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General Dialogue
All of the Gyre wights use this dialogue along with their own specific lines.
O! O! A new life obtains? You musn't shudder at old Death!
When an eremite consults the teraphim and sees the eyes of Death, only the fools [sic] frets! There is Change but no Ending.
A plague is what burns the core out and lets the berries grow.
O Nephilim! Come for our star bath??
I want salt in my mouth, dead eyes in radiating darkness, and a frog for a friend.
O Life, O Change! Embrace us, entangle us...
[1] Live and drink.
Nephilim-Specific Dialogue
Gyre wights have additional dialogue based on which of the Girsh Nephilim they follow.
I can lick the flanges free of their pipe milk and hear my tongue fizzle in foam!
Girsh Agolgot! Red dusts in my nails and burning hot bubbles swell in my glands! Now I point to the future.
The world stews and titrates.
O, the thrill of coursing Change within. Each pump of the heart drives it deeper. Each breath a breath of new life.
Roil with me, and bubble over. Let us exceed ourselves!
[1] Live and drink.
Do you wish for a gleaming bath, and fractal veins that pump the continuity of life?
You've a twin across the boundary of the future, where new life blooms in rot. Are you with them?
Would you kill your double? Would you let it kill you?
It is to witness the scalpel parting tissue. The beauty of division and resection.
[1] Live and drink.
Bore ribbons in the chrome like wild ants and see a cross-section of human and shell!
I dream of a crawl nook on a nether stratum where I out-sweat the burning Gyre, and then peek an eye across a new horizon.
Thirteen years in the ground. Seventeen years in the ground. A thousand years in the ground!
[1] Live and drink.
The Fishhead will catalyze the electric lake, and sure we as fossils will brick the ground but what a dais it will be!
The electric sizzle of life! Prickling and crisping skin, red and raw and beautiful beneath.
Eaten by the air. Death by life. O Rermadon!
Live mites in the burning gas will appear green to the Future.
[1] Live and drink.
The bell sounds wheel at right angles and shock the wet meat off our perfect bones! I was made to be bones.
The moon is their marriage light! And then a whole world for the Girsh daughters of nephilim!
Reach out and touch the heart. Our bonds transcend distance!
Push out the walls of the new world, Qas, to be its center!
[1] Live and drink.
Primrose and witchwood will boil the boundaries of sense into death-pleasure!
The Grounded Mind cannot soar. The Mind Aloft is limitless.
Be open. Receive the Greatest Dreams. Hear the Girsh Sing.
You can be it. We can all be it! Behold Nephilim!
[1] Live and drink.