Early Game Checklist

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Checklist for Surviving the early game **WIP**

The early game is where many people struggle against, and causes them to get very weary of Red Rock very, very fast, forcing them to stop playing before they can see the rest of what Qud has to offer. This is going to be a non exhaustive guide on preparing for the challenges ahead!

This is not the guide to making proper builds, only what you do with them. Because of the nature of this guide, it's going to be spoilery.

To assist us in this guide, I've recruited Rulimispruce, legendary sprouting orb to learn alongside you as we go.

Sprouting orb.png < I lit a beacon fire to warn the Napthaali tribe's enemies. Yes, with my delicate little vines.


6 AV

#Lead slugs and a Missile Weapon

#Light Sources

#Escape Strategy

Note that using a Joppa start makes the glowsphere much easier to get while alternate starts have a more difficult time.

Everything else is found relatively the same way. Note that the only thing that is near required to be bought is the lead slugs. Everything else can be easily found off corpses and in chests.


You need these to be properly prepared for things outside of the saltmarshes:

6 AV

Six or greater AV is likely the most important thing to reach in the early game. This is because that when an item's PV is higher than AV, the damage is multiplicative, as in get additional attacks in, causing unprotected bodies to get eviscerated. Critical hits are guaranteed to hit once, so even high dodge builds need some AV to prevent lucky one shots.

Sprouting orb.png < So why six specifically? Some secret meaning to you non-photosynths?

6 is just an easily achievable number and allows most attacks from early game creatures to not penetrate. Snapjaw scavengers and hunters are killable by most characters as long as you're fighting them one by one. They will be the source of the majority of your early game gear. Just wandering around doing the starting quests will net you lots of gear.

Don't worry if the armor has a DV penalty: the rule of thumb for the early game is that 1 AV = 3 DV (1 AV = 2DV later on). so that studded leather armor (+3AV -2DV) is still a 9 vs some cloth robes, which is 3(+1AV 0DV). Just equipping anything that has an AV bonus will bring you to 6. The basic loadout is:

  • Body: studded leather armor (3 AV)
  • Hands: boar-skin gloves or leather gloves (1 AV)
  • Head: Leather cap or knollworm skull (1 AV)
  • Feet: Leather boots or crocassins (1 AV)
Sprouting orb.png < Mhm? And what about those without hands?

Characters that are unable to equip the above items because of physical mutations or body type must find other sources. If it's from a physical mutation, leveling it up will add some AV depending on the mutation. Although 6 AV is important, it's doable to play with 5 AV instead if you play it safe.

Lead slugs and a Missile Weapon

Lead slugs are ammunition for a lot of powerful missile weapons, all of which will likely be the hardest hitting weapon in your arsenal for most of the early game. Missile weapons have static PV, meaning that it does not depend on your character's strength. At point blank range, it's hard to miss too. This is important because this means that with a good missile weapon, near every character can survive the early game given enough ammunition.

Getting lead slugs is the easy part. The village merchant will always sell about 30-60 of them. Be sure to conserve them for enemies with high AV that you couldn't kill otherwise, because it will be hard to get more. The early game is the only time where finding ammunition is difficult. Once your character is able to take on turrets safely or reaches Grit Gate, ammo will be a nonissue.

Some castes/callings start with missile weapons already, making this a non issue. These starts are the Warden, Gunslinger, and Praetorian. If you didn't start as one of these, you can sneak into the desert and take one off of a Issachari rifle. You'll know when the Issachari has a red rifle in their sprite. They only have 4 or so bullets, so stay far away to cause them to miss (Spry and Acrobatics help here) and melee them once they run out. The desert rifle is a very powerful gun and can hold 6 shots before requiring a reload.

Sprouting orb.png < The desert full of flying dragon snakes in the early game?! Surely you jest!

Wandering the desert is actually very safe if you know how to use the terrain to your advantage! Strategies for wandering the desert will be documented in a separate guide, but the main rules are: travel only in the day, and stick to the edges of the screen and leave if you see anything you don't want to fight, they won't chase you.

Sprouting orb.png < I will trust this with immense caution.

Healing Items

Characters only start out at about 14-20 HP, and enemies can dish out much more than that, especially over extended periods of combat without time to heal in between. This is where Joppa starts and Saltmarsh starts shine again. Both of these starts teach Harvestry, which allows you to harvest Witchwood bark from bright red witchwood trees. Witchwood bark heals you to full right now, but will cause confusion if your character has low Willpower

Light Sources

If you have the ego and start in Joppa, you can buy Warden Ualraig's guaranteed glowsphere. It has twice the radius as your torch allowing you to see even farther underground and at night.

If you lack the funds or did not start in Joppa, you have to look elsewhere. It is a somewhat rare drop to find, and village merchants stock them rarely.

Sprouting orb.png < I do worship a highly entropic being, but leaving it up to random chance seems not ideal.

Right, which is why finding a good light source is recommended but not required. Torches will keep you safe temporarily, as long as you travel mostly during the day, and you won't be running out so there's no need to buy more. They can also be thrown to set enemies on fire for some bonus damage over time!

Escape Strategy

By default, your escape strategy is sprinting and running away until you can escape to the world map. This is often not helpful in certain cases like when you are surrounded, or are up against a creature with high movespeed.