amaranthine prism
ID ?Use this ID to Wish for the item
Cyclopean Prism
Worn On
Floating Nearby
-8 Willpower +8 Ego
Extra Info:
A starless, triangular prism of black glass holds still.
-1 Willpower
+1 Ego
The amaranthine prism is a cursed item that cannot be unequipped once equipped. Fetching this item is one of the quest steps in Raising Indrix. It is found on
Mamon Souldrinker. If the player wears this while speaking to
Warden Indrix, Goatfolk Pariah, he will attack you.
On first equip, the prism only grants +1 ego and -1 willpower. The player will also be granted an achievement. However, every 4,800 turns (or 4 days), both the ego bonus and willpower penalty will increase by one.
As the ego of the player grows, the name of the prism also changes color.
Display name
amaranthine prism
amaranthine prism
amaranthine prism
amaranthine prism
amaranthine prism
amaranthine prism
This continues every 4 days until the willpower penalty causes the player's willpower to reach zero, where they will instantly die:
You died.
You had a dream, which was not all a dream. The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars did wander darkling in the eternal space.
Astral Burdening
If the player has this equipped and becomes astrally burdened or astrally tethered there is a percentage chance based on the intensity of the reality stabilization effect for the player to be dazed for one turn.[1]
Attempting to use precognition to equip the amaranthine prism and reverting back to when the player character did not equip it causes this message to appear:
From across the psychic sea, you feel the glare of unseen eyes. Someone is disappointed in you.
The player character will lose -100 reputation with Highly entropic beings and 2-5
spacetime vortices will randomly spawn at a distance between 5-11 cells away from the player.
Recall Story
"Hmm?" Uri the jeweler mumbled with a stone in his hand.
"Lapis, from the Shore of Songs," said the boy.
"And, hmm?"
"Jasper. Red Rock."
Uri furrowed his brow. "Don't heed the tale of every thirsty fool, boy."
The boy seemed to ignore him. He pointed to a small, dusky shard the jeweler kept in a phial on the high shelf of a pine cabinet. "Did it madden Priam, truly?"
Uri glanced over his shoulder at the black glass and sighed. "Indeed, boy. Though I've heard it told all kings are mad. Who else would think themselves fit to rule as Eaters?"
"From which shore was it culled?" asked the boy.
"None of this world. Do you know the tale of Ptoh?"
"No," the boy lied.
"When the Eaters lived and skirred the stars, they visited the worlds of a thousand thousand different beings, and those beings likewise visited our own world. Several of those beings had assembled a coven that spanned the firmament, and they welcomed the Eaters into its fold. For ages the civilizations of the coven knew kindness and prosperity, and to all reaches of the clustered cosmos did the domain of the coven stretch. One of the beings of the coven hailed from a faraway and darkling star. With Its mind It could fold the fabric of space and time as you or I might fold a supper cloth. To the coven It was known as Ptoh."
"For reasons we can but fathom the civilizations of the stars indicted Ptoh. It was the will of the coven that It be held on our very world in the bondage of the Eaters. They contrived for Ptoh a prison from which It could not fold Itself away, and there Ptoh languished for eons. In time, the Eaters left or perished, and the coven was forgotten to our world. Yet here Ptoh remains imprisoned."
"And what of the black prism?" asked the boy.
"A handful of black sand, drawn from the shores of a dreary rock that spun about Ptoh's star. The sands were fired in the burning gases of that star and cooled suddenly when Ptoh appeared in Qud a moment thence. It is said that Ptoh bestowed the glass to an ancient custodian of Its prison so that the man might free It. Once the man had chosen to wield the glass, it began to mantle with an amaranthine hue. You see, those that peer through its faces are given to fits of madness, for they see the world by the light of Ptoh's star, and they see themselves as Ptoh does."
"What will become of it? Does it frighten you?"
"Immensely. I mean to see it destroyed. But it bears the properties of no earthly glass, and my guild would never forgive me if I forsook the chance to study it first. It was the jewelers who bartered the thing from Priam's grieving sister. Now, enough of this splendor. You are to study still." Uri lifted another stone. "Hmm?"
But the boy's eyes stayed fixed on the prism.
Caution: This article or section contains unverified speculation and should not be considered canonical.
Caution: This article or section contains unverified speculation and should not be considered canonical.
- Amaranth is the name of a genus of flowering plants, a color, and a dye, better known as Red No. 2, that was a common food additive in the United States before being banned in 1976 following concerns it was carcinogenic.[2]
- The amaranthine prism is one of multiple items that reference a figure named Uri.
- The amaranthine prism is functionally indestructible. Attacking the prism while it is on the ground returns the message "You fail to damage the Amaranthine prism!"