The Fates have their way

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50% of the time, the Fates have their way

The Fates have their way is a power of some relic and extradimensional melee weapons.

When something is struck with a weapon with this mod, there is a 50% chance for a random effect to be applied to the thing struck. A number is rolled between 1 to 41, inclusive.

Possible Effects

(chance calculated assuming that the 50% proc has already occurred)

Chance Effect
≤5 (12.2%) Dismember
(5,10] (12.2%) Decapitate
(10,15] (12.2%) Put to sleep for 1d1001-100 (Avg: 50.5) turns
(15,20] (12.2%) Confuse for 1d1001-100 (Avg: 50.5) turns, at level 1d201-20 (Avg: 10.5)
(20,25] (12.2%) Stun for 1d1001-100 (Avg: 50.5) turns, at level 1d201-20 (Avg: 10.5)
(25,30] (12.2%) Apply shaken for 1d1001-100 (Avg: 50.5) turns, with a penalty of 1d201-20 (Avg: 10.5)
(30,35] (12.2%) Discharge (voltage 1-100, 1d10)
(35,40] (12.2%) Apply 1d101-10 (Avg: 5.5) bleeding damage, with a save target of 1d1001-100 (Avg: 50.5)
41 (2.44%) Spawn a spacetime vortex