Light Manipulation

Light Manipulation




ID?Use this ID to wish for the mutation
(example: mutation:LightManipulation)


Reality DistortingReality distorting mutations
cannot be used under
the effects of normality.


Light Manipulation

You manipulate light to your advantage.

You produce ambient light within a radius of (4 + Floor(Level/2))
You may focus the light into a laser beam (doing so reduces the radius of your ambient light by 1)
Laser damage increment: (Level based)
Laser penetration bonus: ((Level - 1) / 2 + 4)
Ambient light radius increases by 1 every 15 rounds until it reaches its maximum value
(10 + 3 * Level)% chance to reflect light-based damage

Mutation Level Damage PV Maximum Light Radius Percent Chance to Reflect
1 1d3 4 4 13%
2 1d4 4 5 16%
3 1d5 5 5 19%
4 1d4+1 5 6 22%
5 1d5+1 6 6 25%
6 1d4+2 6 7 28%
7 1d5+2 7 7 31%
8 1d4+3 7 8 34%
9 1d5+3 8 8 37%
10 1d5+4 8 9 40%
n 1d5+(n-6) Floor((n - 1) / 2) + 4 (4 + Floor(n/2)) 10+3*n%


  • Never misses and has infinite range.
  • Provides light in a small radius without taking up an equipment slot, as other Light Sources do.
  • Decent early-game damage and PV which scales with level.


  • It is difficult to use Light Manipulation as both a weapon and a light source at the same time.
  • There is no way to decrease the time it takes to regenerate a charge.
  • Cannot fire through a  forcefields.
  • PV and damage scale poorly in the late game unless the mutation is leveled to 20-25 through ego modifier.