Humble pie

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Revision as of 21:53, 6 December 2020 by Pokedragonboy (talk | contribs) (Added a description and small section on obtaining humble pie)
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humble pie
Humble pie.png





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Humble Pie


On Eat

Permanent attribute change

humble pie

Seasoning the minced meat that's trapped under the crust is a smidge of yyffur dust, shaved from the stalk of the eponymous mushroom and finely ground. The whole mushroom is much too powerful for a mammalian psyche (consuming one would obliterate the ego in mere moments), but a smidge of dust on a tasty pie can remind one of one's place in the cosmos.

-1 Ego permanently


It tastes bitter.

Your Ego is reduced by 1

— upon consuming

A humble pie is a food item which permanently reduces the consumer's Ego score by one when eaten. This is mainly useful to Espers who may wish to reduce their Ego score in order to keep their psychic glimmer in check.
