Crumpled sheet of paper

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crumpled sheet of paper
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crumpled sheet of paper

Paper made of brinestalk pulp is covered in a shaky ink scrawl. It looks like it's been crumpled and uncrumpled many times.


The crumpled sheet of paper is a poem found on the ground at the charred tree. Taking it begins the quest Love and Fear.

The poem is authored by Eskhind and is about Warden Neelahind. The exact contents of the poem vary, but it always takes the form of a sonnet lamenting how the narrator must leave Bey Lah, and with it must leave her love behind.


This is the default specified in Books.cs:

Crumpled sheet of paper

When all four limbs of mine do long to run
and I can feel my walls are closing in
When weary mind cannot conceive of fun
and Hindriarch says all I do is sin

But then your sparring axeblade parts the air
and so my heart ascends the spindle's height
So when you run your fingers through your hair
That's when I know that everything's all right

What need have we for tended fields of lah?
Our parents will not ease us when we hurt
What do we gain from felling trees by saw?
Our village shall not to the past revert.

But in the end, my feet are bound to roam
and so I go, but leave my heart at home.


The sonnet is generated by choosing 7 groups of lines from a list1-7. The sonnet will first use the first half of the line, and then will use the second half of the line one line after the next to complete the rhyme and make a rhyme scheme of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.

Crumpled sheet of paper

When #List1
and #List2
When #List1#2
and #List2#2

But then #List3
and so #List4
So as #List3#2
That's when #List4#2

What need have we for #List5
Our parents will not #List6
What do we gain from #List5#2
Our village shall not #List6#2




all four limbs of mine do long to run
weary mind cannot conceive of fun

I can feel my walls are closing in
Hindriarch says all I do is sin

evil thoughts accost my blackened soul
splitting head feels much more like a hole

spitting anger boils up in my blood
hardened heart despises all of Qud

my mind does all grievances rehash
Hindriarch treats kendren like they're trash

this cruel world does bring me sad and low
there's a line I clearly cannot tow


your sparring axeblade parts the air
you run your fingers through your hair

you look at me with those sweet eyes
you're close enough to tantalize

you stand, resplendent and refined
I think perhaps you could be mine

your armor glints under the sun
our hearts both beat in time as one

you take my hand, yours rough but warm
my eyes, unbidden, trace your form


my heart ascends the spindle's height
I know that everything's all right

a happy smile comes to my face
I think that I might find my place

I feel the gentle warmth of love
I hope that we could be enough

I feel a tingle on my skin
my heart scarce knows where to begin

my breath comes, like my heart, too quick
I see you and become lovesick


tended fields of lah
felling trees by saw

eating in a yurt
farming 'til we hurt

stripping watervine
claiming to be fine

putting safety first
planning for the worst

gath'ring morning dew
fearing what is new


ease us when we hurt
to the past revert

treat us like their own
melt their hearts of stone

let me be myself
look out for our health

see that life needs love
ever be enough

offer me your hand
ever understand


However can I tell my aching heart
that our remaining years will be apart?

Although I may succumb to nature's fang,
my heart needs more than one square parasang.

But I must leave you if you won't concede
that death will find me should I stay unfreed.

Now knowing I must go and you must stay
it makes my tender heartstrings start to fray.

To know I cannot stay, and you can't leave
I'm left with no recourse except to grieve.


List7 is just another randomly chosen list from #List6 that was not already chosen before.