Sultan histories

Revision as of 14:02, 18 December 2020 by Egocarib (talk | contribs) (33% -> 1 in 3)

Sultan histories are composed of the significant events from the lives of the sultans.

These events are recorded in the Sultan Histories section of the journal as the player uncovers them during a playthrough.

The histories of the sultans will always include a series of events from 5 initial periods of sultan rule, involving 5 procedurally generated sultans. Those sultans' names, events from their lives, prose that recounts those events, and recurring sultan themes that are relevant to each sultan will all be procedurally generated.

The sixth sultan is Resheph - a guaranteed sultan who appears in every playthrough and always has the same fixed events described in his lore. You can review the static events that compose the history of Resheph on his wiki page.

Uncovering Sultan Histories

Events from the sultan histories are a type of secret that the player can uncover by:

Gospel versus Tomb Inscriptions

Most of the sultan histories that the player will learn about during the course of the game are of the "gospel" variety. However, in the  Tomb of the Eaters, the player can also discover tomb inscriptions that recount the same events in each sultan's history. Each event in the sultan histories will have both a gospel account and a corresponding tomb inscription. Tomb inscriptions typically use a different tone to describe the event. For example, the tomb inscriptions often appear to elevate praise for the sultan to a higher or more miraculous level than the corresponding gospel account, and sometimes omit certain shortcomings or moral problems with the sultan's behavior. A tomb inscription can also sometimes vary slightly in the specific details recounted in the event.

Example Event in Sultan History, with Corresponding Tomb Inscription

While traveling through Ekappur, Oyuram stopped at a tavern in the Shrine at Bibappir. There he lost his prized Radiantucus Flowersboon in a foolhardy bet. He cursed the tavern and left the Shrine at Bibappir.

Anguish to the Shrine at Bibappir of Ekappur! It was there that Oyuram lost his prized Radiantucus Flowersboon during the ritual of the Empyrean Vault.

Individual Events

Each procedurally generated sultan from the first through the fifth period sultanate will have between 10 and 22 events included in their history. Typically the number of events is at the lower end of that range, around 11-14.[1]

The events in each sultan's history are generated in the following order:

  1. An origin story event, which will either be when the sultan was born as an heir or found as a babe.
    • At this point in their story, they will not yet be an actual sultan of Qud.
  2. Eight randomly-selected core life events, which are each chosen from a pool of 17 possible event types. These can occur in any order, and the same type of event can be chosen multiple times.
    • Several of these event types can result in the destined sultan becoming the actual sultan of Qud. For example, they may challenge the existing sultan of Qud to a duel, assassinate them, lead an army to their gates, or simply be named their successor after the existing sultan dies or abdicates the throne.
    • If one of these events involves the sultan's death, such as by driving a chariot off a cliff or by losing a duel to a challenger, it will be followed immediately by a second death reversal event that recounts how the sultan had faked their death or had somehow never actually died. They will retain their role as the sultan of Qud if they already had ascended to that position.
    • The temporal order of these events matters. For example, if the sultan gains a new relic from a Marriage event, they can then lose that relic in a Bloody Battle event that occurs after the wedding.
  3. If one of the eight randomly-selected life events has not yet resulted in the destined sultan becoming the actual sultan of Qud, an event with that outcome will be added to the sultan's history.
  4. If the events thus far have not included one event that takes place at each of the 2-3 historic regions that were added during world generation for this period of the sultanate, events will be added to ensure that at least one event takes place in each of those regions during the sultan's history (presumably this is to ensure that, if there is a historic site associated with one of those regions, there will always be at least one piece of sultan history lore that can reveal the secret of that region).
  5. Finally, an event relating the sultan's death will be added to their history.

Origin Story Events

Origin story events explain how a sultan was born, or how they were found as a baby.

The following sections provide examples of each type of origin story event. Hover over the underlined phrases in each example event to see more information about how the event is generated and how it influences the sultan's characteristics or the features of the world around them.

Born as Heir

Born as Heir [2]
Adds a cognomenA nickname for the sultan, which may also
be used later to name sultan cults or relics


At daybreak on the summer solsticeOne of the following phrases:
One starry evening
On the night of a full moon
At daybreak on the [season/solstice]
One night under the Beetle Moon
One auspicious day
On the anniversary of a great battle
in HatumA region from this period of the sultanate., a healthy child was born to the sultan at Shearramas KnotA location from within the region.. At the moment of his birth, a famous nomad completed his work on a legendary astrolabeA mythical event related to the sultan's theme, and in celebration the people told stories and renewed friendshipsA random form of celebration. The babe was named Djashir, but the people called him AstrolabebornA new cognomen for the sultan, which
includes a noun representing the sultan's theme

Tomb Inscription:
Onlooker! Regard in wonder the life of Djashir -- called Astrolabeborn! -- scion of the Fossilized Saads and he who was dowered the Levant Face. Observe the twin miracles of the Year of the Shrewd Nail: the heir was born, and Darihim completed his work on a legendary astrolabe.

Found as Babe

Found as Babe [3]
found anonymously
(1 in 3 chance)

This event has no special effects.

One night under the Beetle MoonOne of the following phrases:
One starry evening
On the night of a full moon
At daybreak on the [season/solstice]
One night under the Beetle Moon
One auspicious day
On the anniversary of a great battle
, a babe was found swaddled on a floating platform of polished chrome with a mighty hammer in each handOne of the following phrases, where [items]
are determined from the sultan's theme:

with its mouth full of [items]
with [items] on its eyes
with [items] in each hand
. That babe came to be known as Antishir.

Tomb Inscription:
One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled in a copse of sacred trees with skulls on its eyes. That babe came to be known as Antishir.

Found as Babe [3]
found by artisans
(1 in 3 chance)
New profession?Sets or changes the sultan's profession,
which can influence relics and historic sites.


One auspicious dayOne of the following phrases:
One starry evening
On the night of a full moon
At daybreak on the [season/solstice]
One night under the Beetle Moon
One auspicious day
On the anniversary of a great battle
, a glassblowerAn artisan related to the sultan's theme found a babe with its mouth full of glassOne of the following phrases, where [items]
are determined from the sultan's theme:

with its mouth full of [items]
with [items] on its eyes
with [items] in each hand
outside his workshop. He and his fellow glassblowers adopted the babe and named her Iyudukht II.

Tomb Inscription:
On the night of a full moon, a glassblower found a babe with a stained mirror in each hand outside his workshop. He and his fellow glassblowers adopted the babe and named her Iyudukht II.

Found as Babe [3]
found by faction
(1 in 3 chance)
Favored factionA faction involved in this event becomes
favored, and may appear in this sultan's cults
or have a +200 reputation bonus on sultan relics


Adds a cognomenA nickname for the sultan, which may also
be used later to name sultan cults or relics


Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)


One starry eveningOne of the following phrases:
One starry evening
On the night of a full moon
At daybreak on the [season/solstice]
One night under the Beetle Moon
One auspicious day
On the anniversary of a great battle
, a babe was found swaddled with vessels of the Fates on its eyesOne of the following phrases, where [items]
are determined from the sultan's theme:

with its mouth full of [items]
with [items] on its eyes
with [items] in each hand
by a group of mollusksA random faction from the time of the sultanate in Mirquwar. They took her into their fold and fostered her, and she became known as Polymed II, the Charmed Heir of MollusksA new cognomen for the sultan, which
includes a reference to the favored faction

Tomb Inscription:
On the anniversary of a great battle, a babe was found swaddled with bad omens on its eyes by a group of mollusks in Mirquwar. They took her into their fold and fostered her, and she became known as Polymed II, the Charmed Heir of Mollusks.

Core Life Events

Core life events recount the significant victories and tragedies of the sultan's life. They explain how the destined sultan eventually rose to be recognized as the sultan of Qud, how they shaped the world through creating, destroying, or renaming regions and locations, how their thematic obsessions evolved over time, and how they came to be loved or hated by factions and artisans throughout Qud.

The following sections provide examples of each type of core life event. Hover over the underlined phrases in each example event to see more information about how the event is generated and how it influences the sultan's characteristics or the features of the world around them.

Corrupt Administrator [4]

Captured by Bandits [5]

Inspiring Experience [6]

Meet Faction

Meet Faction [7]
Favored factionA faction involved in this event becomes
favored, and may appear in this sultan's cults
or have a +200 reputation bonus on sultan relics


Adds new locationA new location in the
world's generated history


Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)


Deep in the wilds ofOne of the following phrases:
Deep in
Deep in the wilds of
While wandering around
the mace-Worshipping Monarchy of AlarqappaA region from this period or from a previous period
of the sultanate. Usually but not always the region
where the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, Orothridokht discovered Tersikesh DenA new location, which is added to the
region as a result of this event.
. There she befriended catsA random sultanate-era faction that the sultan does
not already favor. They will become one of the
sultan's favored factions as a result of this event
and played games of chance through the nightOne of the following phrases, aligned with the sultan's profession
or else a profession aligned with their sultan themes:

built a glass gazebo (glassblower)
stained a glass window (window maker)
wrote a treatise (scholar)
recorded the events of the last year of his/her life (scribe)
reflected on the meaning of the experience (philosopher)
formed a hypothesis about the event (scientist)
penned a historical account (historian)
fixed a satisfying meal (cook)
dug into the earth's strata (geologist)
set *shiny-adjective* *random jewel* into a newly forged *random jewelry* (jeweler)
gave a horoscope reading (astrologist)
calculated the distance to a nearby star (astronomer)
painted pictures of beasts and monsters with flaming suns (stargazer)
dispensed wisdom at a great cost (winter eremite)
helped sack a village and burn its homes to the ground (soldier)
fought for everlasting glory (gladiator)
played games of chance through the night (gambler)
assembled a new contraption (tinker)
soldered *random circuitry objects* together (electrician)
set out on an adventure to find a sacred *random thing* (explorer)
found a new home (nomad)

Tomb Inscription:
Let us recall the Year of the White-hot Carnival, when, deep in the wilds of the mace-worshipping Monarchy of Alarqappa, Orothridokht subjugated Tersikesh Den and pacified the feral cats who lived there. To exhibit her knowledge to them, she played games of chance through the night.

Secret Ritual

Secret Ritual [8]
welcomed by faction
Favored factionA faction involved in this event becomes
favored, and may appear in this sultan's cults
or have a +200 reputation bonus on sultan relics


Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)


Deep in the wilds ofOne of the following phrases:
Deep in
Deep in the wilds of
While wandering around
Mamur HallA region from this period or from a previous period
of the sultanate. Usually but not always the region
where the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, Oroyupater stumbled upon a clan of crabsA random sultanate-era faction that the sultan does
not already favor. They will become one of the
sultan's favored factions as a result of this event
performing a secret ritual. Because of his lucent visageA random quality aligned with one of the sultan's themes, they accepted him into their fold and taught him their secrets.

Tomb Inscription:
Remember when, deep in the wilds of Mamur Hall, Oroyupater taught a clan of crabs the ritual of the Dust Aristocracy, which can only be performed by one with his lucent visage. The crabs were grateful, and in return they accepted him into their fold and taught him their secrets.

Secret Ritual [8]
rebuked by faction
Adds hated faction?A faction involved in this event becomes hated
by the sultan, and may feature in later events
or have a -200 reputation penalty on sultan relics


Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)


While wandering aroundOne of the following phrases:
Deep in
Deep in the wilds of
While wandering around
Shalil ManseA region from this period or from a previous period
of the sultanate. Usually but not always the region
where the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, Yleshid II stumbled upon a clan of crabsA random sultanate-era faction that the sultan does
not already hate. They will become one of the
sultan's hated factions as a result of this event
performing a secret ritual. Because of her reputation for murdering someone by wiring her to hundreds of logic gatesA random quality aligned with one of the sultan's themes, they furiously rebuked her and declared her a villain to their kind.

Tomb Inscription:
Remember when, deep in the wilds of Shalil Manse, Yleshid II taught a clan of crabs the ritual of the Temporal Rhomboid, which can only be performed by one with her reputation for murdering someone by wiring her to hundreds of logic gates. The treacherous crabs broke trust with her and stole the secrets of the ritual.

Challenge Sultan

If Not Yet the Sultan of Qud
Challenge Sultan [9]
oust the current sultan
Becomes sultan?This event elevates the destined sultan to
a recognized position as sultan of Qud.


Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)

sometimesThere is a 1 in 3 chance that this event will note the region where it occurs.

While leading a small army in Shervawar GhettoOne of the following phrases:
In *year*
In early *year*
While leading a small army in *region*

If the final option that specifies a region is chosen:
This event will also be a region-revealing event; the region will be
A region from this period or from a previous period
of the sultanate. Usually but not always the region
where the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, Artarad II assassinated the sultan of QudOne of the following phrases:
challenged the sultan of Qud to a duel
challenged the legitimacy of the sultan of Qud
assassinated the sultan of Qud
over the rights of birdsOne of the following, randomly-selected:

Over the rights of *favored faction*

Over the sanctioned persecution of
*artisans of the destined sultan's profession*

over an ordinace prohibiting the practice of
*practice aligned with destined sultan's themes*
. She won and took the crownOne of the following phrases:
ascended to the crown
ascended to the throne
proclaimed himself/herself sultan
seized the crown
seized the gilded scepter
took the crown
took the reins of power
. She was eighty-four years old.

Tomb Inscription:
In Shervawar Ghetto, Artarad II averred his descendancy from the Fossilized Saads, who were known for venerating birds. By consecrated right, she ousted the pretender sultan, who had prohibited venerating birds in favor of meteorite worship, and crowned herself sultan of Qud. She was eighty-four years old.

If Already the Sultan of Qud
Challenge Sultan [9]
repel a challenger
(90% chance)
Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)

sometimesThere is a 1 in 3 chance that this event will note the region where it occurs.

In early 2991 BROne of the following phrases:
In *year*
In early *year*
While leading a small army in *region*

If the final option that specifies a region is chosen:
This event will also be a region-revealing event; the region will be
A region from this period or from a previous period
of the sultanate. Usually but not always the region
where the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, Mipur had her legitimacy challenged by an aspirantOne of the following phrases:
had his/her legitimacy challenged by a pretender/claimant/aspirant
was challenged by a pretender/claimant/aspirant to a duel
was assailed by a pretender/claimant/aspirant
over the rights of oozesOne of the following, randomly-selected:

Over the rights of *hated faction*

over an ordinace mandating the practice of
*practice aligned with the sultan's themes*
. She won and had the aspirantpretender, claimant, or aspirant launched into orbitOne of the following phrases:
buried deep under the earth
drawn and quartered
launched into orbit
trapped in *noun aligned with the sultan's themes*
tried but pardoned
. She was twenty years old.

Tomb Inscription:
In the Year of the Eminent Cab, an aspirant claimed descendancy from the Fossilized Saads and challenged Mipur over the tradition of water fasting. Naturally, Mipur won and had the pretender launched into orbit.

Challenge Sultan [9]
defeated by challenger
(10% chance)
Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)

sometimesThere is a 1 in 3 chance that this event will note the region where it occurs.

False death?This event will be immediately followed
by a death reversal event


In 3797 BROne of the following phrases:
In *year*
In early *year*
While leading a small army in *region*

If the final option that specifies a region is chosen:
This event will also be a region-revealing event; the region will be
A region from this period or from a previous period
of the sultanate. Usually but not always the region
where the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, Daxerdukht had his legitimacy challenged by a pretenderOne of the following phrases:
had his/her legitimacy challenged by a pretender/claimant/aspirant
was challenged by a pretender/claimant/aspirant to a duel
was assailed by a pretender/claimant/aspirant
over an ordinance mandating the practice of weighing items on a scale and then smashing the scale after not liking the resultsOne of the following, randomly-selected:

Over the rights of *hated faction*

over an ordinace mandating the practice of
*practice aligned with the sultan's themes*
. He lost and was murderedOne of the following phrases:
buried deep under the earth
drawn and quartered
launched into orbit
trapped in *noun aligned with the sultan's themes*
tried but pardoned
. He was forty-six years old.

Tomb Inscription:
In the Year of the Periodic Sophist, an aspirant claimed descendancy from the Fossilized Saads and challenged Daxerdukht over the tradition of weighing items on a scale and then smashing the scale after not liking the results. The aspirant won and Daxerdukht was exiled. he was forty-six years old.

Crafted Item

Crafted Item [10]
Creates relic?A new relic. This relic can be lost during future
sultan events. Otherwise, it will be entombed in
the sultan's reliquary in the Tomb of the Eaters.


Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)

sometimesThere is a 50% chance that this event will note the region where it occurs.

While visiting an obscure laboratoryOne of the following gathering places that
is aligned with the sultan's profession
or the profession of the comissioned artisans:

academy (scholar)
arena (gladiator)
college (historian, philosopher)
dig site (geologist)
gambling den (gambler)
hermitage (winter eremite)
laboratory (scientist)
observatory (astrologist, astronomer)
outpost (soldier)
prayer yurt (stargazer)
scriptorium (scribe)
tavern (cook, explorer)
workshop (electrician, glassblower, jeweler, tinker, window maker)
yurt (nomad)
in Sumas ManorA region from this period or from a previous period
of the sultanate. Usually but not always the region
where the sultan already resides due to a previous event.

(There is only a 50% chance that a region-phrase of
this kind will be included in this event description.)
, Yudates met with a group of scientists and commissionedIf the sultan currently has a profession, one
of the following profession-aligned phrases:

authored (historian)
awakened (stargazer)
blew (glassblower, window maker)
cooked (cook)
dug up (geologist)
fabricated (astrologist)
forged (jeweler)
formulated (philosopher, scientist)
found (explorer, nomad)
invented (astronomer)
looted (soldier)
penned (scholar)
recorded (scribe)
revealed (winter eremite)
soldered (electrician)
tinkered (tinker)
was gifted (gladiator)
won in a bet (gambler)

Otherwise, the following phrase:

met with a group of *artistans of a random profession* and comissioned
a hypothesisThe relic item type. Can be used to discern the
type of item this relic will generate as if found in game
that evoked the presence of a lustrousA random adjective aligned with the sultan's themes. jasper stoneA random noun aligned with the sultan's themes.
This noun will also be included in the relic's name.
. She named it Jasper's ParagonA new relic that the sultan possesses as a result of this event..

Tomb Inscription:
Inspired by a treasured jasper stone pried free by emerald tongs, Yudates visited a terrible laboratory and commissioned a group of scientists to formulate Inspired. She named it Jasper's Paragon.

Under Weird Sky

Under Weird Sky [11]
Adds a cognomenA nickname for the sultan, which may also
be used later to name sultan cults or relics


Adds new locationA new location in the
world's generated history

sometimesThe game may choose a random existing location in this region, or generate a new one.

Adds a monument?A monument to the sultan is built at this location
(currently not used in any meaningful way; it
won't be found if the player visits the location)


Significant color?Sets or changes the sultan's significant
color, which can affect future events and cognomen.


At duskdusk, dawn, noon, midnight, twilight, or first light under a curiousstrange, weird, curious, rare, marvelous, or uncanny and ebonyA random color. This will become one of the
sultan's significant colors for all future events.
sky, the people of ShapparA random existing location, or a newly generated location.
The parent region is not specified in this event's description and
could be any region from this period or a previous period of
the sultanate. Usually but not always the region where
the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
saw an image on the horizon that looked like a meteoriteA random noun aligned with one of the sultan's themes bathed in ebony. It was Khulexes II, and after she came and left Shappar, the people built a monument to her, and thenceforth called her the Ebony MeteoriteA new cognomen for the sultan that includes both
the significant color and the object seen in the sky

Tomb Inscription:
At twilight under a marvelous and ebony sky, the people of Shappar saw an image on the horizon that looked like a meteorite bathed in ebony. It was Khulexes II, and after she came and left Shappar, the people built a monument to her, and thenceforth called her the Ebony Meteorite.

Army at the Gates

Army at the Gates [12]
liberate city
(50% chance)
Adds new locationA new location in the
world's generated history

sometimesThe game may choose a random existing location in this region, or generate a new one.

Renames location?


Adds a monument?A monument to the sultan is built at this location
(currently not used in any meaningful way; it
won't be found if the player visits the location)


Becomes sultan?This event elevates the destined sultan to
a recognized position as sultan of Qud.


Acting against labor laws restricting the rights of jewelersIf the sultan has a significant color, favored faction, hated
faction, or profession - one of the following randomly-chosen phrases:

Acting against the prohibition on the color *significant color*
Acting against the persecution of *favored faction*
Acting against the enfranchisement of *hated faction*
Acting against labor laws restricting the rights of *artisans of profession*

Otherwise, the following phrase, based on one of the sultan's themes:

Acting against the prohibition on the practice of *thematic practice*
, Yytafa led an army to the gates of Subatum SteepleA random existing location, or a newly generated location.
The parent region is not specified in this event's description and
could be any region from this period or a previous period of
the sultanate. Usually but not always the region where
the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
. She freed its citizens, and they declared her sultan of Qud, dowering her with the Kesil FaceThis part of the historic event text will appear only if
the destined sultan has not already ascended to the
recognized position of sultan of Qud
. In her honor they changed the name of Subatum Steeple to YytafabadThe location's new name, which is typically formed from the sultan's name.

Tomb Inscription:
Cherish Yytafa, friend to jewelers and liberator of Subatum Steeple, who led an army to its gates and ousted its venal lords. The people of the city climbed the astral henagon in jubilation, dowered Yytafa with the Kesil Face, and proclaimed her sultan of Qud. In her honor they renamed Subatum Steeple to Yytafabad.

Army at the Gates [12]
sack city
(50% chance)
Adds new locationA new location in the
world's generated history

sometimesThe game may choose a random existing location in this region, or generate a new one.

Renames location?


Adds a monument?A monument to the sultan is built at this location
(currently not used in any meaningful way; it
won't be found if the player visits the location)


Acting against the prohibition on the practice of stopping timeIf the sultan has a significant color, favored faction, hated
faction, or profession - one of the following randomly-chosen phrases:

Acting against the prohibition on the color *significant color*
Acting against the persecution of *favored faction*
Acting against the enfranchisement of *hated faction*
Acting against labor laws restricting the rights of *artisans of profession*

Otherwise, the following phrase, based on one of the sultan's themes:

Acting against the prohibition on the practice of *thematic practice*
, Yyhim led an army to the gates of Shemas CaveA random existing location, or a newly generated location.
The parent region is not specified in this event's description and
could be any region from this period or a previous period of
the sultanate. Usually but not always the region where
the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
. He sacked Shemas Cave and slaughtered"slaughtered" or "persecuted" its citizens, forcing them to change its name to YyhimgradThe location's new name, which is typically formed from the sultan's name.

Tomb Inscription:
Pay homage to Yyhim, child of tiny gears and liberator of Shemas Cave, who led an army to its gates and dethroned its base aristocrats. The people of the city climbed the cosmic icosahedron in joy, crooned Yyhim's name, and renamed Shemas Cave to Yyhimgrad in his honor.

Rampage Region

Rampage Region [13]
Adds hated faction?A faction involved in this event becomes hated
by the sultan, and may feature in later events
or have a -200 reputation penalty on sultan relics

yes (×2)

Adds a cognomenA nickname for the sultan, which may also
be used later to name sultan cults or relics


Region shifting?This event triggers a relocation
of the sultan to a new region.


Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)


Throughout the entirety ofOne of the following phrases:
Throughout the entirety of
4183 BR, Irahim rampaged throughOne of the following phrases:
rampaged through
wreaked havoc on
laid waste to
all of TurqalilA region from this period or from a
previous period of the sultanate.
, rolling dice to determine which ones to destroy from the homesOne of the following phrases aligned with
one of the sultan's themes:

conducting midnight raids on the villages (time)
forcibly relocating the families (travel)
kidnapping the smartest children from the homes (scholarship)
looting all the jewels from the homes (jewels)
particularly rejoicing in the lamentations (might)
raining meteors down from the sky onto the settlements (stars)
razing to the ground the homes (might)
rolling dice to determine which ones to destroy from the homes (chance)
shattering all the glass in the homes (glass)
soldering together the children (circuitry)
sowing with salt the fields (salt)
stealing oil from the heat lamps in the villages (ice)
of robotsA random sultanate-era faction that the sultan does
not already hate. They will become one of the
sultan's hated factions as a result of this event
and mollusksA random sultanate-era faction that the sultan does
not already hate. They will become one of the
sultan's hated factions as a result of this event
. She became known as the Magnolia Pest of TurqalilA new cognomen for the sultan. The cognomen will include the name
of the region where the rampage took place. If the sultan has a
significant color, that color will also be included in the cognomen.

Tomb Inscription:
Remember, ye Skeptics! In the Year of the Uncanny Aristocracy, an alliance of robots and mollusks deceived Irahim and usurped her star blimp. Remember the curse put upon them by Irahim, Fatesskipper!

Gathering Place

Gathering Place [14]
Favored factionA faction involved in this event becomes
favored, and may appear in this sultan's cults
or have a +200 reputation bonus on sultan relics


Adds new locationA new location in the
world's generated history


New profession?Sets or changes the sultan's profession,
which can influence relics and historic sites.

conditionallyOnly adds a new profession if the sultan does not already have a profession.

Region shifting?This event triggers a relocation
of the sultan to a new region.


After striking a deal with cannibalsA random sultanate-era faction that the sultan does
not already favor. They will become one of the
sultan's favored factions as a result of this event
, Xerpur convinced them to help him found a collegeOne of the following gathering places that
is aligned with the sultan's profession:

academy (scholar)
arena (gladiator)
college (historian, philosopher)
dig site (geologist)
gambling den (gambler)
hermitage (winter eremite)
laboratory (scientist)
observatory (astrologist, astronomer)
outpost (soldier)
prayer yurt (stargazer)
scriptorium (scribe)
tavern (cook, explorer)
workshop (electrician, glassblower, jeweler, tinker, window maker)
yurt (nomad)
in the time-worshipping District of MiilikishA region from this period or from a
previous period of the sultanate.
for the purpose of deciphering the meaning ofOne of the following phrases aligned with the sultan's profession:
assembling contraptions based on (tinker)
chanting in devotion of (winter eremite)
contemplating how extraterrestrials might use (stargazer)
cooking meals inspired by (cook)
deciphering the meaning of (philosopher)
engaging in ceremonial combat for the reward of (gladiator)
excavating ancient (geologist)
glassblowing (glassblower)
glassblowing (window maker)
hoarding the spoils of looted (soldier)
interpreting the history of (historian)
making decisions by arbitrarily choosing (gambler)
making jewelry inspired by (jeweler)
mapping stars to the shapes of (astrologist)
mapping stars to the shapes of (astronomer)
searching for (nomad)
soldering wires to power (electrician)
studying (scholar)
taking measurements of (scientist)
wandering in search of (explorer)
writing chronologies for (scribe)
miniature clocksA random noun related to the sultan's theme. They named it the Periodic CollegeThe name of a new location created as part of this event. The
location will be created in a random region from this period or
from a previous period of the sultanate. The location name will
always incldude an adjective related to the sultan's theme

Tomb Inscription:
In Year of the Sheathed Shield we reveled at the inauguration of the Periodic College, where cannibals decipher the semantic link between miniature clocks and reversing the course of the slipstream.

Faction Battle

Faction Battle [15]
liberate faction
(50% chance)
Favored factionA faction involved in this event becomes
favored, and may appear in this sultan's cults
or have a +200 reputation bonus on sultan relics

conditionallyOnly adds a new favored faction if the sultan does not already have a favored faction to liberate.

Creates relic?A new relic. This relic can be lost during future
sultan events. Otherwise, it will be entombed in
the sultan's reliquary in the Tomb of the Eaters.


Adds new locationA new location in the
world's generated history

sometimesThe game may choose a random existing location or generate a new one.

At the Battle of Haazod TangleA random existing location, or a newly generated location.
The parent region is not specified in this event's description and
could be any region from this period or a previous period of
the sultanate. Usually but not always the region where
the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, Bashir fought as a mercenaryIf this phrase is present, it means that the sultan
previously had no relationship with this faction, and it will
become a new favored faction as a result of this event
to liberate fishThis will always be an existing favored/loved faction of the
sultan, unless they don't yet have a favored faction.
In that case, a random sultanate-era faction is chosen.
. He wielded a glazedAn adjective representing one of the sultan's themes axeThe relic item type. Can be used to discern the
type of item this relic will generate as if found in game
with such artistryOne of the following words:
that it became forever known as Glazed FishgiftA new relic that the sultan possesses as a result of this event.
Will include the faction name and end with boon/friend/gift

Tomb Inscription:

Faction Battle [15]
subjugate faction
(50% chance)
Adds hated faction?A faction involved in this event becomes hated
by the sultan, and may feature in later events
or have a -200 reputation penalty on sultan relics

conditionallyOnly adds a new hated faction if the sultan does not already have a hated faction to subjugate.

Creates relic?A new relic. This relic can be lost during future
sultan events. Otherwise, it will be entombed in
the sultan's reliquary in the Tomb of the Eaters.


Adds new locationA new location in the
world's generated history

sometimesThe game may choose a random existing location or generate a new one.

At the Battle of Bid SpireA random existing location, or a newly generated location.
The parent region is not specified in this event's description and
could be any region from this period or a previous period of
the sultanate. Usually but not always the region where
the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, Mehshir fought as a mercenaryIf this phrase is present, it means that the sultan
previously had no relationship with this faction, and it will
become a new hated faction as a result of this event
to subjugate frogsThis will always be an existing hated faction of the
sultan, unless they don't yet have a hated faction.
In that case, a random sultanate-era faction is chosen.
. He wielded a frigidAn adjective representing one of the sultan's themes hammerThe relic item type. Can be used to discern the
type of item this relic will generate as if found in game
with such deftnessOne of the following words:
that it became forever known as Frigidica FrogswoeA new relic that the sultan possesses as a result of this event.
Will include the faction name and end with bane/blight/ruin/woe

Tomb Inscription:
Remember the Battle of Bid Spire, where -- in the thin and frigid air -- Mehshir wielded his hammer and struck down the Slag-Foulness Cult in the name of love. Remember, afterward, how frogs and cohorts shouted in misery for days and days.

Tavern Misfortune

Tavern Misfortune [17]
Creates relic?A new relic. This relic can be lost during future
sultan events. Otherwise, it will be entombed in
the sultan's reliquary in the Tomb of the Eaters.

conditionallyOnly creates a new relic if the sultan does not currently have one.

Loses relic?If the sultan has accumulated any relics from prior
events, one of those relics will be lost during this
event at the location where it takes place.


Region shifting?This event triggers a relocation
of the sultan to a new region.


Relic revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event triggers
a "recover relic" quest to find the lost relic


Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)


While traveling through Barracks Autarchy of TushurA region from this period or from a
previous period of the sultanate.
, Dayudates II stopped at a market in Harvakish Mesh. At an obscure shop, she purchased a prismatic axe and named it Prismaticuca DayudatesboonThis part of the event is included only if the
sultan does not already have a relic they could lose.
. Then she went to a nearby tavern and lost Prismaticuca DayudatesboonAn existing relic the sultan gained in a previous event, if
any are available, otherwise a new relic purchased in
the market as part of this event.
in a foolhardy betOne of the following phrases:
in a game of dice
to a local thief
to a local pickpocket
in a foolhardy bet
. She cursed the tavern and left Harvakish Mesh.

Tomb Inscription:
Anguish to Harvakish Mesh of Barracks Autarchy of Tushur! It was there that Dayudates II lost her prized Prismaticuca Dayudatesboon when thieves left to form the Relic Dodecahedron.

Bloody Battle

Bloody Battle [18]
Loses relic?If the sultan has accumulated any relics from prior
events, one of those relics will be lost during this
event at the location where it takes place.


Adds new locationA new location in the
world's generated history

sometimesThe game may choose a random existing location in this region, or generate a new one.

Renames location?


Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)


In 4382 BR, Mumed III won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Temple Quarter BirqakeshA region from this period or from a
previous period of the sultanate.
at the bloody Battle of Navuh CaveA random existing location from this region,
or a newly generated location in this region
, though she lost her prized Devotion's Dream, Robotsgift during the course of the conflictThis part of the event will appear only if
the sultan has a previously-acquired relic on hand
. As a result of the battle, Navuh Cave was so rife with stray portals to other places and timesOne of the following phrases, aligned with
one of the sultan's themes:

devastated by torrential glass storms (glass)
bristling with carnivorous geodes (jewels)
devastated by smoldering stardust (stars)
rife with stray portals to other places and times (time)
evaporated of all moisture (salt)
devastated by icy winds (ice)
rife with burnt books and corroded data disks (scholarship)
rife with smashed rubble (might)
rife with bad omens (chance)
rife with electric arcs (circuitry)
vacant of signs of life (travel)
that it was renamed the Rhythmic WreckThe location's new name. This name will be used
for all future events that reference this location

Tomb Inscription:
In the Year of the Adopted Aristocracy, Mumed III triumphed over the Time-Farm Church, who stole the fabric of time from her luminous hexagon. Let the fraying reality-edges of the Rhythmic Wreck serve as testament to the power of Mumed III and a lesson to those who would aggrieve her.

Chariot Incident

Faction Rescue
Chariot Incident [19]
accident — faction rescue
(12.5% chance)
Favored factionA faction involved in this event becomes
favored, and may appear in this sultan's cults
or have a +200 reputation bonus on sultan relics


Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)


During an expedition in EkannaA region from this period or from a previous period
of the sultanate. Usually but not always the region
where the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, Suseh II lost control of her chariot and drove it off a cliff. Luckily, a group of nearby swineA random sultanate-era faction that the sultan does
not already favor. They will become one of the
sultan's favored factions as a result of this event
came to her rescue. For the rest of her life, Suseh II was indebted to swine.

Tomb Inscription:
Thank the honorable swine of Ekanna, who came to Suseh II's rescue when she lost control of her soil cone and crashed it into an oligarchy.

Chariot Incident [19]
attacked — faction rescue
(12.5% chance)
Favored factionA faction involved in this event becomes
favored, and may appear in this sultan's cults
or have a +200 reputation bonus on sultan relics


Adds hated faction?A faction involved in this event becomes hated
by the sultan, and may feature in later events
or have a -200 reputation penalty on sultan relics

conditionallyOnly adds a new hated faction if the sultan does not already have a hated faction that can perform this deed.

Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)


As he rode in DaarramorA region from this period or from a previous period
of the sultanate. Usually but not always the region
where the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, O-Med III's chariot was driven off a cliff by a nefarious gang of insectsThis will always be an existing hated faction of the
sultan, unless they don't yet have a hated faction.
In that case, a random sultanate-era faction is chosen.
. By chance, a group of nearby pariahsA random sultanate-era faction that the sultan does
not already favor. They will become one of the
sultan's favored factions as a result of this event
came to his rescue. For the rest of his life, O-Med III was indebted to pariahs.

Tomb Inscription:
Praise the noble pariahs of Daarramor, who came to O-Med III's rescue when a band of treacherous insects sabotaged the sea haunt in his loam cone, causing it to phase out of existence.

Artisan Rescue
Chariot Incident [19]
accident — artisan rescue
(12.5% chance)
New profession?Sets or changes the sultan's profession,
which can influence relics and historic sites.


Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)


While on a trek around Duarrakish RoostA region from this period or from a previous period
of the sultanate. Usually but not always the region
where the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, Bapur lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. By chance, a group of nearby astronomersArtisans of a random profession, including:
astrologist, astronomer, cook, electrician, explorer,
gambler, geologist, gladiator, glassblower, historian,
jeweler, nomad, philosopher, scholar, scientist, scribe,
soldier, stargazer, tinker, window maker, or winter eremite
came to his rescue. Moved by their kindness, Bapur enrolled at a local observatory as a student.

Tomb Inscription:
Thank the noble astronomers of Duarrakish Roost, who came to Bapur's rescue when he lost control of his knot ark and crashed it into a polygon.

Chariot Incident [19]
attacked — artisan rescue
(12.5% chance)
Adds hated faction?A faction involved in this event becomes hated
by the sultan, and may feature in later events
or have a -200 reputation penalty on sultan relics

conditionallyOnly adds a new hated faction if the sultan does not already have a hated faction that can perform this deed.

New profession?Sets or changes the sultan's profession,
which can influence relics and historic sites.


Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)


While on an expedition around HaggavuhA region from this period or from a previous period
of the sultanate. Usually but not always the region
where the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, Ythrihim's chariot was driven off a cliff by a rogue clique of vinesThis will always be an existing hated faction of the
sultan, unless they don't yet have a hated faction.
In that case, a random sultanate-era faction is chosen.
. Fortuitously, a group of nearby scientistsArtisans of a random profession, including:
astrologist, astronomer, cook, electrician, explorer,
gambler, geologist, gladiator, glassblower, historian,
jeweler, nomad, philosopher, scholar, scientist, scribe,
soldier, stargazer, tinker, window maker, or winter eremite
came to his rescue. Moved by their kindness, Ythrihim enrolled at a local laboratory as a student.

Tomb Inscription:
Honor the virtuous scientists of Haggavuh, who came to Ythrihim's rescue when a clique of treacherous vines rewired the sea observatory in his spade chariot, causing it to crash into a sphere.

Tragic Ending
Chariot Incident [19]
accident — tragic ending
(25% chance)
Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)


False death?This event will be immediately followed
by a death reversal event


As he rode around AlarsishanA region from this period or from a previous period
of the sultanate. Usually but not always the region
where the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, Artadokht lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. He was killed at 31 years old.

Tomb Inscription:
In Alarsishan, Artadokht lost control of his sand dihedron and crashed it into a crypt. He was presumed dead at 31 years old.

Chariot Incident [19]
attacked — tragic ending
(25% chance)
Adds hated faction?A faction involved in this event becomes hated
by the sultan, and may feature in later events
or have a -200 reputation penalty on sultan relics

conditionallyOnly adds a new hated faction if the sultan does not already have a hated faction that can perform this deed.

Region revealing?Uncovering this sultan history event
can potentially reveal a historic site
(only if this region has a historic site)


False death?This event will be immediately followed
by a death reversal event


While traveling around TumrodA region from this period or from a previous period
of the sultanate. Usually but not always the region
where the sultan already resides due to a previous event.
, Khoratafa's chariot was driven off a cliff by a trickster party of bearsThis will always be an existing hated faction of the
sultan, unless they don't yet have a hated faction.
In that case, a random sultanate-era faction is chosen.
. She was killed at 45 years old.

Tomb Inscription:
In Tumrod, a company of treacherous bears sabotaged the salt acre in Khoratafa's eye chariot, causing it to explode. She was presumed dead at 45 years old.

Power Shift

Power Shift [20]
if not already the sultan
Becomes sultan?This event elevates the destined sultan to
a recognized position as sultan of Qud.


Late in 3848 BR, after having made enemies with a collective of nomadsOne of the following phrases:
after several tumultuous years
after a bout of <random illness or depression>
after having made enemies with a collective of <artisans of a random profession>
after murdering a popular rival <by random thematic murder method>
, the sultan of Qud was assassinatedOne of the following phrases:
abdicated the throne
died under mysterious circumstances
was assassinated
. Because of Shaxerpater II's digital eyesOne of the following phrases:
Because *sultan* demanded it
Because of *sultan's* <thematic quality>
Because of *sultan's* reputation for <thematic practice>
, he was chosen as the successor.

Tomb Inscription:
Extol the venerable Year of the Old Scheme, when Shaxerpater II was dowered with the Levant Face and named sultan of Qud! His ancestors the Fossilized Saads looked on in approval, since -- just like them -- he was known by his digital eyes.

Power Shift [20]
if already the sultan

This event has no special effects.

Early in 3875 BR, after a bout of scurvyOne of the following phrases:
after several tumultuous years
after a bout of <random illness or depression>
after having made enemies with a collective of <artisans of a random profession>
after murdering a popular rival <by random thematic murder method>
, Polythripur's counselors suggested she let a regent rule in her placeOne of the following phrases:
abdicate the throne
let a regent rule in his/her place
take an extended sabbatical
step down
. Instead, she reassured her counselors by calmly explaining why she disagreedOne of the following phrases:
murdered each one <with murder method based on the sultan's themes>

spent the day <doing random sultan theme-related practice>,
and then continued his/her reign like nothing had happened

reassured his/her counselors by calmly/gently/quietly explaining why he/she disagreed

Tomb Inscription:
Remember the lesson that Polythripur taught her advisors when they suggested she abdicate the throne after a bout of scurvy. Did she do any such thing? No! Instead, she reassured her counselors by calmly explaining why she disagreed.


Marriage [21]
(50% chance)
Favored factionA faction involved in this event becomes
favored, and may appear in this sultan's cults
or have a +200 reputation bonus on sultan relics


Adds loved factionA faction involved in this event becomes
loved, and may appear in this sultan's cults
or have a +400 reputation bonus on sultan relics

usually (90%)

Adds a cognomenA nickname for the sultan, which may also
be used later to name sultan cults or relics


Creates relic?A new relic. This relic can be lost during future
sultan events. Otherwise, it will be entombed in
the sultan's reliquary in the Tomb of the Eaters.

usually (90%)

Inside a colossal quillA random wedding condition aligned with one of the sultan's themes, Shayudukht cemented his friendship with antelopesA random sultanate-era faction that the sultan does
not already favor. They will become one of the
sultan's favored factions as a result of this event
by marrying Gamagayagnukugneegakagnoo Gamagegamagneegnagee. To celebrate the ceremony, the antelopes bestowed upon Shayudukht a wedding gift they called The Triumph of Devotion, AntelopesgiftThere is a 90% chance that the faction will give the sultan
a wedding gift. If they do, the faction will become loved
by the sultan. The item type of the gift is chosen randomly

Tomb Inscription:
Say a prayer for the mated, Shayudukht and Gamagayagnukugneegakagnoo Gamagegamagneegnagee, whose celebrated alliance by marriage allowed antelopes to manifest scholars inside the high arbelos.

Marriage [21]
(50% chance)
Adds a cognomenA nickname for the sultan, which may also
be used later to name sultan cults or relics


New profession?Sets or changes the sultan's profession,
which can influence relics and historic sites.


Waist deep in a lake of waterA random wedding condition aligned with one of the sultan's themes, Yytafa cemented her friendship with jewelersArtisans of a random profession. The sultan
will take on this profession as a result of this event
by marrying Biarrappar.

Tomb Inscription:
Say a prayer for the lovers, Yytafa and Biarrappar, whose historic alliance by marriage dismantled the Cosmic-Apeirogon Folk and their ghastly custom of aspirant love.

Death Reversal Events

Death reversal events recount how the sultan narrowly escaped death, faked their death, or was otherwise incorrectly presumed dead.

The following section provides an example of a death reversal event. Hover over the underlined phrases to see more information about how the event is generated and how it influences the sultan's characteristics or the features of the world around them.

Death Reversal

Death Reversal [22]
Adds a cognomenA nickname for the sultan, which may also
be used later to name sultan cults or relics


In 5026 BR, the people of Qud learnedOne of the following phrases:
it was discovered
the people learned
the people of Qud learned
that Khutafa's life had secretly been saved with cybernetic surgeryOne of the following phrases:
*sultan* had faked his/her death by forcing a peasant to impersonate him/her
*sultan* had faked his/her death by switching places with his/her twin
*sultan* had faked his/her death with the clever use of a lifelike hologram
a clone of *sultan* had been the one who died
a simulacrum of *sultan* had been the one who died
*sultan's* twin had been the one who died
*sultan's* life had secretly been saved with cybernetic surgery
*sultan's* life had secretly been saved with astral projection
*sultan's* life had secretly been saved by a pact with highly entropic beings
. Despite reports to the contrary, Khutafa was alive and well. She was known thenceforth as the Cobalt Spectre of Suiliruk ManseA new cognomen for the sultan. The name will include
either the sultan's significant color (if they have one) or
a random adjective associated with the sultan's theme. It
will also include one of the following ghost-nouns:
ghost, shade, spectre, devil, or wraith
Finally, the cognomen has a 50% chance to include the
region where the sultan was thought to have died

Tomb Inscription:
Beholder! Observe in awe the Cobalt Spectre of Suiliruk Manse, who in the Year of the Quiet Anchorite thwarted death and emerged from the cosmic dihedron.

Death Events

Death events recount how the sultan ultimately died.

The following section provides an example of a death event. Hover over the underlined phrases to see more information about how the event is generated.

Natural Death

Natural Death [23]

This event has no special effects.

In 1734 BR, Mumed V, Analog Progeny of Crabs, the Copper-Plated Devil, Circuitboardbroker, Bulb-in-Marigold,A list of all of the cognomen that the
sultan accumulated during their life
died of natural causes. She was 90 years old.

Tomb Inscription:
In the Year of the Notable Champion, Mumed V, Analog Progeny of Crabs, the Copper-Plated Devil, Circuitboardbroker, Bulb-in-Marigold, laid her body to rest and crossed into Brightsheol. She was 90 years old.


This information is reliable as of patch
  1. XRL.Annals.QudHistoryFactory, method GenerateNewSultan
  2. XRL.Annals.BornAsHeir
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 XRL.Annals.FoundAsBabe
  4. XRL.Annals.CorruptAdministrator
  5. XRL.Annals.CapturedByBandits
  6. XRL.Annals.InspiringExperience
  7. XRL.Annals.MeetFaction
  8. 8.0 8.1 XRL.Annals.SecretRitual
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 XRL.Annals.ChallengeSultan
  10. XRL.Annals.ForgeItem
  11. XRL.Annals.UnderWeirdSky
  12. 12.0 12.1 XRL.Annals.LiberateCity
  13. XRL.Annals.RampageRegion
  14. XRL.Annals.FoundGuild
  15. 15.0 15.1 XRL.Annals.BattleItem
  16. There is not currently a tomb inscription version of the "liberate faction" variety of the Battle Item event. This appears to be a bug.
  17. XRL.Annals.LoseItemAtTavern
  18. XRL.Annals.BloodyBattle
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 XRL.Annals.ChariotDrivesOffCliff
  20. 20.0 20.1 XRL.Annals.Abdicate
  21. 21.0 21.1 XRL.Annals.Marry
  22. XRL.Annals.FakedDeath
  23. XRL.Annals.GenericDeath