Goatfolk sower

Revision as of 23:57, 26 April 2024 by EVAPROBLEMS (talk | contribs) (updated the opinion section's tactics on sightlines to reflect current behavior)
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goatfolk sower
Goatfolk sower.png


ID?Use this ID to Wish for goatfolk sower

Goatfolk Sower


goatfolk (Loved100 Reputation)



Corpse Dropped

goatfolk corpse (5%)

Experience?The XP granted when killed. Click
"toggle detailed stats" above for
a level-based breakdown.

375 XP

XP Tier




Spawns in


Extra info:
  • Weighs 201 lbs

Limbs* (Humanoid): * Excludes limbs granted via mutations
goatfolk sower

A braid of roasted frogskin stretches taut over their swollen pectorals and fastens a satchel to their hip. Their hooves are stained with an unclassified mixture of blood, and spittle flies from their bleating mouth into a tuft of scraggle chin-hair.


A goatfolk sower is a type of Goatfolk armed with explosive grenades called sower's seeds. They are often found with other goatfolk. When possible, they will throw their seeds and switch to melee only if their target is in melee range.


This section is opinion-based. Your mileage may vary.

Due to the fact that explosive damage (as from  sower's seeds) ignores  DV and  AV, a handful of goatfolk sowers can pose a great threat even to well-armored or evasive players. This is a great danger to characters with low HP, which is most players before they reach Golgotha, where they will often encounter goatfolk sowers while on the way there.

The greatest danger in their arsenal is the sower's seed. There are multiple ways to avoid this damage:

  • Use  Force Wall or a similar artifact like a  force bracelet to shield yourself from the attacks. Force Wall users can surround the sower with their wall, causing their explosions to kill themselves.
  • Use  shimscale mangrove trees or walls to break sight lines. Sowers will throw seeds through sight-occluding foliage, but not movement-blocking foliage/walls. If a wall or mangrove blocks their throw, they will walk closer to you until it doesn't. Note that they may be able to resume bombardment before you can actually see them, so this advice is not without risk.
  • Use Charge or another gap closing skill/item to get into melee range as quick as possible.
  • Take Wilderness Lore: Jungles and avoid fighting goatfolk altogether. A recommended option if your HP is very low.