
From Caves of Qud Wiki
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Caves of Qud contains 67 factions that are persistent across playthroughs, as well as many other procedurally generated factions that are unique to each playthrough, such as sultan cult factions and village factions. The NPCs of Qud belong to various factions and have varying starting reputation with the player character. Based on these reputations and individual creature demeanor, some will attack on sight, while others will remain neutral unless provoked.


Main article: Reputation
  • Hostile- Actively trying to attack the player. Cannot be spoken to for water rituals or conversations.
  • Neutral- Has no major feeling either way. Will become hostile if purposefully struck.
  • Friendly- If the creature that the faction is friendly to is attacked, all members will turn hostile towards the attacker.
Reputation Demeanor Other
Docile Neutral Aggressive
-600 Hostile Hostile Hostile
-599 to -250 Neutral Hostile Hostile
-249 to 249 Neutral Neutral Hostile Neutral demeanors will also be hostile in Holy Places
250 to 599 Friendly Friendly Friendly Creatures that can be pet will be allowed to be pet
600 Friendly Friendly Friendly

Water Ritual

Main article: Water Ritual

The water ritual can be initiated with most non-hostile legendary creatures via the dialogue box and is one of the primary ways of manipulating reputation. Killing a creature you have initiated the water ritual with will cause you character to become an oathbreaker, giving them -100 to -200 reputation with every faction.

Main Choices

Option Cost Result
I have a secret to share with you. +50 Give any secret that the faction is interested in finding.
I have some gossip that may interest you. +100 Give any gossip that the faction is interested in hearing.
Share a secret with me, water-sib. -50 The creature shares a secret that their faction is interested in sharing.
I would ask you to join me, water-sib. -(12 * (Creature's Level - Player's Level) + 200) or 50, whichever is higher Recruits that creature to be your follower. Unlike Beguiling or Proselytize, the player character can have an infinite number of concurrent followers through this method.
Live and drink, water-sib. 0 Ends the water ritual.

List of Factions

A list of all visible factions that are persistent across playthroughs (click headers to sort ascending/decending):
Toggle columns: Water Ritual Liquid - Recipe Taught

Faction Initial Player Reputation Skill Taught Recipe Taught Water Ritual Liquid Shares Secrets About Interested In Learning
Faction Initial Player Reputation Skill Taught Recipe Taught Water Ritual Liquid Shares Secrets About Interested In Learning
antelopes 0 Water water weeps cat lairs water weeps cat lairs
apes 0 Conk Water insect lairs ape lairs the lair of Oboroqoru insect lairs ape lairs
arachnids -475 Lunge Water insect lairs haberdashers insect lairs haberdashers
baboons -300 Water baboon lairs gossip baboon lairs gossip
baetyls 0 Water all sultans all sultans sultan tomb inscriptions
Barathrumites 0 Tinkering The Porridge Water ruins the location of Stopsvalinn templar lairs ruins templar lairs
bears -475 Water honey weeps ichor merchants honey weeps ichor merchants
birds 0 Water gossip gossip
cannibals -500 Butchery Blood humanoid settlements humanoid lairs humanoid settlements humanoid lairs
cats -300 Acrobatics Water settlements settlements
Chavvah 0 Tomorrowful Crystal Delight Water moon stair Ptoh oddities
Children of Mamon -600 Blood goatfolk settlements jungle locations goatfolk settlements
Consortium of Phyta -10 Snake Oiler Water Consortium lairs location of the Glowpad Merchant gossip dromad merchant locations humanoid merchant locations
crabs -475 Calloused Water underground locations underground locations
cragmensch -500 Water mountain locations mountain locations
Cult of the Coiled Lamb 0 Physic Water
Daughters of Exile 0 Repair Water secrets about rebekah sultan tomb propaganda
denizens of the Yd Freehold 0 Spicer Tongue and Cheek Water Lake Hinnom Palladium Reef technology oddities settlements historic sites
dogs 300 Water humanoid settlements humanoid settlements
dromad merchants 0 Water dromad merchant locations salt dunes locations humanoid merchant locations consortium locations
equines 0 Longstrider Water flower fields locations desert canyon locations flower fields locations desert canyon locations
Farmers' Guild 0 Water humanoid settlements
Fellowship of Wardens -150 Shield Water settlements settlements
fish -400 Swimming Water river locations river locations
flowers 0 Persuasion Water Flower Fields locations Flower Fields locations
frogs -475 Jump Water insect lairs insect lairs
fungi 0 Water fungal forests settlements
Girsh -800 Cloning draught moon stair locations moon stair locations
Glow-Wights -650 Blood Girsh Girsh
goatfolk -475 Butchery Water jungle locations jungle locations
grazing hedonists 0 Water water weeps wine weeps cider weeps water weeps wine weeps cider weeps
Gyre wights 0 Water Girsh lairs Nephilim cradles Girsh lairs
hermits -100 Berate Water books books
highly entropic beings 0 Warm static everything
hindren of Bey Lah -200 Mah Lah Soup Water flower fields locations flower fields locations
insects -475 Water flower lairs flower fields locations flower lairs flower fields locations
Issachari tribe -475 Weathered Water salt dune locations salt dune locations
Mechanimists 0 Proselytize Water technology ruins historic sites gunsmiths robot lairs technology ruins historic sites gunsmiths robot lairs
Merchants' Guild 0 Water merchants gossip merchants gossip
mollusks -475 Slime slime bogs salt weeps bird lairs slime bogs salt weeps bird lairs
mopango -150 Bone Babka Water technology rust bogs technology
mysterious strangers 0 Akimbo Water oddities everything
Naphtaali tribe -350 Water jungle locations jungle locations robot lairs
newly sentient beings 0 Water everything
oozes -550 Water slime bogs weeps slime bogs weeps
pariahs 0 Trash Divining Water Settlements gossip Water weeps recipes technology
Putus Templar -700 Water Cybernetic nook locations historic sites anything except ruins technology historic sites sultan history cybernetic nook locations
robots -475 Iron Mind Oil technology the locations of ruins the locations of historic sites all sultans the location of rust bogs sultan tomb inscriptions sultans they admire or despise
roots -475 Wilderness Lore: Jungles Water underground locations underground locations
Seekers of the Sightless Way -500 Self-discipline Water the Darkling Star the Darkling Star
snapjaws -475 Water the location of Stopsvalinn snapjaw settlements pig farms apple farms
succulents 0 Fasting Way Water salt dunes locations salt dunes locations
Sultan cult -500 Water
svardym -475 Jump Water the plagues of the Gyre insect lairs
swine -475 Water pig farms pig farms
tortoises 0 Water
trees -300 Water all sultans sultans they admire or despise
trolls -475 Water storied items storied items
unshelled reptiles -475 Water insect lairs lava weeps insect lairs lava weeps
urchins -500 Water gel weeps gel weeps
villagers of Ezra 0 Customs and Folklore Goat in Sweet Leaf Water historic banana grove locations sultan history banana grove locations
villagers of Joppa -140 Harvestry Apple Matz Water apple farms pig farms salt marsh locations snapjaw settlements salt marsh locations
villagers of Kyakukya 0 Cooking and Gathering Mulled Mushroom Cider Water jungle locations robot lairs jungle locations
vines -475 Multiweapon Expertise Water
water barons 0 Snake Oiler Water water weeps settlements
winged mammals 0 Water fish lairs frog lairs fish lairs frog lairs
worms -475 Water underground locations underground locations

Hidden Factions

This article has information that is missing or not up to par.
Reason: What does it mean for a faction to be a child of another? Which factions are children of which other factions?

There are also factions that are ordinarily hidden from the player in-game, but visible factions are children of these factions. Because they were not intended to be encountered in game, they are not water ritualable.

A list of all visible factions (click headers to sort ascending/decending):

Faction Initial Player Reputation
Faction Initial Player Reputation
Beasts -475
Humanoids -475
Plants -475
Playerneutral 0
Solos 0
Waydroids 0
Cherubim 0
Playerhater -300
Slumberlings -475