Feral lah

Revision as of 23:55, 30 August 2019 by Pokedragonboy (talk | contribs) (Added a description and some details from Blood and Fear: On the Life Cycle of Lah)
feral lah
Feral lah.png


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Feral Lah


flowers (Loved100 Reputation)



Corpse Dropped

lahbloom(favilink error!) (100%)



feral lah

Standing taller than a snapjaw and three times as wide, the blossom of the feral lah resembles a bundle of freshly severed saltback tongues. Its bouquet can only be described as 'sweaty animal', and its flabby leaves stand poised and ready to bludgeon anyone who dares to get close. Several thorny rhizome pods pulse near its base like a clutch of eager children.


The wild, uncultivated form of lahbloom. Found in the Flower Fields, it will attack its enemies with tumbling pods so that new feral lah can grow from their corpses.

Lore-wise, a feral lah is the same plant as the dreadroot, though it is seen with "petals" because the creatures in the flower fields do not eat them off. However, in terms of mechanics, they are entirely unrelated.

A detailed description of the life cycle of the feral lah can be found in Blood and Fear: On the Life Cycle of Lah.