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This content is no longer available in the game, but is preserved here for historical interest.
This article has information that is missing or not up to par.
Reason: Seek information on the scrapped Glow-Wight quest described on Elder Irudad's conversation page. Also, which secrets have the "Girsh" tag?.
Water Ritual Liquid


Initial Player



Girsh: Love100 Reputation
Cannibals: Neutral0 Reputation
Others: Hate-100 Reputation

in Learning


in Sharing


Old?Whether this faction existed during the
sultanate, which determines if they:
  • can be obliterated
  • can be fabricated
  • can be Cherubim
  • no

    ID?Use this ID to Wish for faction reputation
    Example: factionrep:Glow Wights:100

    Glow Wights

    Glow-Wights were a faction in Qud that has since been reworked and rewritten into the Gyre Wights faction. Like the current Gyre Wights, they reveled in chaos and mutation, and believed that the Girsh provided a path towards this.

    Legendary Glow-Wight heroes and their entourages would appear randomly in zones using a different method than how random faction encounters are currently handled.[1]

    In Combat

    All Glow-Wights had natural weapons. Glow-wight apotheotes used two glinted nail claws and one set of filed fangs, while all other Glow-Wights had two bloody claws and a carnivorous maw. The bloody claws of a glow-wight cultist of Agolgut dealt 1d6 damage, while those of a glow-wight cultist of Bethsaida dealt 1d7 damage. All Glow-Wights except the apotheote had the Short Blade skill.

    Non-legendary Glow-Wights had a 50/50 chance of carrying one melee weapon and one piece of armor through the HumanoidEquipment Dynamic Inherits Tables.[2] Glow-Wight heroes were given equipment through a separate process; their equipment had a bonus likelihood of having one or more item mods. Additionally, Glow-Wight heroes received skills, stat boosts, or mutations based on the parts of their title.[3][4]

    Creatures in the Glow-Wights Faction

    Items that affect Glow-Wight Reputation

    No results


    In the course of completing What's Eating the Watervine?, Elder Irudad described the Glow-Wights as "maniacal fools [who] worship the Girsh Nephilim as gods." Q Girl also wrote the following of the Glow-Wights in From Entropy to Hierarchy:

    The ethos of the Glow-Wights is chaotic self-indulgence, antipathy to kinship, and mutagenic excess. They billow like an excited gas, smashing into each other as often as anyone else, and peeling bits of order from the entities they pillage. They are enactors of senseless violence.



    1. PopulationTables.xml - ver. 204.108 zone template "BossEncounter" populations
    2. PopulationTables.xml - ver. 204.108
    3. AgolgotHero1.cs - ver. 204.108
    4. BethsaidaHero1.cs - ver. 204.108