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[ Dyvvrach ]

We share the bright and now, traveler =name=.

1) What is this place?
2) Who are you?
3) The entity I spoke with at Eyn Roj mentioned a chiming rock...
4) Explain once more what I must do with Tau's chime.
5) I've reunited Tau with her chime.
6) I've destroyed the chime, Dyvvrach.
7) I have completed the ritual of -elseing. Will you power Barathrum's starclimb, as you said?
8) I come in the name of need. Barathrum asks the strength of your psyche to power our starclimb.
9) Live and drink. [End]


[ Dyvvrach ]

We share the bright and now, traveler =name=.

1) What is this place?
2) Who are you?
3) The entity I spoke with at Eyn Roj mentioned a chiming rock...
4) Explain once more what I must do with Tau's chime.
5) I've reunited Tau with her chime.
6) I've destroyed the chime, Dyvvrach.
7) I have completed the ritual of -elseing. Will you power Barathrum's starclimb, as you said?
8) I come in the name of need. Barathrum asks the strength of your psyche to power our starclimb.
9) Live and drink. [End]


[ Dyvvrach ]

This keter roams above my trunk at Eyn Roj, traveler =name=, and across the Stair I dream. You found me, this keter where I chime in dozens.

1) What is this place?
2) Who are you?
3) The entity I spoke with at Eyn Roj mentioned a chiming rock...
4) Explain once more what I must do with Tau's chime.
5) I've reunited Tau with her chime.
6) I've destroyed the chime, Dyvvrach.
7) I have completed the ritual of -elseing. Will you power Barathrum's starclimb, as you said?
8) I come in the name of need. Barathrum asks the strength of your psyche to power our starclimb.
9) Live and drink. [End]


[ Dyvvrach ]

Ah, I am in need, and so I turned my chimes trunkward to tune. You struck the chime and now you are here. Are you a waterhand, and free?

1) What do you need?
2) What is this place?
3) Who are you?
4) The entity I spoke with at Eyn Roj mentioned a chiming rock...
5) Explain once more what I must do with Tau's chime.
6) I've reunited Tau with her chime.
7) I've destroyed the chime, Dyvvrach.
8) I have completed the ritual of -elseing. Will you power Barathrum's starclimb, as you said?
9) I come in the name of need. Barathrum asks the strength of your psyche to power our starclimb.
10) Live and drink. [End]


[ Dyvvrach ]

My chimeling Tau leaves Chavvah, leaves me. It is her choice.

Her transit-psyche manifests at the bottom of Taproot, where we cannot consciously go. To finish the ritual of -elseing, to let Tau become -else, I need a traveler such as you, =name=.

1) What must I do?
2) Who is Tau?
3) What is this place?
4) Who are you?
5) The entity I spoke with at Eyn Roj mentioned a chiming rock...
6) Explain once more what I must do with Tau's chime.
7) I've reunited Tau with her chime.
8) I've destroyed the chime, Dyvvrach.
9) I have completed the ritual of -elseing. Will you power Barathrum's starclimb, as you said?
10) I come in the name of need. Barathrum asks the strength of your psyche to power our starclimb.
11) Live and drink. [End]


[ Dyvvrach ]

Take Tau's chime, silent and still. Carry it to the bottom of Taproot, deep under my trunk, where she will make the chime her transit-body and walk away forever. Finish the ritual of -elseing.

At the bottom of Taproot, Tau manifests. She tells us, too, that another waits for her there.

1) I will do as you ask. [Accept Quest:If, Then, Else]
2) I have more to ask, first.


[ Dyvvrach ]

Take Tau's chime, silent and still. Carry it to the bottom of Taproot, deep under my trunk, where she will make the chime her transit-body and walk away forever. Finish the ritual of -elseing.

At the bottom of Taproot, Tau manifests. She tells us, too, that another waits for her there.

1) What is this place?
2) Who are you?
3) The entity I spoke with at Eyn Roj mentioned a chiming rock...
4) Explain once more what I must do with Tau's chime.
5) I've reunited Tau with her chime.
6) I've destroyed the chime, Dyvvrach.
7) I have completed the ritual of -elseing. Will you power Barathrum's starclimb, as you said?
8) I come in the name of need. Barathrum asks the strength of your psyche to power our starclimb.
9) Live and drink. [End]


[ Dyvvrach ]

So you have, and what proceeds, proceeds.

I felt your coming here, =name=, in Gyredream. I've felt this moment. I feel it now.

The ritual of -elseing is complete, waterhand. You are done, and with our thanks.

1) Live and drink. [Complete Quest Step: Return to the Keter] [End]


[ Dyvvrach ]

Thank you, traveler =name=.

1) ...


[ Dyvvrach ]

My chimeling, burning bright, all starlight and right angles in her heart. She leaves Chavvah; it is her choice. I..

1) What must I do?
2) What is this place?
3) Who are you?
4) The entity I spoke with at Eyn Roj mentioned a chiming rock...
5) Explain once more what I must do with Tau's chime.
6) I've reunited Tau with her chime.
7) I've destroyed the chime, Dyvvrach.
8) I have completed the ritual of -elseing. Will you power Barathrum's starclimb, as you said?
9) I come in the name of need. Barathrum asks the strength of your psyche to power our starclimb.
10) Live and drink. [End]


[ Dyvvrach ]

A sophist of the Self spilled ink and called me, long ago, the Tree of Life. To me, I am the many Selves pinched up my taproot from the permeating Soft.

I am Chavvah, and I am dyvvrach.

1) Many selves? What does this mean?
2) What is this place?
3) Who are you?
4) The entity I spoke with at Eyn Roj mentioned a chiming rock...
5) Explain once more what I must do with Tau's chime.
6) I've reunited Tau with her chime.
7) I've destroyed the chime, Dyvvrach.
8) I have completed the ritual of -elseing. Will you power Barathrum's starclimb, as you said?
9) I come in the name of need. Barathrum asks the strength of your psyche to power our starclimb.
10) Live and drink. [End]


[ Dyvvrach ]

As Chavvah I am many. As dyvvrach I am one. I am one and many. One-selves have called me tree city, the sentient place. You may think of the Selves this way, sprouted in keter from Twofirm.

1) Twofirm?


[ Dyvvrach ]

Deep under earth and permeating our roots is Soft, our feeling substance. Ground pressure pushes it up the taproot to our trunk, where it condenses into Twofirm: the biformal phase that contains the two sefirots, -then and -else.

1) *continue listening*


[ Dyvvrach ]

This is the genesis my distinct Self, an awareness that contains both -then, what I will become, and -else, what I will not. Twofirm flows up my sapwood to the keter, where -then manifests as an entity and I chime: I speak and hear the world.

1) What is this place?
2) Who are you?
3) The entity I spoke with at Eyn Roj mentioned a chiming rock...
4) Explain once more what I must do with Tau's chime.
5) I've reunited Tau with her chime.
6) I've destroyed the chime, Dyvvrach.
7) I have completed the ritual of -elseing. Will you power Barathrum's starclimb, as you said?
8) I come in the name of need. Barathrum asks the strength of your psyche to power our starclimb.
9) Live and drink. [End]


[ Dyvvrach ]

*Dyvvrach chimes*

1) ...


[ Dyvvrach ]

You have completed the ritual of -elseing. You have set bright Tau free.

Yes, =name=. I will turn my chimes Spindleward to tune, then vibrate at our verve frequency. I will power your starclimb.

Be vested to tell whoever you must that Chavvah has made this commitment.

1) Thank you, Dyvvrach. Live and drink.


[ Dyvvrach ]

I start at this but Tikva settles me. I remember now: from a cub I've known Barathrum to be weak in telling but bold in asking. A starclimb? You mean, an ascent to the long chiming rock?

1) Barathrum intends to ascend the Spindle to discover the source of the Signal, yes. He needs a power source for the climber, one shielded from electromagnetic disturbance.


[ Dyvvrach ]

oh. This. Was this felt in gyredream? Your coming to keter? I ask, do not answer.

1) What is gyredream?


[ Dyvvrach ]

A future shock. My chimeling _ is vision-gifted, a lichen who clings to shorerock on the straits of Tomorrow. Just a short time ago a sea wave crested and broke beneath her, and she saw in its recession all the bright and violent channel paths.

We all felt it. A recoming, and the gyre in final tension. I felt...

1) *continue listening*


[ Dyvvrach ]

It was too much for my chimeling Tau. She gasped for air and her chime stilled. She leaves us now, to become -else. It is her choice.

1) I am sorry. But will you help Barathrum do as he asks?
2) I am sorry. But will you help Barathrum do as he asks?
3) What is this place?
4) Who are you?
5) The entity I spoke with at Eyn Roj mentioned a chiming rock...
6) Explain once more what I must do with Tau's chime.
7) I've reunited Tau with her chime.
8) I've destroyed the chime, Dyvvrach.
9) I have completed the ritual of -elseing. Will you power Barathrum's starclimb, as you said?
10) I come in the name of need. Barathrum asks the strength of your psyche to power our starclimb.
11) Live and drink. [End]


[ Dyvvrach ]

*Dyvvrach chimes*

1) ...


[ Dyvvrach ]

I will power his starclimb. If you take Tau's chime to taproot, for her to walk away. If you finish the ritual of -elseing.

1) The ritual of -elseing?
2) I see.


[ Dyvvrach ]

*Dyvvrach chimes*

1) ...


[ Dyvvrach ]

Again I must be calmed, but the startling gives way to a curiosity. You speak of the glowfolk, belimbed and free. You would have them join us, like our Sant?


[ Dyvvrach ]

We find no precedent for this, yet is there space upon our crystal arms and an openness within us. It is agreed: if these slynth will be of us, we will have them here.

1) You all have my thanks.


[ Dyvvrach ]

I startle, and the roiling is felt before the calm. I cannot find a consensus for the housing of these beings, =name=. I am sorry.


[ Dyvvrach ]

We await the decision of the glowfolk. Our imaginations run with the possibilities.


[ Dyvvrach ]

How this keter rustles! The slynth are among us and we adapt, our impressions a melange of excitement, apprehension, and wonder.

Though I have no single sentiment to express, we nonetheless approach -then with our new companions.

1) My thanks, dyvvrach.


[ Dyvvrach ]

You are well-found, =name=. Though several have chosen their -else, the first of the slynth have joined to us like our Sant, mobile and apart but shared and together. This is a strange -then, but what branches may spill forth from it? I anticipate the witnessing.

1) Live and drink together, Chavvah.