Portable wall

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portable wall
Commerce Value





Can Disassemble


Can Build


Tinker Skill

Tinker II


ID?Use this ID to Wish for the item

Portable Wall

Spawns in


Extra Info:
portable wall

Tiny glyphs are inscribed on each exterior face of the handheld box. Though contrarians still puzzle over their meaning, most of Qud's prominent linguist cults have converged on a single interpretation: 'For When Both Nature and Architects Have Failed You'. One brass pull ring separates you from the promise of those words.


The portable wall is an artifact that allows the player to create walls on the fly. One is guaranteed to be carried by the legendary leaders of Putus Templar war parties.[1]

Using the portable wall prompts the player to pick an adjacent tile as the origin point of the wall. After doing so, the player will be prompted to "draw" the rest of the wall, with #'s representing the tiles the wall will be built upon. The wall does not need to be a straight line and can be in any formation the player desires so long as it is contiguous; however, it cannot be built diagonally and cannot consist of more than 9 tiles.

Confirming the termination point of the wall will cause all of the highlighted tiles to be filled with foamcrete. Any creatures occupying these tiles will be pushed to an adjacent tile, while any items or existing walls occupying these tiles will be covered by the foamcrete, but will not be destroyed. If any of the tiles covers a deep shaft tile, a foamcrete floor will be formed instead.

Using the portable wall will also return the following message:[2]

You open the box and expose the compressed foamcrete to air. It starts to expand.


This information is reliable as of patch
  1. PopulationTables.xml (population: FactionEncounterLeaderInventory_Templar)
  2. XRL.World.Parts.PortableWall