Electrical Generation

Revision as of 22:25, 14 September 2019 by Pokedragonboy (talk | contribs) (Added advantages and disadvantages and an advancement table)
Electrical Generation




ID?Use this ID to wish for the mutation
(example: mutation:ElectricalGeneration)


Reality DistortingReality distorting mutations
cannot be used under
the effects of normality.


Electrical Generation

You accrue electrical charge that you can discharge at will.

Maximum charges: (2 + (Level * 2))
Accrue an additional charge every (10 - Floor(Level / 2)) rounds up to the maximum
Damage per charge: 1d4
Electricity will arc to adjacent targets dealing reduced damage

Being hit by an EMP will cause the player to uncontrollably expend all remaining charges into random nearby tiles.

Mutation Level Maximum Charges Recharge Time
1 4 10 rounds
2 6 9 rounds
3 8 9 rounds
4 10 8 rounds
5 12 8 rounds
6 14 7 rounds
7 16 7 rounds
8 18 6 rounds
9 20 6 rounds
10 22 5 rounds


  • Electrical damage bypasses AV and DV, making the mutation useful for killing well armored or evasive targets.
  • Electricity will arc through multiple enemies, allowing for decent multi-target damage.
  • At higher levels, gives an option for quick burst damage.
