Version history: Difference between revisions

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Add release notes for 206.75 and 206.77
m (Add release notes for 206.66)
m (Add release notes for 206.75 and 206.77)
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{{Version History Nav}}
{{Version History Nav}}
== 2024 ==
== 2024 ==
=== 206.77 ===
[ Released April 26, 2024.]
* Flaming tar pits are once again flaming.
* Terrified creatures no longer charge.
* Tumbling pods that are cult leaders now grant XP if they explode during combat.
* You can now select stacks of items when donating books to Sheba or throwing artifacts down the Sacred Well.
* You can now rename yourself in your original body or one your mind is stranded within.
* The name for your saved game is now updated when you take a new name via stranded mind or otherwise.
* Stilt Day Stilt pigs no longer open their pens.
* Conjoined girshlings are now considered plural.
* If you're standing next to friendly creature, you can use their culture when renaming your companions.
* Clarified the popup message when you can't autoexplore the full map due to unusually dark darkness.
* Goggles are now referred to in "pairs" rather than sets".
* Gave thistle pitches a sell value.
* Made Asphodel's description respect dynamic pronouns.
* Added info about using the Alt overlay to the manual.
* Fixed a bug that caused a popup message when one of your companions incurred extradimensional disappointment.
* Fixed a bug that caused intact cryochambers to spawn on stair landings.
* Fixed a bug that caused Neelahind to say the well has been poisoned by a previous accusation when the evidence did not match the culprit.
* Fixed a bug that caused the 'Jeweled Dusk' achievement to unlock when you were not the target of the gemming attack.
* Fixed a bug that caused the waking dreamers to always start one experience point away from leveling up.
* Fixed a bug that caused temporary merchants to drop non-temporary wares on death.
* Fixed a bug that caused 'Petals on the Wind' to be unfinishable if you had already started 'Find Eskhind'.
* Fixed a bug that caused 'The Earl of Omonporch' delegates to spawn with and leave behind companions.
=== 206.75 ===
[ Released April 12, 2024.]
* The salt desert is once again populated with scorpiocks.
* Credit lockboxes are now made out of metal, as claimed.
* Gigantic tonics now indicate they contain double dosage.
* Flowers are no longer breakable.
* Symbiotic fireflies are now treated as live animals.
* Legendary animated objects now have "animated" in their display names, where appropriate.
* Added plants and farmable plants to Mountains population tables.
* Motorized treads and gun racks can no longer be dismembered.
* Made Spinnerets' web stickiness scale better with mutation rank.
* Clarified in Spinnerets' description that you are immune to getting stuck.
* When you have Dystechnia, tinkers now give the right message when you ask them to identify an artifact.
* Light chords no longer display their blank armor stats.
* Stalagmites now render above liquid pools.
* Creatures are now less prone to walking over catch basins and polluting their contents.
* Opening yourself when you are an animated container (for ex. a table) will now open your inventory rather than saying "You have nothing to trade."
* Fixed a bug that caused some spiders not to weave webs.
* Fixed a bug that caused the AI to toggle many toggleable AI abilities on and off again repeatedly.
* Fixed a bug that caused the sacred well to prompt you twice about important items.
* Fixed a bug that caused limbs dismembered from creatures implanted with a phase harmonic modulator to stay omniphase indefinitely.
* Fixed a color issue with mumblemouth.
* [modding] Fixed a bug that caused IPlayerParts to be deep copied.
=== 206.74 ===
[ Released April 5, 2024.]
* Bundles of noisegrass are now more appropriately priced.
* Added ability icons to the gas breath mutations of breathing lizards.
* Fungus-ridden robots now actually host fungi.
* Spacetime vortices now remain stationary for the first round they appear, giving you a window to step outside their range.
* Cragmensch and glittermensch are now harder to set on fire.
* High-powdered magnets now indicate when they are destroyed due to application.
* Your DV is now set to zero while you are dominating.
* Stasis now freezes the timer on bombs.
* Fixed a bug that caused interact nearby, the nearby objects list, and the looker object list to consider objects inside solids differently from one another.
* Fixed a bug that caused the direction of the current local map to be displayed incorrectly when choosing a local map to travel to from the world map.
* Fixed a bug that caused the item description in power switch abilities to be wrong.
* Fixed a typo in murals describing the historic liberation of cities.
* Fixed a bug that caused dynamic turret tinkers controlled by you to be unable to place turrets.
* Fixed a bug in the ability text of turret tinkers that displayed the internal blueprint or table name it was using.
* Fixed a bug that caused the target details text of a hidden sidebar to be clipped when using bio-scanning bracelet.
* Fixed a bug that caused cleave to indicate a target was cleaved even when it was immune to effects.
* Fixed a bug that caused zones below strata 50 of Eyn Roj to be devoid of creatures.
* [modding] Fixed a bug that caused population items that did not specify a load strategy to be skipped.
* [modding] Fixed a bug that caused load strategies on population groups to be ineffectual.
* [modding] The full file path is now displayed when a conversation part referenced in XML cannot be resolved.
=== 206.72 ===
[ Released March 29, 2024.]
* Extradimensional psychic assassin weeps are no longer noted in your journal on sight.
* You are now allowed to pick your target when there are multiple creatures available to beguile or proselytize in a cell.
* Flying objects that become stuck (for ex. in webs) will now stop flying and fall.
* Fixed a bug that caused some golems to retain their mental shield.
* Fixed a bug that caused some golems to drop a corpse or their inventory on death.
* Fixed a bug that rarely caused several webs to spawn stacked in a single square.
* Fixed a bug that caused phase webs to break immediately.
* Fixed a bug that caused phasing from phase webs to wear off immediately.
* Fixed a bug that prevented the phased VFX from rendering.
* Fixed a bug that caused frost webs to behave differently for player and NPC use.
* Fixed a bug that rarely caused fixed settlement ovens to appear in random encounters.
* [modding] Added support for removing any blueprint tag by prefixing them with remove: e.g. removetag, removebuilder, removestat, etc.
* [modding] Buttons in Options.xml can now declare an OnClick method.
* [debug] We made some changes to modding population tables.
** Populations and their groups with the same IDs are now merged by default, specify Load="Replace" to replace them.
** Objects and tables can now be merged by explicitly specifying Load="Merge".
** Any population item can now be removed by specifying Load="Remove".
=== 206.70 ===
[ Released March 22, 2024.]
* Added new visual effects to throwing axes and geomagnetic discs.
* Poison-tipped spears are now thrown with the pointy end towards the target.
* Throwing axes are now categorized under Thrown Weapons.
* You are no longer required to die permanently in order to unlock the achievement 'Jeweled Dusk'.
* Motorized treads can no longer rust.
* There's now a popup message when you or a companion has a stat drained by a creature for the first time.
* Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented popups from being displayed when equipment was removed by a pulse field magnet.
* Fixed a messaging oddity when losing the use of dependent limbs, such as hands.
* Fixed a bug that caused trails on thrown items to render over their sprite.
* Fixed a bug that caused your average armor to not be recalculated when regenerating limbs.
* Fixed a bug that caused dismembered limbs of named creatures to be referred to with an article.
* Fixed a bug that caused dismembered limbs to not inherit the article of the creature they were dismembered from.
* Fixed a bug that caused the "worn around wings" slot to lose its name after eating the Cloaca Surprise.
* Fixed a bug that caused you to permanently lose your beak after eating the Cloaca Surprise.
* Fixed a bug that caused your disguise to disappear in completely dark areas.
* Fixed a bug that caused graffiti to sometimes not change the foreground color of a tile.
* [modding] Added several configurable parameters to throwing visual effects: e.g. speed, arc, rotation, trail, color, etc.
* [modding] The ending transparency of projectile trails can now be set with a full-length RGBA value, e.g. '#77bfcf60'.
* [modding] Fixed a bug that caused transparency on custom projectile trails to be overriden.
=== 206.69 ===
[ Released March 15, 2024.]
* Added new hamsa effects to various grenades.
* All heavy weapons will now be reloaded before each individual shot while using Sweep.
* Fixed a bug that caused the automove interrupt code to be incorrectly 'sticky' in some situations.
* Fixed a messaging oddity when attempting to recoil to the court of sultans in combat.
* Fixed a bug that caused some factions to not gift their cybernetics credit wedges via the water ritual.
* Fixed a bug that caused irisdual beam to misreport its dealt damage.
* Fixed a bug that allowed you to lunge with a dismembered stinger.
* Fixed a bug that caused thermal and freeze grenades to not have appropriate hamsa effects.
* Fixed a bug that caused armed mines to be reported as disarmed in their description.
* Fixed a bug that caused the item category of the scrapped waydroid to be incorrect.
* Fixed a bug that caused the 'Auto-pickup of zero weight items' but skip picking up items with fractional weight.
* [debug] Added a new debug option to show current faction reputation when looking at creatures that grant reputation.
* [modding] Name is now a required property of population groups.
* [modding] Added a Name to every population group.
=== 206.68 ===
[ Released March 8, 2024.]
* The liquid font mutation no longer oozes liquid on the world map.
* Popup menus with many options now ignore mouse position when scrolling with keyboard or joystick.
* Added a confirmation dialogue before dismemebering yourself using metabolizing effects.
* Flight and Swoop abilities now correctly display the falling chance.
* The Fear Aura mutation no longer wastes a turn if there are no enemies to fear nearby.
* The scrapepd waydroid is now categorized under Quest Items.
* Automove while holding the movemnt input will now properly stop for all events that interupt autoexplore, even if the source is not visible.
* Fixed a soft lock when a combat animation would continuously fail to render.
* Fixed a bug that caused visual effects to sometimes stop playing permanently.
* Fixed a bug that caused petting creatures to sometimes lock the screen for up to 10 seconds.
* Fixed a bug that caused other NPCs petting creatures nearby to interrupt player inputs.
* Fixed a bug that caused the jump ability to display its popup twice.
* Fixed a bug that caused the shimmering visual effect to persist after a waking dream.
* [modding] Added GameObject.HasItemWithTag(string) to search inventory and equipment for tagged items.
* [modding] The QudChooseStartingLocationModuleWindow now adds a breadcrumb to the UI.
=== 206.67 ===
[ Released March 1, 2024.]
* You can now wear gigantic gauntlets on your giant hands.
* The geomagnetic disc now benefits from being gigantic even while powered.
* Engulfing creatures will now disgorge something they are digesting if they become part of the same party during the digestion process.
* The temple mecha mk Ia's machined edge is no longer gigantic.
* You will now auto-explore over fracti if it wouldn't damage you due to non-matching phase or faction reputation.
* Fixed a bug that caused various coloration of creatures to be lost when in range of nightvision.
* Fixed a bug that caused unidentified missile weapons to display their identified icon in the missle weapon status bar.
* Fixed a bug that caused gigantic items to require even more limbs to equip if they were already equipped somewhere else.
* Fixed a bug that caused creatures to immediately want to unequip a piece of gigantic equipment after equipping it.
* Fixed a bug that caused equipment to not update how many limbs it uses after implanting giant hands.
* Fixed a bug that caused giant hands to reduce the amount of limbs required to wear any item regardless of type, most notably gigantic armor.
* Fixed a bug that caused the geomagnetic disc to sometimes consume double charge.
* [modding] Dismembered limbs now copy all properties of their severed parts into a DismemberedProperties part.
* [modding] Added AfterDismemberedEvent which can be used to add additional properties to the severed limb.
* [debug] Added an 'implant' wish to directly add a cybernetic to yourself in an optional location: "implant:giant hands", "implant:pneumatic pistons:feet".
* [debug] Added a 'modify' wish to create an item with a specific mod installed: "modify:crysteel gauntlets:gigantic".
=== 206.66 ===
[ Released February 23, 2024.]
* Phase-shift grenades are no longer moddable with the redundant phase-harmonic mod.
* Rivers in preset settlements now have the same object and wall-sparing behavior as random villages.
* Added a new visual effect for night vision.
* Radar now reveals [redacted].
* Greatly improved the performance of complex hydraulic power systems.
* Fixed a bug that caused you to violate the Pauli exclusion principal when surrounded by your own force bubble.
* Fixed a bug that occasionally produced incorrect capitalization of your name in recipes you create.
* Fixed a bug that caused your hunger level to not update when becoming famished via dilute warm static.
* Fixed a bug that caused broadcast power receivers to be non-functional within interiors.
* Fixed a bug that caused decarbonizers to self-destruct when firing their molecular cannon.
* Fixed a bug that caused decarbonizers with invalid targeting to prevent the game from rendering.
* Fixed a bug that caused delayed attacks from lithofexes and dreamcrungles to be aborted when loading a game.
* [debug] We made some changes to wishing for mutations.
** You should now prefix wishes for mutations with "mutation:", e.g. "mutation:beak".
** You can wish for a mutation variant by adding it as a parameter, e.g. "mutationrostrum".
** You can wish for a specific mutation entry using its display name, e.g. "mutation:stinger confusing venom".
** If the mutation has variants and one wasn't specified, you are now asked to select one.
** You will be asked to confirm when a fuzzy search is about to apply a mutation to you.
=== 206.65 ===
=== 206.65 ===

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