Physical defect |
-3 |
ID?Use this ID to wish for the mutation
(example: mutation:Amphibious ) |
Amphibious |
Reality DistortingReality distorting mutations
cannot be used under the effects of normality. |
no |
Infobox data from game version
Amphibious (D) is a physical defect that affects the player's thirst. It also provides a 100 point reputation bonus with frogs, and an unlisted 100 point bonus with svardym (though this bonus alone is not enough to bump the player into the next reputation bracket).
Amphibious creatures will thirst ~67% faster than creatures without Amphibious. By default, the player character needs to drink one dram of water every 500 turns. With Amphibious, this becomes a dram every 300 turns.
Amphibious players can use either the drink option or the pour option to hydrate themselves.
Amphibious creatures with glotrot cannot contaminate containers they drink from with putrescence when the automatically drink automation function is used. However, this is still possible when choosing to manually drink from a container. Amphibious creatures are also unable to vomit due to overdrinking.
Cosmetic Differences
Players with Amphibious have several cosmetic changes compared to players without.
When a player with Amphibious drinks water, the following message will be displayed:
You pour the water on yourself! You are now <Thirst level>. |
Additionally, the player's thirst levels will have different names:
Thirst Level (Default) | Thirst Level (Amphibious) |
Tumescent | Soaked |
Quenched | Wet |
Thirsty | Moist |
Parched | Dry |
Dehydrated! | Dessicated! |
Advantages and Disadvantages
- Grants 3 extra points to use during character creation
- Grants bonus reputation with Frogs and Svardym
- Easily counteracted with the Fasting Way skill
- Can be beneficial if the player has glotrot
- Dangerous for Callings that begin the game with little freshwater, if they are unable to find more quickly