Bell of Rest

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Bell of Rest


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Bell of Rest

Extra info:
  • Cannot be walked on/through
  • This object is occluding
  • Weighs 10000 lbs
Bell of Rest

A hideous specimen.


The Bell of Rest is a unique presence in the Tomb of the Eaters.


This section is an excerpt from Tomb of the Eaters#The Bell of Rest.
The room above is a Place of Rest, and has tiles marked as such.

A player who has the Mark of Death on their body is affected by the Bell of Rest. The Bell of Rest rings every 300 turns, with a countdown that appears in purple text in the message log. At the end of the countdown, the player is teleported to a random Place of Rest. The places of rest are spaces marked with a checkerboard-like tile. If the player is in a place of rest, they receive an effect called Tomb-tethered. If the player is Tomb-tethered when the Bell of Rest rings, they will not be teleported.

An example of the Bell of Rest countdown.

In the Folk Catacombs, the Places of Rest are in seemingly random places. However, as the player progresses to less damaged areas of the Tomb, Places of Rest will be reliably available in the individual intact crypts. There will usually be at least one Place of Rest per zone.

After completing the Tomb's quest, a player who re-enters the zone will not experience the Bell of Rest and may explore at will without being teleported. This is true even if they have tattooed the Mark of Death tattooed on their body again. However, they will see the Tomb-tethered alert whenever they move onto a checkerboard tile region.


  • While there is an object named Bell of Rest defined in the game's object blueprints, it is not placed anywhere in the game world, and it does not directly control the Tomb of the Eaters' 'recall' system.[1] However, the definition for Bell of Rest specifies that if it were to be destroyed, the Bell of Rest in the Tomb would cease to function.[2][3]


This information is reliable as of patch
  1. XRL.ITombAnchorSystem
  2. XRL.World.Parts.BellOfRest, method HandleEvent(BeforeDestroyObjectEvent)
  3. XRL.ITombAnchorSystem, method OnEndTurn