Albino (D)
Albino mutation.png

Physical defect



ExclusionsOther mutations that cannot be
selected with this mutation

Photosynthetic Skin

ID?Use this ID to wish for the mutation
(example: mutation:Albino)


Albino (D)

Your skin, hair, and eyes are absent of pigment.

You regenerate hit points at one-fifth the usual rate in the daylight.

Albino (D) is a physical defect that affects the player's regeneration rate.

If the player is currently regenerating on the surface during the day, Albino will divide their regeneration rate by 5.[1] In terms of day segments, this means the effect begins shortly before Harvest Dawn and ends at Jeweled Dusk.[2] If the player is on the surface during the night, or underground, they regenerate health as normal.

Advantages & Disadvantages

This section is opinion-based. Your mileage may vary.


  • Grants 2 extra points to spend during character creation
  • Does nothing if the player is above ground at night, or below ground


  • The player must wait 5 times as long to regenerate their health after a fight during the day
  • Regeneration during combat, which already has a small impact, will make almost no difference with this defect


  1. XRL.World.Parts.Mutation.Albino
  2. XRL.World.IComponent<T>