Template:Qud look

Revision as of 14:11, 6 October 2021 by Egocarib (talk | contribs) (support bordercolor)

Lua error: bordercolor not set to either "c" or "y".

title specifies the title of the chat box. defaults to pagename in off white (&y)
text the text that is automatically parsed. auto determines whether to use XML parsing or not.
bottomtext The text that appears on the bottom of the border. defaults to Perfect in white (&Y). setting it to 'none' makes it disappear entirely.
bordercolor if = y, change the border to offwhite(&y). defaults to Cyan. (&C)
lineheight takes a float and changes line height to that in em. defaults to 1.5em.
padding left padding. defaults to 0em.


Lua error: bordercolor not set to either "c" or "y".