Warden Yrame

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Warden Yrame
Warden yrame.png


ID?Use this ID to Wish for Warden Yrame

Warden Yrame


Fellowship of Wardens (Loved100 Reputation)





Corpse Dropped

human corpse (90%)

Experience?The XP granted when killed. Click
"toggle detailed stats" above for
a level-based breakdown.

625 XP

XP Tier




Extra info:
  • This creature is unique
  • Can perform the Water Ritual, but teaches no skill
  • Weighs 201 lbs

Limbs* (Humanoid): * Excludes limbs granted via mutations
Warden Yrame

Big Yrame shifts her weight between hind and forelegs. She shakes a storm of rust dander from the tines of her great horns, and she blows a halo of freezing air from her rime-veined hands.


Warden Yrame is the warden of Joppa.


Warden Yrame is a member of the Fellowship of Wardens, and the warden of Joppa. She has four legs, "great horns", and "rime-veined hands." She is straightforward in her speech and isn't the warmest greeter for the village, stating she "en't here for chat" and stating that if the player makes trouble that it's "my work a-split you open like a croc." She does give some well wishes to the player though when told about certain quest activities though, like What's Eating the Watervine? and A Canticle for Barathrum.


Subpage: Warden Yrame/Conversations


Warden Yrame begins neutral to the player but will become hostile if the player attacked her or any villagers of Joppa within view of her, or if she witnesses the player stealing from one of the village's containers. She can also be made hostile if the player's reputation with the Fellowship of Wardens falls low enough.


Warden is always equipped with chain mail, leather boots, and a vibro blade, which comes slotted with a fully charged chem cell. The vibro blade is a vibro weapon, meaning its PV matches the ♦AV value of the target it is being used against. It deals ♥1d101-10 (Avg: 5.5) damage.

Besides weapons and armor, Yrame also always possesses 3 waterskins with varying volumes of water.[1]


Yrame possesses three skills, Long Blade Proficiency, Bow and Rifle, and Endurance. Endurance grants her the Shake It Off skill. This allows her to more quickly recover from being dazed or stunned, and reduces the damage and duration of poison.


Warden Yrame possesses Multiple Legs at mutation level 6, Horns at level 8, Freezing Ray at level 9, and Regeneration at level 6.[1] These together make her very fast and extremely dangerous both in melee combat and in ranged combat, and thus she is very hard to flee from once made hostile. Her Regeneration increases her natural regeneration, occasionally cures her of status conditions, and allows her to regrow lost limbs.


Warden Yrame always begins the game loved by the villagers of Joppa. She will never be hated by them, fish, or dromad merchants.

Water Ritual

The player can perform the water ritual with Warden Yrame to trade secrets with her, or recruit her as a companion. She does not offer to teach the player any skills.


This section is opinion-based. Your mileage may vary.
  • Yrame has powerful offensive mutations such as Freezing Hands and Horns, as well as a vibro blade. This makes her a decent partner if the player manages to get enough Warden reputation to recruit her.


Warden Yrame was added to the game in the Spring Molting update. Prior to this version, the warden of Joppa was a creature called Warden Ualraig. Yrame shares many similarities with Ualraig, including mutations and equipment. In comparison to Warden Yrame, this older iteration of Joppa's warden was less developed as a character. He only had only one line of dialogue:

Warden Ualraig

Ain't dey wishin' the heart keep pumpin'? Move 'long if dey do.

[1] ... [End]

His description was "Big Ualraig shifts his weight between his hind and forelegs. He shakes dander off the chipped surface of the great curling horns that splay from his temples. One hand holds a purring blade. The other, lame and frostbitten, reminds us that while Mother Nature may bestow splendid gifts upon her children, she is still sister to Cruelty."

Caution: This article or section contains unverified speculation and should not be considered canonical.

Regarding the changes to Joppa's warden in the Spring Molting update, Caelyn Sandel, a writer for Caves of Qud, has stated that in writing Yrame she intended to "ensure that the interpretation of her as the same person as Ualraig would remain valid"[2] and that "just in my unofficial opinion Yrame used to go by Ualraig."[3] She has also stated that she also wanted to leave room for alternative interpretations where Ualraig may be a separate character who "may yet live in the world."[4] Under the former interpretation, as the previous iteration of the warden's gender was male, this would mean Yrame is trans.[5]


This information is reliable as of patch
  1. 1.0 1.1 ObjectBlueprints.xml
  2. Discord Message by Caelyn Sandel in the official Caves of Qud Discord:"it was my intention in writing Yrame to ensure that the interpretation of her as the same person as Ualraig would remain valid. It is, after all, my headcanon too." "link
  3. Verbatim Discord Message by Caelyn Sandel in the official Caves of Qud Discord, sent at 8:14 PM on Monday, September 16, 2024 (GMT): link
  4. Discord message by Caelyn Sandel in the official Caves of Qud Discord: "but an interpretation where Yrame has replaced Ualraig, who may yet live in the world, is a valid read too" link
  5. Discord message by Caelyn Sandel in the official Caves of Qud Discord: "My headcanon is the trans narrative but I want to expressly leave room for other interpretations" link