Council at Gamma Rock
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A loose ledger of vellum has been rolled, bound to umbilici, and sealed with the wax mark of the Mechanimists.
Council at Gamma Rock is a book added in patch whose contents remain the same across runs. It is a written account of the 566th Annual Wardens' Moot. It was penned by Sheba Hagadias, Librarian of the Stilt.
The moot starts with several wardens giving reports of local attacks and fights between factions, recommending a course of action. One warden from the
Rainbow Wood reported by request of the
soupy sludges there, but was driven away because of his
After the reports, the panel discussion ensued. Eight wardens led a discussion about " the ksars of the mountain folk and their employment of the spiked counterscarp".
Once discussion has ended via "martial demonstration", the Chair allowed wardens to propose resolutions that must pass with majority vote. The initial proposal comes from a group who identifies themselves as the Quetzal Caucus. They propose only providing their services to "communities who are governed by democratic means, or who had communally voted to eschew such governance". Under this proposal, wardens who are in communities that do not fit these conditions will no longer be stationed there. This created a large controversy, eventually erupting into a fight between the Quetzal Caucus and an opposing group of wardens. The Chair deployed the sergeant-at-arms and their deputies to quell the dispute.
The original resolution proposed by the Quetzal Caucus did not win majority vote and was not passed. The second resolution proposed by the opposing party to expel the members of the Quetzal Caucus also did not win majority vote and failed to pass. The resulting chaos forced the Chair to immediately end the 566th Annual Wardens' Moot.
Publisher's Note
The wind of change is blowing through the belfries, and a new consciousness is upon us. The events of the 566th Wardens' Moot have escaped the confinement of their moonlit promontory, have whisked down the salted crag and entered the high halls of state, have snuck under the thatched doors of our very homes. The formation of the Quetzal Caucus is historic. This is a moment that demands our attention.
I know that by publishing these minutes, I incur the disfavor of the Fellowship. Despite what they'll say, I mean no harm to their organization. I've redacted the specifics of their astronomical rituals, and I've left my conjectures on the ingredients of 'snail tea' to my unpublished notes. The rest of the document betrays no secrets that time hasn't betrayed already, and the significance of the proceedings tips the scales in favor of the public good. In the Kasaphesence may they find the mercy to forgive me.
Sheba Hagadias
The Six Day Stilt, 999 YK
Minutes from the Midnight Session of the 566th Annual Wardens' Moot
Under the beetle moon of the fourth night of Ut yara Ux, in the year 998, snail tea was served and the Star Oath was recited. Then, in the midst of a light rain, the Chair ascended the rostrum, the kinnor was strum, and the third session of the 566th Assembly of the Fellowship of Wardens was called to order.
Upon commencement of the session, the Chair called for the recitation of the night's reports.
• Three wardens from the northern hills ascended the rostrum and reported on the fates of the six settler caravans that had embarked for the lower Asphalt Mines. They averred that only two remain, and recommended that no wardens be presently dispatched.
• Two wardens from the dunes of Moghra'yi ascended the rostrum and reported on an ongoing dispute between the dromads and the vintners' guild. An assault on a dromad caravan outside the village of Tippur was traced back to a merchant cadre, and a penalty on the proceeds from a fortnight of sales was assessed.
• Four wardens from the southern banks of the River Svy ascended the rostrum and reported on goatfolk incursions. The villages of Shebal and Ekamas were sacked inside of a month. The wardens recommended mounting a counteroffensive.
• One warden from the Rainbow Wood ascended the rostrum and reported on a bevy of soup sludges who had requested the Fellowship's presence. He was jeered for leaking wax on the dais and descended in a fit of retaliatory swears.
The reports being at an end, the Chair called for the commencement of the night's panel discussion.
Eight wardens ascended the rostrum and initiated a discussion on the ksars of the mountain folk and their employment of the spiked counterscarp. Its merits were contrasted with the familiar rampart and palisade, and assailant tactics were assessed. A short martial demonstration ensued.
The panel discussion being at an end, the Chair called for the proposal of resolutions.
The Chair recognized a warden who asked to ascend the rostrum with a coterie of comrades to motivate their proposal, and the Chair assented.
Twelve wardens ascended the rostrum and announced the formation of the 'Quetzal Caucus'. They proceeded to formulate their resolution, which called to restrict the provision of the Fellowship's services to only those communities who are governed by democratic means (the Yd Freehold was cited as exemplar), or who had communally voted to eschew such governance. There was an uproar in the hall, and the Chair took several minutes to regain order. A point of information was requested as to the resolution's bearing on extant assignments. The speaker clarified that the proposal included the retraction of wardens from communities in violation of said criteria, at which point the hall erupted into bedlam once again.
Roused to a state of enmity, a second group of wardens advanced on the rostrum. There was shouting and weapons were drawn. Unable to regain order, the Chair dispatched the sergeant-at-arms, who broke into the fray, and -- abetted by several of his deputies -- ended the melee and admonished the two groups. Once the hall was settled, a motion to call the question was controversially accepted, and the vote was tallied. The resolution FAILED by majority vote.
A speaker from the counter group was recognized by the chair and proposed an ad-hoc motion to "expel the treasonous chattels of the Purple Bitch". Another uproar. The question was called and the motion FAILED by majority vote.
The hall erupted into a tumult of shouting, and failing to regain order, the Chair struck the gavel and the session was abruptly adjourned.
End Notes