Girsh Nephilim
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Spoiler Warning: This article contains information normally only found in the course of advancing the main quest line. |
The Girsh Nephilim are creatures of the 7th plague of the Gyre. There are seven known Nephilim:
Girsh Agolgot
Girsh Bethsaida
Girsh Qas
Girsh Qon
Girsh Rermadon
Girsh Shug'ruith the Burrower
Starformed Ehalcodon
Towards the end of What's Eating the Watervine?, Elder Irudad describes the Girsh Nephilim as follows:
... [The Girsh Nephilim] were terrible demons who ate the young of kith and kin. Resheph slew them, but now that girshlings are back, we don't know what to make of the Nephilim. |
The Nephilim are also mentioned in the history of Resheph:
In 1 BR, the Gyre widened, and the final plague afflicted the land. The Girsh Nephilim rose from their cradles on the Moon Stair and slouched toward Qud to eat its young. Resheph rose to meet them in battle and cast them back. |
Nephilim mechanics
Nephilim lairs
Lair Locations
Each of the Nephilim (with one exception, elaborated upon below) resides within a lair that is placed somewhere in Qud during worldgen (mostly[1] referred to throughout the game as the Nephilims' "cradles"). These lairs are distributed as follows:
Girsh Agolgot's cradle is beneath
Golgotha, somewhere between strata 30 and 35. It can be reached by following the pits starting in The Cloaca.
Girsh Bethsaida's cradle is beneath
Bethesda Susa, somewhere between strata 30 and 35. It can be reached by following the pits starting in the Temple of the Rock.
- The chuppah of
Girsh Qas and
Girsh Qon is located near the surface, in a random zone of the
Moon Stair.
Girsh Rermadon's cradle is located near the surface in a random zone of the
Palladium Reef.
Girsh Shug'ruith the Burrower's cradle can be located in any zone of the map that does not already include a static encounter. To find Shug'ruith's cradle, the player must first find "the mouth of Shug'ruith" on the surface. They must then descend and follow
layers of resin extruded by Shug'ruith to Shug'ruith's cradle.
Of these lairs, the chuppah of Qas and Qon and the cradle of Shug'ruith are the most difficult to find; the player is unlikely to encounter them by traversing the overworld or by exploring random zones. The easiest way to discover the location of these lairs is to trade secrets with legendary Gyre wights, who can be found randomly or whose lairs can be found through the consumption of brain brine by the player or by a dominated follower. Factions that trade Moon Stair secrets, such as Chavvah, can also be helpful in finding the chuppah of Qas and Qon. Alternatively, one can pick up the Trash Divining skill and/or become infected with
mumble mouth and hope to reveal the location of these lairs.
Uniquely, Starformed Ehalcodon does not possess a lair; instead, qe descends during the quest Reclamation if every other Nephilim was killed or pacified beforehand.
Lair Generation
Each Nephilim's lair is considered a "holy place" to the Girsh. The first time a player enters the lair, they are awarded 4000 XP for discovery.[2] The depth of these lairs varies; Rermadon's cradle and the chuppah of Qas and Qon are always 10 strata deep, whereas Agolgot and Bethsaida's cradles are 2-3 strata deep. The mouth of Shug'ruith descends 30-35 strata, and then the cradle of Shug'ruith is 2-3 strata deep itself.
Physical Objects
All lairs have a moderate change to spawn shrines to the associated Girsh Nephilim. These shrines come with a patch of crystal flowers, a
torch sconce, a
clay pitcher with 0-6 (Avg: 3)1d7-1 drams of
cider inside, a
chest with zone tier appropriate loot, and a statue of the Girsh Nephilim.
Girsh Agolgot's cradle is filled with many pools of
green goo,
brown sludge, and
black ooze, which mirrors the environment of
Golgotha above it.
Girsh Bethsaida's cradle also mimics
Bethesda Susa with many pools and puddles of
convalessence, as well as
luminous hoarshrooms and
The cave pocket where Girsh Rermadon sits, referred to internally as a "cyst", also has a patch of 6-12
aloe volta.[3]
Girsh Shug'ruith the Burrower's cyst has many scattered bones across it.
Creature Spawning
All Nephilim lairs are guaranteed to spawn many of their associated girshlings, and are likely to spawn their associated Gyre Wights as well.
Within each Nephilim's lair, 75% of creatures[2] generated within the lair are granted unique mechanics, dependent on whose lair it is. These alterations are as follows:
Girsh Agolgot's cradle contains rank creatures. Their icons display as dark green. These creatures' natural attacks are modified to have an independent 50% chance to poison, disease, or rust on hit. In addition, on death, they will drop a large rank pool of equal parts
green goo,
brown sludge, and
black ooze instead of any corpse.[4]
Girsh Bethsaida's cradle contains conjoined creatures whose icons are recolored gold. Conjoined creatures will split into two upon taking deadly damage, removing the conjoined version and creating two new creatures of the same species.[5]
- The chuppah of
Girsh Qas and
Girsh Qon can contain 3 kinds of altered creatures: cryptic, polarized, and dazzling.[6] All altered creatures have an equal chance of being one of these three types.
- Cryptic creatures have a 100% chance to confuse on hit[7] and emit a cloud of
confusion gas on death.
- Polarized creatures can create
forcefields that link between creatures of their type.[8] See
polarized girshling for more detailed information on how this ability functions.
- Dazzling creatures have both of the abilities of cryptic and polarized.
- Cryptic creatures have a 100% chance to confuse on hit[7] and emit a cloud of
Girsh Rermadon's cradle contains plasmatic creatures. They drop large clouds of
plasma on death instead of a corpse.[9]
Girsh Shug'ruith the Burrower's cradles contains burrowing creatures. They have the
Burrowing mutation at level 5, and leave behind
layers of resin extruded by Shug'ruith spawn.[10]
Water ritual
It is possible to perform the water ritual with the Nephilim, using one dram of cloning draught. A unique dialogue option appears after performing the water ritual with one of the Nephilim:
Will you resign your charge and swear to unvex the beings of this world? |
This costs the player 200 reputation with the Girsh and will award the appropriate chord of light from the pacified Nephil. Other Nephilim will not receive a bonus from the pacified Nephil (unlike as occurs after killing one of the Nephilim).
This is also the only option available when performing a water ritual with a Nephil, as they are unconcerned with the petty secrets of a world they intend to destroy. This means you cannot boost your reputation during the ritual to help afford the cost of pacification: You need to initiate the ritual with at least 100 reputation, or 75 with the Template:Tactful skill. If you intend to pacify all seven Nephilim, you will need a net +700 reputation (+525 with Template:Tactful) to pull it off.
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This article has information that is missing or not up to par.
Reason: Needs Irisdual Beam information, especially if it's omniphase |
Reason: Needs Irisdual Beam information, especially if it's omniphase
All seven Nephilim are difficult opponents, serving as a sort of "super boss" for Caves of Qud. By default, each one has 4000 health, 38 in each stat, and 60 of each resistance, and possess "reflective shielding", a status which gives a 75% chance of reflecting any incoming projectile (including bullets, missiles, and lasers). Each one will periodically create girshling creshes - nests that spawn girshlings of the appropriate type - and are swarm alphas, making their spawn more threatening.
Each one also possesses Irisdual Beam - a deadly, three-directional laser attack, which becomes six-directional once they drop below 50% health. Before firing, the beams are marked with a red highlight, similar to the Decarbonizer's attack, and will fire on the Nephilim's next turn. The beams deal multiple hits of extreme damage to everything in their paths, and should be avoided at all costs. This attack cannot be interrupted by any means other than killing the Nephilim - stunning, freezing, knocking them prone, sleep, and all other effects will not interrupt the attack.
Finally, each Nephilim will have a unique effect based on their lore. This effect will boost the Nephilim's capabilities, and will affect the various creatures in their lair, changing their color, aligning them with the Girsh, and adding a similar effect to the creature in question.
Girsh Agolgot's unique effect is rank which has a Poison, Disease, and Rust on to-hit at 50%
Girsh Bethsaida's unique effect is conjoined which causes it to duplicate itself after it's taken a thousand damage, as well as the creatures in the lair having a similar behavior.
Girsh Qas's unique effect is polarized, which means its girshlings have ForcePylon Walls 2 Range 5
Girsh Qon's unique effect is cryptic, which means its girshlings have a 200 confusion gas burst on dying, and have zigzag fangs that confuse on hit 100% of the time.
Girsh Rermadon's unique effect is plasmatic, which has an electric bite (displayed as incandescent fangs) and drops the 1000 Plasma Blueprint when it dies
Girsh Shug'ruith the Burrower's unique effect is burrowing, which means they have the Burrowing mutation at 5, and they themselves live on walls.
Starformed Ehalcodon's unique effect is prismatic, which grants its girshlings a resistance to
Irisdual Beam and the ability to refract it in multiple directions. Additionally, qe is the unique possessor of the
Quantum Fugue mutation.
Whenever one of the Nephilim die, they leave behind a circle of light, a special Floating Nearby-slot item which glows, adds one rank to all mutations and 6 credit tiers, and gives a bonus unique to each Nephilim, noted by the following message appearing in the message log, for example:
A sphere of light in the chord of Agolgot radiates away. |
The remaining Nephilim subsequently become more powerful, absorbing some of the powers of the fallen Nephilim and giving them stronger versions of the effects granted by their circles (in parentheses):
This creature burns bright in the chord of...
- ... Agolgot: +4 arms with spotted claws. (+2 arms with spotted claws)
- ... Bethsaida: +50% hitpoints (+15% hitpoints)
- ... Qas: +25 quickness (+10 Quickness)
- ... Qon: +25 quickness (+10 Quickness)
- ... Rermadon: +80 all resists (+40 all resists)
- ... Shug'ruith: +10 AV; +10 DV; omniphase (+3 AV; +3 DV)
These powers will be granted to any clones of the Girsh Nephilim, but not the powers of their progenitor should they be dead (e.g. a clone of Girsh Bethsaida will not receive +50% hitpoints if the original Girsh Bethsaida dies.) Note that Starformed Ehalcodon will always receive the benefits granted by the prior six Nephilim as if they were slain, even if they were pacified.
As Nephilim have high elemental resistances and a 75% chance to reflect ranged attacks due to their Reflective Shielding, missile weapons or even Light Manipulation will be less reliable in battle. Thus, melee and careful movement is key; if ranged attacks are preferred, utilize
EMP grenades to disable the reflective shielding for a brief period. In some cradles, things such as the
Disintegration mutation or
resonance grenades can be of use in opening crowded areas such as
Girsh Agolgot's and
Girsh Shug'ruith the Burrower's cradles.
Builds that specialize around making multiple attacks, such as with the Beak mutation or
girshling fangs,
Multiple Arms, any stinger mutation such as
Stinger (Paralyzing Venom) paired with dueling stance from the long blade tree, and
Burrowing Claws and eventually those added with the
circle of light in the chord of Agolgot can make the most out of opportunities as a Nephilim's Irisdual Beam cools down.
Method A
Slaying Girsh Rermadon first (combined with their proximity to the surface) means that the remaining will only receive their elemental resistances. One can more easily progress by then battling
Girsh Shug'ruith the Burrower and
Girsh Agolgot. Battling
Girsh Qas and
Girsh Qon next means that
Girsh Bethsaida gains the quickness bonuses, but also meaning they will be the only and last Nephilim to battle during Reclamation.
This can be considered the more steady means of progression.
Method B
Slaying Girsh Bethsaida first due to them splitting for each quarter of HP loss means one will have to prioritize one iteration over the others until they've all fallen. Trying to battle all iterations at once will further complicate the battle. Battling
Girsh Qas and
Girsh Qon next is already difficult, as being within line of sight of Qon confuses the player character and any companions present. If Qon is handled before Qas, the battle becomes more manageable, but their deaths grant the remaining Nephilim a combined +50 quickness boost. Slaying
Girsh Agolgot grants each Nephilim their long blade class natural weapons, and
Girsh Shug'ruith the Burrower its omniphase status.
As a result, Girsh Rermadon now has the combined strengths of those that have fallen before, and whilst their cradle is open, they are much more of a challenge than before.
If a Nephilim has a hate reason from a faction, it will always be for eating one of their young.
- ↑ The lair of
Girsh Qas and
Girsh Qon is called the "chuppah of Qas and Qon", rather than their cradle.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1
- ↑
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