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Gallium veins press against the underside of their crystalline *skin* and gleam warmly. Their body is perfect, and the whole of it is wet with amniotic slick; could they have just now peeled themself off an oil canvas? Were they cast into the material realm by a dreaming, dripping brain? Whatever the embryo, they are now the archetypal *creatureType*; it's all there in impeccable simulacrum: *features*. Perfection is realized.


Cherubim are a class of powerful tier 8 creatures that can be found roaming Qud, as well as guarding the tombs and reliquaries of the sultans. There is a variety of cherubim to represent each of the old sultanate-era factions.

In the Tomb of the Eaters, each sultan's tomb is guarded by several cherubim of the factions with whom the sultan had favorable relations during their lifetime. Typically, these factions came to be favored by each sultan by playing an important role in their sultan histories. The cherubim stand watch over the sultan's sarcophagus and reliquary. These cherubim will typically be neutral to the player so long as the player character bears the Mark of Death and does not attack them or attempt to disturb the sultan's possessions. Each cherub gains additional abilities based on their aligned sultan's themes, as noted below.

Cherubim who are not generated as tomb guards in the Tomb of the Eaters inherit their faction membership from their parent blueprint in ObjectBlueprints.xml, meaning that many cherubim are members of the Beasts or Humanoids factions and thus will be hostile to the player.

All non-mechanical cherubim have the ability to reheat themselves by 60 degrees per turn if they are ever frozen, and have a 100% chance to reflect projectiles. This reflection is vulnerable to EMP blasts.

List of Cherubim

Mechanical Cherubim

Mechanical Cherubim

Dials tick and vacuum tubes mantle under synthetic *skin* and inside plastic joints. *features* are wrought from a vast and furcate machinery into the ideal form of the *creatureType*. By the artistry of their construction, they closely resemble their referent, but an exposed cog here and an exhaust valve there betray the truth of their nature. Their movements are short and mimetic; they inhabit the valley between the mountains of life and imagination.


If the sultan that the cherubim are related to is from the 4th period or later, they will be Mechanical instead. They have slightly different stats than normal cherubim. Mechanical cherubim also will attempt to heat themselves up by 50° per turn when frozen, and will reflect projectiles 50% of the time.

List of Mechanical Cherubim

Sultan Theme and Abilities

All cherubim gain dynamic abilities based on the sultan's theme their faction is allied with.

Theme Caste Description Notes
glass glass • Attacks have a 10% chance to dismember.

• Reflects 25% damage back at attackers.

jewels jeweled • +10 Ego.

• Attacks have a small chance to transmute opponents into gemstones.

There is a 5% chance to to transmute into gemstones. This is instant death, even if the target was a dominated creature.
stars star Light Manipulation 10
time time Temporal Fugue 10
salt salt • +10 Willpower

• +100% HP

ice ice • +100 Cold Resist

Ice Breath 10

scholarship learned • +10 Intelligence

• Attacks discharge clockwork beetles.

might mighty • +20 Strength
chance chaotic • Whenever this creature is about to take damage, there's a 25% chance they blink away instead.

• Whenever this creature attacks, 50% of the time the Fates have their way.

circuitry electric • +100 Electrical Resist

Electrical Generation 10

travel quickened • +5 Quickness

Teleportation 10


This information is reliable as of patch

Everything in this page is taken from [1].

  1. XRL.World.Parts.CherubimSpawner