Sultan croc

Revision as of 17:14, 12 March 2023 by Kcmu (talk | contribs)
sultan croc
Sultan croc.png


ID?Use this ID to Wish for sultan croc

Sultan Croc


unshelled reptiles (Loved100 Reputation)



Corpse Dropped

sultan croc corpse (20%)

Experience?The XP granted when killed. Click
"toggle detailed stats" above for
a level-based breakdown.

800 XP

XP Tier




Spawns in


Extra info:
  • Weighs 200 lbs

Limbs* (Quadruped): * Excludes limbs granted via mutations
sultan croc

Deposits of bone-stuff were cast into the moulds of fractured plates and ridges across the four-folk span of their gigantic self. They flatten under their own titanic weight, and teeth the size of fulcrete picks array their stonelike mouth.


The Sultan Croc is a highly dangerous foe encountered occasionally in Lake Hinnom and the Palladium Reef. It can close distance with enemies using its powerful charge attack, and its bite has a high chance to dismember limbs. Unprepared characters may find themselves reduced to a helpless, faceless torso in only a few rounds of combat.

Sultan Crocs may conceal themselves beneath the surface of the water, emerging to attack when a target draws close. While thusly concealed, they are still visible as a red dot on the minimap (or a green dot if you are friendly with Unshelled Reptiles).

Prepare Yourself

Due to the high danger presented by these foes, you may wish to use Sprint to flee from them and prepare yourself.

It is wise to carry one or more  ubernostrum injector if you plan to face them in melee combat, so you can regenerate lost limbs.

You may wish to tinker up a  freeze grenade mk III to render the Sultan Croc helpless.

It is also effective to spawn clones of yourself using Temporal Fugue to distract the Sultan Croc so you are not torn asunder.

If you wish to avoid the issue, raise your reputation with Unshelled Reptiles until the Sultan Croc leaves you alone.