Gravity grenade

Revision as of 21:00, 12 December 2021 by Teamtoto (talk | contribs)
Grenade Bits Tinker Skill Tier Value Complexity Can Build Can Disassemble
gravity grenade mk I <012> Tinker I 4 $ 40 1 Yes Yes
gravity grenade mk II <024> Tinker II 6 $ 60 1 Yes Yes
gravity grenade mk III <356> Tinker II 8 $ 80 1 Yes Yes

A gravity grenade is a grenade that pulls things caught within the blast towards the epicenter. It has an effect radius of 6 tiles and a maximum accelerative force of 17500 at its center, with that implosive force dropping off by 2000 each tile further away from the blast.[1][2]


Gravity grenades create a unique implosion effect that pulls creatures and items toward the point of impact rather than pushing them away. The grenade blast deals no direct damage, but creatures and items accelerated by the implosion — including the thrower if they are too close — will take damage if they collide with one another or any other nearby objects, such as walls. It is also possible for the grenade to accelerate a creature toward its point of impact such that the creature goes flying past the impact point in the opposite direction. Additionally, gravity grenades cause flying creatures to fall to the ground.[1][3]

Their effect is not related to  neutron flux explosions which create a different type of "gravitational collapse".


This information is reliable as of patch
  1. 1.0 1.1 XRL.World.Parts.GravityGrenade
  2. ObjectBlueprints.xml
  3. XRL.World.Parts.Physics, method AccelerateInternal