Warden Neelahind/Conversations


[ Warden Neelahind ]

*The warden's gaze is distant.* Esk...

  • leave her be*


[ Warden Neelahind ]

*The warden is lost in rumination.* It can't be. It simply can't be.

1) Warden Neelahind? Available only during Find Eskhind.

Find Eskhind: Speak to Warden Neelahind

Warden Neelahind?

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Ah! Yes. My apologies, kendren. Live and drink. I am Neelahind, Warden of Bey Lah. How... may I help you?

Friends with Eskhind

[ Warden Neelahind ]

We were... yes. We were close.

I can scarcely believe that she would be capable of doing such a thing. Stealing our greatest treasure? Eskhind wouldn't possibly... but if Grand-Doe says it, it must be so.

Hindriarch is lying?

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Wh—no! No! What? No, that's not possible! Ayvah, what an absurd idea!

Why not?

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Grand-Doe speaks only truth! Grand-Doe only ever speaks truth!

It's not possible. She didn't lie.

1) Anyone can lie.
2) You ruminant people are impossible. I will find Eskhind myself. [End]

Anyone can lie.

[ Warden Neelahind ]

No. It's not true, and I won't hear any more of your poisonous ideas, kendren. Consider the topic closed.

Do you actually have a question?

1) Do you know where Eskhind and her siblings might have gone?
2) Forget it. I don't need your help. [End]


[ Warden Neelahind ]

Oh. Esk and I, we had a place... there's a path to the =EskhindRoadDirection= that leads to the remains of a lightning-struck tree, made hollow by the fire from above. It was the furthest from the village either of us had ever been, until I attended my first warden's moot.

She and I would spend time there, back then. Perhaps she is there now, but I don't dare check.

1) I'll look there, thank you. [Complete Quest Step: Optional: Speak to Warden Neelahind] [End]

Find Eskhind


[ Warden Neelahind ]

Follow the road =EskhindRoadDirection= to find the hollow tree where Esk and I used to play.

1) Thank you. [End]

Eskhind is Slain


[ Warden Neelahind ]

Kendren, do you... have any news of Eskhind, and Kindrish?

1) Eskhind is dead.
2) No. [End]

Eskhind is dead.

[ Warden Neelahind ]



Did... you recover Kindrish?

No. I'm sorry.

[ Warden Neelahind ]

No... no, I can't... and the artifact is lost?

It was all for nothing... for nothing...

1) I will leave you to your grief. Live and drink. [End]

No. The Hindriarch lied to you.

[ Warden Neelahind ]

No, it can't be... how. This place. This accursed village!

This whole village be damned!

1) *back away slowly* [Fight]

No, this was for fun.

[ Warden Neelahind ]

You monster! You monster! How dare you!

1) You're next. [Fight]

Kith and Kin: Brief Warden Neelahind


[ Warden Neelahind ]

Wait, why... why is Esk here? What's going on? Do you have Kindrish?

1) Yes, I do, but Eskhind didn't have it. Available only if  Kindrish is in the inventory.
2) No. Eskhind claims to be wrongfully accused.
3) Ah, one moment... [End]


[ Warden Neelahind ]

Oh! Kendren, thank you, thank you! You've done so much for us. Here is a reward for your hard work.

Um, that said, there's still the matter of finding out who stole our treasure. It'd mean a great deal if you could still help with the resolution of the case.

1) Understood. Live and drink. The player character receives +400 Hindren of Bey Lah reputation and a  force bracelet. [End]

No. Eskhind claims to be wrongfully accused.

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Oh. But... what now?

1) You're the Warden. You tell me.
2) We will investigate and find the truth.
3) You are useless. I'll get to the bottom of this. [Complete Quest Step: Brief Warden Neelahind] [End]

You're the Warden. You tell me.

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Oh. I... I don't know. Grand-doe usually resolves Bey Lah's disputes. She only calls me when the threat of violence is necessary.

1) We will investigate and find the truth.
2) You are useless. I'll get to the bottom of this. [Complete Quest Step: Brief Warden Neelahind] [End]

We will investigate and find the truth.

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Oh. Well, yes, that's... that's a good idea. You'll help, right? My axe-arm and conviction are strong, but deduction has never been my greatest strength.

I can answer questions about the people in town, if that would be helpful.

1) It would. Could you answer some questions now? [Complete Quest Step: Brief Warden Neelahind]
2) I will return when I have questions... or an accusation. [Complete Quest Step: Brief Warden Neelahind] [End]

Kith and Kin: Investigations


[ Warden Neelahind ]

Oh dear, a mystery.

Perhaps I should have accepted Angohind's lessons after all.

1) I believe this poem was meant for you. Available only if the  crumpled sheet of paper is in the inventory.
2) Warden, I have found Kindrish. Available only if  Kindrish is in the inventory.
3) May I ask some questions about the suspects?
4) Patience, Warden. I'll get to the bottom of this. [End]

Questioning Neelahind

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Of course, kendren. Ask away.

{Qud dialogue|nodetitle=Questioning Neelahind |text=Of course, kendren. Ask away.}}

Neelahind on Keh

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Keh is very wise and very careful, which makes up for her lack of strength or... tact. She always knows what's right, and she runs a very tight shift.

She hates clutter from work like nothing else and cleans up any mess she makes--unless it's a spill, then she makes Kesehind do it. It's because Grand-Doe has a terrible fear of standing pools of water, refusing to touch them. Copper and bronze afflict her with allergy-sores and she can't touch them. She's too old to spar with me, but her bow-arm still aims true.

That's all I can think of.

1) I have another question, if you please.
2) Thank you, that will do. Live and drink. [End]

Neelahind on Eskhind

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Oh. She's, well, she's a good person with strong convictions, or has always seemed so. I suppose that isn't helpful.

Esk has a good eye for detail. She hates watervine so much that she avoids the paddies and won't eat matz without lah broth to make it taste better. Umm, she's afraid of saltbacks. She's good at foraging and terrible at crafting.

I've missed her so much.

1) I have another question, if you please.
2) Thank you, that will do. Live and drink. [End]

Neelahind on Kesehind

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Kesehind is completely loyal to Grand-Doe. We used to be friends, but his disposition has become so sour since he was appointed her protector, and he's quite cold to me now. He can't see well in darkness. He's the holder of Ari, an unbreakable heirloom fire axe, and he's very skilled with it.

He's terribly finicky about food. He'll only eat bland food and meat, and... oh! Once, when he had a bad cough as a faundren, a caretaker tried to feed him yuckwheat, and he kicked her so hard it dislocated her jaw. Poor Elder Eselhind.

1) I have another question, if you please.
2) Thank you, that will do. Live and drink. [End]

Neelahind on kendren

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Oh, not very much. The only kendren who were allowed in the village before you are traders, and it's always a very big fuss when one comes by. It's been a while since that happened, though, so any kendren who have visited must have come in secret.

1) I have another question, if you please.
2) Thank you, that will do. Live and drink. [End]

Kith and Kin: Investigations (Love and Fear Complete)


[ Warden Neelahind ]

Ah, =name=, live and drink!

Has your investigation reached a conclusion? Our fate is in your hands.

1) Not yet. How are you and Eskhind?
2) Warden, I have found Kindrish. Available if the player has Kindrish.
3) Yes, I am ready to accuse the thief. Available if the player has at least two fitting clues to make one accusation.
4) Not yet. May I ask you some questions?
5) No, I do not have enough evidence yet. [End]

Neelahind is giddy

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Oh, =name=! I'm so happy!

I can scarcely believe she loves me, much less that... that we could be together. But it's true. Wherever we go from now on, we go together.

1) May your journeys favor you. Live and drink. [End]



[ Warden Neelahind ]

Live and drink, kendren. Have you... come to a conclusion?

1) I believe this poem was meant for you. Available only if the  crumpled sheet of paper is in the inventory.
2) Warden, I have found Kindrish. Available only if  Kindrish is in the inventory.
3) Yes, I am ready to accuse the thief. All possible accusation nodes are in Warden Neelahind/Conversations/Accusation due to their variability. [End]
4) Not yet. May I ask you some questions?
5) No, I do not have enough evidence yet. [End]

Kith and Kin Outcome

Hindriarch Keh

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Kendren, please...

I am grateful for what you have done for our village, but the sight of you is a bitter leaf. Leave me alone.

1) Live and drink. [End]

Hindriarch Esk

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Kendren! I mean, =name=! My heart sings to see you.

Thank you for clearing Eskhind's name. If I could muster up the courage you have...

1) Good news, Warden. I have found Kindrish. Available only if  Kindrish is in the inventory.
2) Live and drink. [End]

No Hindriarch

[ Warden Neelahind ]

Live and drink, kendren.

Please forgive me; I am grateful that you opened my eyes, but the sight of you is yet a bitter leaf. Let me grieve my people in peace.

1) Live and drink. [End]

Love and Fear


[ Warden Neelahind ]

For me? Are you sure?

But... this is a poem. In Esk's handwriting. Are you s-sure this is for me?

1) Yes. Please read it. [Complete Quest Step: Return the Love Sonnet]
2) Perhaps I'm mistaken. Live and drink. [End]


[ Warden Neelahind ]


Ayvah, she-- Eskhind wrote this about... me? How my head swims at these lavish words. If she wrote this and meant it for me, she must... love me.

But it can't be. Can it?

1) Can't it?
2) It is. Live and drink. [End]


[ Warden Neelahind ]

Kendren, you must understand. I spent so many years trying in vain to fall out of love with Eskhind. I thought it the only way to endure our adolescence, watching her poor attempts at courtship with other hindren.

I thought it the only way to endure her departure, as well. But she is returned, and she loves me. Ayvah. I am terrified to speak to her of this, but I must.

Thank you.

1) Will this affect the investigation?
2) Live and drink, Neelahind. [End]


[ Warden Neelahind ]

No. You are the one investigating, so my bias need not enter play. If you determine that Eskhind is guilty, I will heed your word and carry out a just sentence.

After that, I'm not sure.

1) In that case, I have further questions.
2) Live and drink. [End]