Template:File Reference

Revision as of 19:29, 31 March 2021 by Jakusio (talk | contribs)

This template can be used to reference games files other than those present in the assembly, such as XML files.

Parameter Notes
file Used to specify the file's name. Must be specified or you'll get a template error.
type Used to specify the file extension. xml by default.
name Used to specify a name for the citation itself, so one can use that citation again later via <ref name="name-goes-here"/>


See the bottom of the page for the results of these examples.

If you simply want to create a citation for an XML file that you don't plan on using again:

{{File Reference
| file=FileName


If you need to specify a file extension that isn't XML, say for example, TXT:

{{File Reference
| file=FileName
| type=.txt


If you need to specify a file that has no extension, simply do so by specifying type and leaving it blank.

{{File Reference
| file=FileName
| type=


If you need to give the citation a name so you can use it again later:

{{File Reference
| file=FileName
| name=CitationName


If you do this, you can use that citation again without creating a new one. In this case, you'd do so via <ref name="CitationName"/> [4]

  1. FileName.xml{{#if |, {{{note}}} |}}
  2. FileName.txt{{#if |, {{{note}}} |}}
  3. FileName{{#if |, {{{note}}} |}}
  4. 4.0 4.1 FileName.xml{{#if |, {{{note}}} |}}