixed a bug that made DV and MA penalties from confusion become permanent if the game was saved and loaded.
  • Fixed an issue with portable walls.
  • Fixed an issue with nano-neuro animators.
  • Fixed a typo in village monument descriptions.
  • [modding] In character generation, whether a genotype is considered a mutant is now controlled explicitly by the new attribute IsMutant="true" in the genotype entry rather than by whether its name contains the substring "True". Mods affecting genotypes may need to add this attribute.