Deep jungle

Revision as of 18:36, 31 March 2022 by Cadex (talk | contribs) (Add placeholder image for now)
This article has information that is missing or not up to par.
Reason: Replace placeholder image, expand description, add ingredients, replace manual references with dynamic object data
deep jungle

Thriving florae pack the loam with maze-dense roots, and a high-wreath canopy chokes off the last beams of light.


The deep jungle is a minor late-game region that covers much of the eastern side of the world map.

Notable Locations


Deep Jungle Creatures

Possible Lair Owners


Deep Jungle Plants

Other Encounters

(Those missing from dynamically-generated content above)




Deep Jungle Ingredients

To be added


This information is reliable as of patch
  1. PopulationTables.xml, population name LairOwners_DeepJungle
  2. PopulationTables.xml, population name DeepJungleZoneGlobals-Reachable
  3. PopulationTables.xml, population name DeepJunglePerSector