Schrodinger page from the Annals of Qud

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Schrodinger page from the Annals of Qud
Schrodinger page from the annals of qud.png
Commerce Value


ID?Use this ID to Wish for the item


Spawns in


Schrodinger page from the Annals of Qud

Nary a scholar knows who composes the Annals of Qud or when the chronicling began. But the Quantivists devised a way to entangle their own pages with the offical ledger, allowing them to insert themselves into the histories in a favorable light. A few such pages remain.


Schrodinger page from the Annals of Qud is an item that can be randomly found or sold by scribes, or any other location that a book would usually spawn. They are not actually books however, and will not be accepted by Sheba Hagadias, Librarian of the Stilt. They come in two variants: one with no faction specified (Schrodinger page from the Annals of Qud[chapter unspecified]) or with a faction (Schrodinger page from the Annals of Qud[(Faction) chapter]). There are a couple of differences between the two:

Schrodinger page from the Annals of Qud [chapter unspecified]

  • 250 Commerce
  • Allows the player to choose what faction to use this item on
  • ID is FactionDeed

Schrodinger page from the Annals of Qud [(Faction) chapter]

  • 50 Commerce
  • Can only be used on the specified faction
  • ID is RandomFactionDeed

Once either type of Schrodinger page from the Annals of Qud is used, 180-220 reputation is added to that specified faction.[1]

Reputation Weight Chance
180 1 9.09%
185 1 9.09%
190 2 18.18%
195 1 9.09%
200 1 9.09%
205 1 9.09%
210 2 18.18%
215 1 9.09%
220 1 9.09%

On Activation

You add the following entry into the Annals of Qud.

"On the (random day) of (random month), (player's name) became admired by (faction) for (random like reason)."

If Unable to Distort Reality

This item is also Reality Distorting, meaning that it is unable to be used when astrally burdened or tethered via normality gas or an ontological anchor.[1]

This seems to be behaving as nothing more than an ordinary piece of paper.


  1. 1.0 1.1 XRL.World.Parts.FactionDeed.cs