
Revision as of 15:45, 3 December 2021 by Egocarib (talk | contribs) (Add "crippled" to list of recuperable effects)

Recuperating is a side effect that some items or skills have. It does not appear in the active effects list, but rather it is instantaneous.

Recuperation works similarly to Regeneration's ability to remove negative effects, but it is a separate phenomena, and recuperation only removes certain effects (listed below).

Cause of Recuperating

Effects of Recuperating

When a creature recuperates, they are fully cleansed of all of the following specific negative status effects.[5][4][1]

Recuperating from any of these effects is typically accompanied with a message in the message log. For example, You are no longer choking! appears when the choking on ash effect is healed.


This information is reliable as of patch
  1. 1.0 1.1 XRL.World.Effects.Ubernostrum_Tonic
  2. XRL.World.Parts.Bed
  3. ObjectBlueprints.xml, object name Hyperbiotic Bed
  4. 4.0 4.1 XRL.World.Parts.Enclosing
  5. XRL.World.Parts.HealOnEat