Mental Armor (MA)

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Your mental armor (MA) is a measurement of how well protected you are against mental attacks, much as your armor value is a measurement of how well protected you are from physical attacks. The higher your score, the less likely an opponent's mental attack will have a severe effect on you. Your MA is modified by your Willpower modifier. The effective default value for MA is 4. MA is a hidden stat, and if displayed in a debug window it will typically be 0. This score is then increased by 4 for calculations involving MA.

Ten Things You Should Do When You Start to Play

Mental Armor (Mental Armor (MA)) is a creature's primary protection against psychic attacks including Confusion, Sunder Mind and psionic weapons. Base MA is calculated from the creature's Willpower bonus. Against psychic damage attacks, it functions identically to AV against physical attacks.

There are a limited number of ways for the player to boost Mental Armor (MA). Some of those options include: