Spoiler Warning: This article contains information normally only found in the course of advancing the main quest line.
Spoiler Warning: This article contains information normally only found in the course of advancing the main quest line.
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*Every surface of the strange entity vibrates with the sound of a hundred dry lectures by long-dead scholars, teaching a volume of knowledge so dense and overlapping that the end result is incomprehensible.*
Fraying Favorites
*Swimming in sound, Nacham stares at you and looks away simultaneously, giving no indication of understanding.*
*You offer the repulsive device. As it nears the shining, dark surface of Nacham's shell, a sudden fervor seizes the device, and it twists itself free, latching onto the entity with the hooked teeth of its mouthlike appendage. Nacham reacts with a violent spasm, cable-limbs flailing as the entity staggers back.
*For a time, Nacham is still, but then it speaks, a chorus of voices finally speaking in unison:*
It ceases. At last it ceases.
Yes. Thou hast quelled the mania.
I can focus. I can render sensible the things I have seen and heard now, though I remember little of my time before the mania. Was I artisan? Teacher? I possessed great knowledge that this shell twisted into a prison. I thank thee for the gift of thy untwisting.
The mopango have cared for me whilst I could not care for myself, giving me the only name I now know. I will stay to help them. This chassis is a prison no longer, and perhaps deeper truths may yet be found within it.
To thee, new friend, I offer a piece of this former prison that thou mayest find useful, along with my thanks.
After Fraying Favorites
If Nacham was chosen:
Learn well, climber. I would fain see thee succeed in thy task.
[1] Live and learn, Nacham.